All The Kings Men Author: Robert Penn Warren

By Westen
About The Author
Penn Warren
•Born April 24, 1905 and died
September 15, 1989
•He is the founder of the new
criticism {which is the structure
and nature of poetry}
•Also a charter member of the
Fellowship of Southern Writers
•Founded the Southern review
with Cleanith Brooks 1935
•Won the Pulitzer Prize for
Poetry in 1958 and 1979 and the
Pulitzer Prize for novels in 1947.
•He is the only man to have won
both Pulitzer prize for both
poetry and novel
Before the blacks had
rights but after U.S.A
became free. The book
keeps us informed of
the dates.
In the south but the
majority of the story is
in Louisiana.
All the Kings Men [1946]
New and selected poems [1923-1986]
Understanding Poetry [1960]
Night rider[1939]
World enough and time[1999]
The cave[1959]
Theme is corruption
,truth and
Tone=hopeful and
Language – old
This book is about a journalist/historian named jack burden.
He writes for the capitals news paper, but later on decides to
work for a Politian [Willie Stark] that he thinks is a great
man. Willie decides to put jack as a historian and his main
job is to find things to blackmail or intimidate his
competition. His assignment ends up being judge Irwin.
Judge Irwin was a father figure. After 7 months of searching
he discovers that judge Irwin was in a scandal with a former
governor Joel Stanton. Who has two kids Adam and Anne,
who are old childhood friends with jack. jack does not want
to tell them but Willie told him to do it. Willie wants him to
do it so that Adam a great surgeon will become the director
of willies hospital. In the end of the matter Adam ends up
saying yes and Anne ends up becoming a mistress to Willie.
When jack found that out he felt betrayed because he has
been in love with Anne since they were teenagers. Jack
realizes he is responsible for this.
Sam Macmurfee willies rival threatens Willie that he will tell the
world about willies son having a illegitimate child. Willie realizes
that he could blackmail the judge to silence the threat and sends
jack to convince him, but when jack tells the judge what is
happening the judge kills himself. When Willie hears this he is
outraged and decides to try one last scheme. One of Sam’s dear
friends is a contractor and really wants the hospital job, so Willie
makes him a deal, that if he can make Sam withdrawal his threat
then he can have the hospital job. So Sam takes back his threat .
Willie finds out that his son got paralyzed in a football game
which makes him look back on his life he the decides to cancel the
hospital. Tiny Duffy is furious when she found this out because
she set it up To get back at Willie she tells Adam that the only
reason he became the director is because his sister is willies
mistress. After hearing that Adam is furious and goes and shoots
Willie and the gets shoot by willies bodyguards. After hearing
about this Jack decides to reexamine his life. In the end of it all
jack ends up marrying Anne and writing a biography of a man
whose tragic experience in the civil war has the similar sense of
responsibility to history as jack.
Jack Burden
He’s a Politian's
journalist for
Willie Stark.
He is confused
about his past
Is not responsible
in the beginning
but after he figures
out that he ended
up black mailing
his own father
figures out
Loves Anne
Stanton marries
her in the end
•Willie Stark
•Governor of
unidentified state
•He is very complex
uses intimidation and
black mail to get his
•I feel he is the
antagonist of the story
Adam Stanton
A surgeon
Childhood friend
of jack
Denied hospital
offer by Willie stark
Killed Willie for
having an affair
with his sister
Dies by willies
body guards
I thought this book was very interesting I have
never read a book like this one with so many
tragedies but still managing a happy ending.
This was a great book.