LSP Review 2013

David Palmer
Head of Policy
& Review
 Last review 2009.
 This review requested by Leader and Chief Executive
of Wealden DC.
 Wealden reviewing all its partnership working in
order to ensure what we do adds value and makes
the best use of limited resources.
 Review Objective : To understand its value and
identify opportunities to ensure that the partnership
is clearly focused, and working effectively to deliver
the outcomes that matter most, in the most cost and
time effective manner.
 Survey
 Consultation
 Four focus groups
 Reviewed achievements
 Meetings with Chair and Leader
 Whether the LSP was clearly focussed
 Was it working ef fectively to deliver the outcomes that matter
in the most cost and time ef fective manner
 How well we evaluate LSP achievements
 How ef fectively the LSP delivers or facilitates outcomes
 The value of the LSP to other organisations
 How we identify opportunities to make beneficial changes
 The future role of the LSP, functions and membership
Strong support for the LSP
If we didn’t have an LSP we’d create something like it
Majority view that it has met, or partially met its objectives
LSP not visible in the community
Arguably most ef fective when dealing with the LDF but
potentially lost the interest of some partners
 Needs to be more strategic
 Needs clear leadership
 Prosperity (Economy and Employment) emerged as most key
issue, but housing and transport still a high priority
Continuity of partnership working
Re-formation as a strategic body of decision makers
Review the aims and objectives - stronger focus on delivery
Membership needs to be relevant and fit for [new] purpose
Need to be more strategic – develop a forward plan based on
agreed priorities, including some specific projects
Leadership and ownership needs to be clearer
Future work around issues rather than themes
Development of sub-groups as “champions”
Outcomes need to be clearer, measurable, visible
The partnership needs to promote itself better
 Report to Wealden DC Cabinet in May
B a s e d o n t h i s r e p o r t a n d t a k i n g t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s fo r wa r d
 Establish new and emerging priorities for the partnership
Reflecting wider par tner ambitions for the Wealden area – a new par tnership vision
 Determine core membership / governance (leadership)
Who is a strategic par tner and who is a valued contributor in this new world
 Set forward plan / projects
Delivering the vision / ambition for the Wealden area using shared resources
 Review branding for, and awareness of partnership
“ The Wealden Par tnership”? Who are we? What do we do? Why? How is our working together
improving the quality of life in Wealden? Communicating what we do and securing