Suzanne Thomas January 2014

Design and Technology
•Investigate and research some of the world’s most
famous skyscrapers and develop an understanding of
different designs, materials and structures (concrete core
vs steel frames etc) using Jenga Brick structures
compared with tubular news paper structures.
•Investigate and compare skyscrapers of the past and
present – Chicago v UAE.
•Investigate comparative strength of structures and
frame shapes (e.g. rectangular frames compared with
triangulation) using modelling kits .
•To investigate different structures and understand that
structures can fail and experiment with different ways to
strengthen, stiffen and reinforce complex, large or tall
•Design a scale model of a skyscraper, creating annotated
sketches, cross sectional plans and exploded diagrams of
detailed design.
•Build model skyscraper using different cutting, joining
and decorating techniques to ensure an accurate finish
•Investigate and select from a variety of materials
according to functional and aesthetic properties..
•Evaluate work in progress and final model against own
criteria and consider views of others to improve work.
•Investigate and compare the work of architects
including Lloyd Henry Sullivan (designer of Prudential
Building, NYC 1892) and Adrian Smith (Chief architect
Burj Khalifa 2010.
Data handling and statistics . Generate charts and
graphs to interpret and present data relating to
distribution of skyscrapers around the world and
growth in number of skyscrapers in key cities such
as Dubai and Shanghai in recent years.
Understanding scale
•Use reading to research key characteristics of
skyscrapers, famous skyscrapers, biographical
information about famous architects and skyscraper
•Present designs to class – along with PowerPoint/Photo
Story written presentation.
•Non-chronological report – Key facts about Skyscrapers
•Journalistic – Write and present news reports to
announce the building of a new skyscraper.
•Balanced argument/discussion – take part in debate
regarding building of a new skyscraper. Identify points
for and against, write letter and short essay to persuade.
•Poetry – Investigate and compare how different poets
use imagery to present urban environments in their
work and write own poems.
•Towering Giants and other Tall Mega structures (Ian
•ST own texts
•City Jungle (Pie Corbett)
•Last Night I saw the city breathing
Using web research and databases to compare
Create video presentations using either photo story
or PowerPoint to present ideas regarding their own
Use online information to research work of key
Architectural design drawing.
Study the work of a famous architect.
Suzanne Thomas January 2014
Forces – investigate strength of different
Investigate the patterns of distribution of skyscrapers
and skyscraper cities across the world.
Research urban settlement patterns and compare
experiences of two contrasting cities (eg Chicago and
Dubai) including the research of key physical and
human characteristics of each settlement.
Use atlases and maps to identify patterns of
distribution using key vocabulary to describe locations,
including use of 6-figure grid references.
Revisit use of chloropleth maps to present data
relating to human factors and create maps of world
using own keys.
Non-linked subjects:
MFL – French
RE – Is life a journey?
PE – Gymnastics and dance
PSHE – Say no to bullying
Opportunities to write:
• Geographical report /visitors guide –
Dubai/Chicago• Presentation – Skyscraper design to be
presented to planning authority
• Non-chronological report – The Sky Tower
(fictional skyscraper)
• News report – Shart/Burj
Khalifa/imaginary tower
• Poetry
• Balanced argument/discussion