PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT CARDICIS 3 Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project THINKING ABOUT THE CHALLENGES OF RECONSTRUCTION Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project GOV THINKING ABOUT THE CHALLENGES OF RECONSTRUCTION ORG COM IN RELATION WITH GOVERNANCE Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project THINKING ABOUT THE CHALLENGES OF RECONSTRUCTION IN RELATION WITH ICT4D ICTs FOR DEVELOPMENT Using information and communication technologies for development. Virtual communities, portals, metasites, databases, social networks … Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project HELP MAKE THE MOST OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE CHALLENGE OF RECONSTRUCTION Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project REBALANCING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CARIBBEAN Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project REBALANCING THE ROLE OF THE REMEMBERING SOLIDARITY CARIBBEAN DISASTER PREVENTION IMPORTANCE OF TAKING CULTURE INTO ACCOUNT Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project Becoming aware of the exceptional role of solidarity played by social networks on the Internet, and contributing to their coordination in the context of reconstruction. Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project QUI A PRIS LA MANIVELLE ? COORDINATING SOLIDARITY AT SOURCE Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project COORDINATION BETWEEN VIRTUAL NETWORKS AND FIELD NETWORKS Objectives of the CARDICIS 3 project C U L T U R E CARDICIS 3 Orientation of the CARDICIS 3 project $$$ $$$ Orientation of the CARDICIS 3 project - Small budget - Effect multiplied by the power of networks - Governance and ICTs - Culture and the Caribbean - Human networks and virtual networks THE CARDICIS CONTEXT CARDICIS • One identity: the Caribbean • One subject: the information society • One project: stages 1, 2, 3 • One approach: focus on culture • One process under way • One vision: Caribbean integration 1. CARDICIS IDENTITY 6. ONE VISION EXTRACTS FROM THE FIRST EVALUATION “Soy ahora un ser mucho más ancho desde la caribeneidad.” “How so many strangers could develop such a strong sense of common purpose so quickly?” “Hay un pequeño mundo roto por el lenguaje y el mar, y hay un supraespacio donde la unidad es necesaria y posible. De eso se trata CARDICIS. “ “How come it was able to come to life as necessary and lie dormant in between?” “ Il ne faut pas que la région soit noyée ou absorbée par la globalisation. ” “ Les TIC offrent le meilleur moyen à la Diaspora d'être "proche" à distance. ” “I have a greater sense that I might be able to do something about the things that concern me: empowerment “ ” “ Je pense maintenant que des réunions avec autant de participants, dans des codes culturels différents, peuvent être efficaces, arriver à quelque chose… ” STAGES CARDICIS 1: WORKSHOP, SAINT LUCIA 9/2004 Work on shared identity aside from differences in language CARDICIS 2: WORKSHOP, JUAN DOLIO 12/2006 Recommendations and action plan CARDICIS 3: REGIONAL PROJECT FOR PUBLIC POLICIES – SUSPENDED Work on public policies CARDICIS 3: FOR HAITI Work for governance and reconstruction CARDICIS 3 : PHASES 1- Preparatory phase January 2010 - June 2010 2- Workshop: production of an action plan with defined activities 21-25 June 2010 3- Implementation phase of the action plan produced by the workshop July 2010 – July 2011 CARDICIS 3: WORKSHOP 21-25 JUNE 2010 MORNING 21 OPENING INTRODUCTION AFTERNOON CROSS-CUTTING THEMES THEMES IN PLENARIES EVENING HAITIAN DINNER FILM CLUB À LA CARTE INFORMAL DISCUSSION ABOUT THE HAITIAN SITUATION (AWARENESS-RAISING) 22 SHORT PLENARY FOR METHOD/ORGANIZATION THEN 3 PARALLEL GROUPS 3 PARALLEL GROUPS 23 SHORT PLENARY FOR FEED-BACK/CHANGES 3 PARALLEL GROUPS PLENARY DEBATE AFTER PRESENTATION OF THE CONCLUSIONS OF EACH GROUP 24 PLENARY GENERAL SUMMING-UP PRODUCTION OF ACTION PLAN & RECOMMENDATIONS PREPARATION OF PUBLIC MEETING EVALUATION SESSION 25 PUBLIC MEETING DOMINICO-HAITIAN CULTURAL EVENING (RELAXATION) DOMINICAN DINNER VIDEO ON THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (IN HONOUR OF THE HOST COUNTRY) FIRST DAY 9.15 a.m. - OPENING • Latin Union, Francophonie, UNESCO, GHRAP, FUNREDES • Video on the Haitian disaster • Introductory address by Olabiyi Yaï (UNESCO) 10.30 a.m. - INTRODUCTION • Presentation of the dynamic processes underway for reconstruction • Presentation of current solidarity initiatives • Presentation of the CARDICIS project (stages 1andt 2) • Presentation of the objectives of CARDICIS 3, methodology, website design, and products expected from the meeting, presentation of facilitators 2 p.m. FIRST PLENARY • Debate on the conservation of the memory of Caribbean solidarity towards Haiti: why, what and how (1 hour) • Debate on the establishment of a specific methodology, and the instruments and mechanisms needed to exercise and monitor new forms of governance characterized by the proactive participation and commitment of the different social sectors concerned, with the support of ICTs and social networks — in particuliar those of the region. (1 hour) • Raising awareness of the cross-cutting themes: Needs expressed directly by society – report of the meeting in Port-au-Prince and debate (1 hour) Lesson learnt for disaster prevention in the Caribbean - presentation and debate (45 minutes) Importance of consistency with the people’s culture in the reconstruction effort - presentation and debate (1 hour) THEMES CROSS-CUTTING THEMES (3) •Caribbean culture •Disaster prevention in the Caribbean •Needs expressed directly by Haitian society WORKING THEMES IN PLENARY (3) Conservation, record, background of the solidarity effort of the Caribbean Analysis of ongoing reconstruction work Methodology, instruments and mechanisms for new forms of governance characterized by participation THEMES WORK IN GROUPS (3 THEMES) 1- Involvement of Haitian society in the public policies to be adopted for the reconstruction of Haiti and in the priority projects to be identified. 2- Contribution of ICT4D to better coordinate initiatives among themselves. 3- Contribution of ICT4D to better coordinate initiatives carried by social networks on the Internet with the human networks of Haitian civil society. PARTICIPANTS 6 GROUPS OF EXPERTS OF 4/5 PEOPLE WITH PROFILES ¼ Governance x ¾ ICT4D: Haiti, Haitian diaspora, Dominicanie, Caribbean, Rest of the world + INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION GROUP (OIF, UNESCO, Latin Union, ISOC, ICT4PEACE…) EXPECTED PRODUCTS WEBSITE WITH CONTENTS FOR MEMORY AND EXTERNAL COORDINATION COORDINATION MECHANISM FOLLOW-UP GROUP