Volunteers: Intentional & Motivated…
Empowering Women for Ministry
www.lifeway.com/women • LifeWay Christian Resources
Copyright © 2008 Janet Peavyhouse. All rights reserved
People in local churches are
responding and want to serve.
What is your plan????
• Has a vision been cast?
• Is it clearly articulated?
• Who sanctions or blesses the volunteers in your
• How do you train volunteers…???
• Motivate volunteers???
• How important is talent?
• Ability?
• Commitment to Christ?
• Tenure in your church?
“Could people possibly feel more
significant than when they
are worshipping Jesus
through acts of service”
Simply Strategic Volunteers
“If the church is going to sustain
growth for the long haul, it’s
because its people understand how
God has wired them to serve in
areas they are passionate about.”
Simply Strategic Volunteers
Be Intentional…….
• Definition: Done on
purpose not by accident.
Deliberate, planned on
purpose, thought out
thoroughly with intent of
following through
What kind of people do you want?
What kind of “net” are you using to
get what you want?
How Did Jesus Recruit?
Luke 12:49-53
The Recruitment Principles
and Practices of Jesus…
Jesus on recruitment……
• Jesus demonstrated
• Jesus took his time to fill
the roster
• Jesus recruited by vision
• Jesus gave a personal
• Jesus walked the walk
• Jesus made everything a
matter of prayer--including recruitment
• Jesus seized
• Jesus talked about
Jesus on recruitment (Cont.)
• Jesus required
commitment not just
• Jesus went after good
• Jesus let his volunteers
do recruiting
• Jesus demonstrated how
to do ministry!!!!
Jesus demonstrated how to do ministry……
If you are telling people how to do
their jobs without showing them you
will have…
Three Problems
1. Quality will suffer.
2. People will be confused.
3. People will think they are trained when
they are not.
Jesus on recruitment (Cont.)
• Jesus coached and corrected volunteers
• Jesus expected results
• Jesus entered into relationship with volunteers
Let’s Motivate…
Definition: To make somebody feel enthusiastic,
interested and committed
to something…inspired,
stimulated, prompted and
There are four truths you must
passionately believe before
your volunteers will ever
become leaders in your
women’s ministry.
Truth #1
God has promised
to meet all our
Truth #2
Every Christian
is called to
do ministry.
Truth #3
Every Christian
has at least
one gift to share.
Traps in sharing gifts…
Traps in Sharing Gifts
Trap one: People may not know who they
are in Christ.
Trap two: People may not know there is a
place for them.
Trap three: People don’t think they are
good enough to do ministry.
Truth #4
Every Christian
has a particular
function in the
Body of Christ.
Moving your volunteers in a
“career” ministry
“To keep volunteers long term
you’ve got to give them more
than just jobs- they need
careers that involve significant
Define “career”
James, John
& Mom
Matthew 20:20-28
When you are
talking about a
“career” it is simply
a progression
of jobs that keep
someone growing and
It’s what gives people who have
been faithful in small things the
chance to be faithful
in bigger things.
How to move and motivate a
“career” volunteer…
1. Let them serve in small capacities so
you can get to know them better.
2. Work with that person to develop
their skills.
3. Train them.
How to move and motivate a
“career” volunteer…
4. Check with the volunteer on what
the Lord is telling them.
Everyone Needs A Job Description
“Volunteers can not be
successful if they are not
sure what to do.”
Volunteers that Stick
By Jim Wideman
Here’s what a job description does
for a big, small or somewhere in
between church.
• It shows people you
have thought things through…
• It helps you figure out whom
you really need…
Here’s what a job description does
for a big, small or somewhere in
between church.
• It gives you something to go
through with a volunteer when
you interview them…
• It is helpful when you
are evaluating them later…
Want Your Volunteer to Stick???
Then make sure they’re the
right person, in the right place,
at the right time, for the right
• “Simply Strategic Volunteers”
by Tony Morgan
• “Volunteers that Stick”
by Jim Wideman
• “If You Want to Walk on Water You’ve Got to Get
Out of the Boat” by John Ortberg
• “The Proper Care and Feeding of Church
Volunteers” by Gary Petri
• “Motivating Volunteers in the Local Church” by
Leslie Parrott
www.lifeway.com/women • LifeWay Christian Resources
Copyright © 2008 Janet Peavyhouse. All rights reserved