Fractals An MAT Graduate Project By, Linda Johnson Fractals – What are they? ▲The term fractal comes from the Latin fractus (broken). A fractal is an object that displays selfsimilarity at any magnification. The Mandelbrot Set Julia Sets The Sierpinski Triangle The Koch Curve/Snowflake L-Systems ▲The Dragon Curve or The Jurassic Park Fractal How are Fractals Used? Other Applications ▲Estimate coastlines ▲Authenticate drip paintings ▲Stock prices on wall street ▲Image compression ▲Models for the branching structure of plants Lesson Plans ►I have researched and categorized web-sites that have lesson plans for teaching fractals. ►Copies are included in the paper and links are included on the digital format of the project. Lesson Plan Links 1. Cynthia Lanius’ Fractals Unit, 2. Fractals and Introduction, o.shtml 3. Geometricarts, actals 4. The Jurassic Park Fractal, aterials/JurassicParkFractal.html 5. 108 Fractal Lesson Plans Reviewed by Teachers, Math/Fractals