What is social capital?

What is
and where do
you find it?
Check in question!
What idea brought
you here today?
What is social
 Social capital can be described as
networks (together with shared
norms, values and understandings)
which facilitate cooperation with or
amongst groups.
 In other words social capital comes
from developing and maintaining
relationships that allow people to
work together and share resources
to take advantage of opportunities
and address issues.
Why is social capital
Social capital differs from other types of
capital because it is relational and cannot be
the property of any one individual.
Social capital is produced by people
investing time and effort. It is the result of
historical, cultural and social factors which
give rise to social relations, values and
norms that bring people together in
networks which result in collective action.
Social capital is central to building
What are the forms
of social capital?
 At the community level social
capital exists in at least three
 bonding
 bridging
 linking
What are the forms of social capital?
Exercise 1
Time for a chat….
Remain in the big group and talk about this
“What do you think the video was saying about
social capital and its forms?”
What is bonding?
 Bonding refers to the relationships that we have with
people who are like us.
 This can include the connections among members of
families, people who share a common interest and ethnic
 These people are important because they share a
common connection that can bring them together.
What is bridging?
 Bridging’ refers to the relationships we have with people
who are not like us.
 This may be people who are from a different social
background, from a different generation or a different
cultural group.
 These people are important because they bring new
ideas, perspectives and solutions.
What is linking?
 Linking social capital refers to the
relationships people have with those in
 Linking social capital enables individuals
and community groups to make use of
resources, ideas and information from
formal institutions that might be outside
the community.
 These people are important because they
are often key decision makers.
What keeps social capital
The features that are important to building and
maintaining social capital are:
Space and time to connect
Opportunities for genuine participation
Mere presence is not enough.
Social capital takes a great deal of time and
effort to slowly build but can be quickly lost if
the networks and relationships are broken.
Exercise 2
Time for another chat….
Divide into groups of four around the room. In your group
share stories that illustrate the three forms of social capital:
bonding, bridging and linking.
Record on the paper:
“What did you learn about the forms of social capital
from these stories?”
Time for a break!
Where do you find it?
One way to identify the social capital in a
community is to use asset mapping.
Asset mapping is a process of capturing
opportunities that occur naturally within a
community for the betterment of that
community. A community is a group of
people brought together by something they
have in common such as geography,
demographics or interest. Skills, talents,
experience (professional and/or personal),
resources, leadership and networks are
assets that individuals may bring to a
Where do you find it?
The map of community assets provides a
list of potential planning participants.
These can include:
 Individuals
 Groups that already operate within the
community such as churches,
educational establishments, aged care
services, emergency departments,
hospitals and libraries.
 Local, State and Federal
Governmental institutions,
small/medium businesses and
telecommunication corporations.
 People can be assets….
….Parks, recreational facilities, real
estate, commerce districts and utilities
companies can be assets too.
Social capital and
people with disabilities
Family/parent participation and
advocacy in the lives of people who
are just developing their own means of
mobilising social capital is vitally
Social capital involves developing and
maintaining as many connections,
outside the person’s primary social
network, as possible.
Connecting to and/or joining important
social structures (e.g. volunteer
organisations, advocacy associations
and work related groups.) is of critical
importance to developing friendships
and accessing different social support
Mobilising Social Capital
Scott and Daniel’s Story
The next video tells the story of Scott and Daniel
and their transition from group home living to selfdirecting their funds and support. As you watch
this video think about:
“How do you think the bonding, bridging and
linking forms of social capital were mobilised
so that Scott and Daniel could achieve their
dream of living in their own home.”
Exercise 3
Time for another chat….
Divide into groups of four around the room. In your group
discuss this question:
“How do you think the ‘bonding’, ‘bridging’ and
‘linking’ forms of social capital were mobilised so that
Scott and Daniel could achieve their dream of living in
their own home?”
Tell your own stories
In the large group share your own stories:
“What examples can you think of from
your own day to day life that demonstrate
using social capital in its bonding,
bridging and linking forms?”
Check out question!
“What idea will you take away
with you from this session?”
The information contained in this PowerPoint was compiled from the following sources:
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2002). Social Capital and Social Wellbeing. Canberra:
Australian Bureau of Statisitcs.
Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. R. (ed), Handbook of theory and research
for the sociology of education (pp. 241-258). New York: Greenwood Press.
Gotto, G. S., Calkins, C. F., Jackson, L., Walker, H., & Beckmann, C. (2010). Accessing
Social Capital: Implications for persons with disabilities. Kansas City: A National Gateway
to Self-Determination.
McKnight, J. L., & Kretzmann, J. P. (1996). Mapping Capacity. Retrieved May 28, 2013,
from ABCD Institute: http://www.abcdinstitute.org/docs/MappingCapacity.pdf
OECD. (2001). The Wellbeing of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital,
Education and Skills. Paris, France: OECD Centre for Educational Research and
Planning Tool Exchange. (2012). Asset Mapping Planning Tool Exchange. Retrieved May
28, 2013, from Planning Tool Exchange: http://www.planningtoolexchange.org/tool/assetmapping
US Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2010). Resources for Centers.
Retrieved May 28, 2013, from US Department of Housing and Urban Development:
Woolcock, M. (2000). Why should we care about social capital? Canberra: Canberra
Bulletin of Public Administration