Prayer, Faith, Pain and Suffering

Prayer: Faith, Pain and Suffering
James 5:13-18
Living Like you mean it.
James 5:113-18
An Introduction…
…because a passage taken out of context is
merely a pretext…
The next two weeks a mini series on
Prayer Faith suffering and Sickness
Living Like you mean it.
James 5:113-18
James’ concern a faith filled life so that our lives
reflect what we mean and what we believe.
Three purposes in our suffering:
1. Suffering is normal for the people of God.
2. Suffering brings about trials that brings us to
3. Suffering calls for patient, faithful living that
produces prayer within the family of God and the
Living Like you mean it.
James 5:113-18
5:13 Is anyone suffering?
Faith Response: Let him/her pray
5:13 Is anyone cheerful?
Faith Response: Let him praise God
Living Like you mean it.
James 5:113-18
5:14 Is anyone sick?
Faith Response: Call the elders to their home
Faith Response: let them pray.
Faith Response: anointing with oil in the
name of The Lord.
Living Like you mean it.
James 5:113-18
5:15 Two statements
Prayer offered in faith will restore
The Lord will raise them up
5:16 The effective prayer of a righteous man
avails much.
Living Like you mean it.
James 5:113-18
Faith—when it encounters the suffering of others
does not simply utter pious clichés but is actively
Faith—when it encounters suffering does not doubt
but waits patiently with one another for our Lord.