SECTOR-WIDE APPROACHES IN THE HEALTH SECTOR (IN UGANDA) KEY CHARACTERISTICS & CHALLENGES Dr. Martinus Desmet, MPN, WHO Country Office - Uganda 1 Content Common definitions of SWAp What SWAp really is (should be) Challenges Belgian contribution to SWAp 2 1. COMMON DEFINITIONS - from policy to policy - a process 3 SWAp’s - DEFINITIONS “All significant funding for the sector supports: - a single sector policy and expenditure programme - government leadership - adopting common approaches across the sector - progress towards relying on government procedures to disburse and account for all funds.” WHO (2000) “Sector-wide Approaches for Health Development” SWAp = a process: -broadening & deapening policy dialogue - more sector funds into co-ordinated arrangements - developing common procedures based on those of government ------> focus on the intended direction of change rather than just the level of attainment 4 2. WHAT SWAp REALLY IS (or should be) - not only funding - efficiency / effectiveness 5 ULTIMATE GOAL OF A Health SWAp ? “NOT ONLY A PROCESS” ULTIMATE PURPOSE ? INCREASE EFFICIENCY = INCREASED AND IMPROVED OUTPUT AT THE SAME COST 6 So: What are the keys in a Health SWAp to increase efficiency ? GOVT USE PARTNERSHIP FOR CONSENSUS BUILDING AROUND: 1) “SOLID PIECE” of POLICY - Evidence-based; based on ORGANISATIONAL PRINCIPLES for SERVICE DELIVERY 2) Common PLANNING devices - activity packages by level; 5-yr/1yr, incl. COSTING & FINANCING 3) ‘Adapted’ FUNDING arrangements (not only ‘common basket’) 7 Health SWAp keys for increased efficiency (Cont’d) 4) Reliable MONITORING - on input, process & output 5) Continuous EVALUATION mechanisms - at “Health District” & national level; regular meetings with all involved 6) Accountable resources MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING procedures. 8 3.CHALLENGES - Donors & Govt - Link with national budget frame & PRSP/PRSC - Decentralisation 9 1) GOVT & DONORS GOVERNMENT POLICY, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS NOT YET FULLY IN PLACE ACCOUNTABILITY ! LINKS WITH BROADER GOVT POLICIES, GOVT BUDGET PROCESS DONORS RELUCTANT TO GO INTO BUDGET SUPPORT (funding is not the only point) ‘MANAGERS’ MORE THAN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS DONORS + GOVERNMENT NEW CONCEPT, NEEDS INTERNALIZATION TOO MUCH ‘PROCESS-ORIENTED’ AT NATIONAL (DISTRICT ?) LEVEL NO KNOWLEDGE OF DONOR DEPENDENCY RATIO 10 2) LINK WITH NATIONAL BUDGET FRAME & PRSP/PRSC TRENDS IN HEALTH FINANCING MECHANISMS PROJECT VS SECTOR SUPPORT; OTHER SOURCES ? OVER TIME: ‘REMAINING’ % OF TOTAL BUDGET FROM PROJECTS ‘EXTRA-BUDGETARY’ / FUNDS UNACCOUNTED FOR. TENSION ‘SECTOR’ - ‘TOTAL’ GOVT BUDGET TOTAL GOVT BUDGET = OWN RESOURCES + HIPC I/II + OVERALL BUDGET SUPPORT + SECTOR-SPECIFIC BUDGET SUPPORT BUDGET ALLOCATION PROCESS: PARTICIPATORY GOVT / CIVIL SOC / DONORS / PARLIAMENT FUNGIBILITY OF DONOR FUNDS/ ROLE NATIONAL BANK DONOR DEPENDENCY RATIO ??? ESTABLISHMENT ‘POVERTY ACTION FUND’ = SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES IN DEFINED SECTORS FUNDED BY HIPC RETURNS + SPECIFIC DONOR CONTRIBITIONS (fungibility !). 11 2) LINK WITH NATIONAL BUDGET FRAME & PEAP PRSP/PRSC (2) IMPACT GLOBAL INITIATIVES NON-ADDITIONAL TO SECTOR BUDGET CEILING / “DISRUPTIVE” EXCHANGED AGAINST LESS TIGHT BUDGET COMPONENTS SWAp STRUCTURES: Mid-Term Review, Health Policy Advisory Committee, Health Development Partners Group NEED FOR CLOSE COLLABORATION BETWEEN TECHNICAL EXPERTISE, AND ‘POLITICAL/ DIPLOMATIC’ LEVELS OF REPRESENTATION’ OF DONOR COUNTRY E.g. Presidential proposal for budget cuts so as to cover extraordinary defense expenditure. / Presidential proposal to increase with 25% the No. Of districts. 12 2) LINK WITH NATIONAL BUDGET FRAME & PEAP PRSP/PRSC (3) PEAP / PRSP VERY BROAD ! Macro-economic; Governance; Income of the Poor; Quality of Life of the Poor Poor vs Non-poor ? FROM NATIONAL PLAN ----> PRSP ----> PRSC HEALTH SECTOR WITHIN “PILAR 4” OF POVERTY ERADICATION ACTION PLAN (“PEAP”) PEAP = PRSP PRSP AS THE BASIS FOR PRSC. OUTCOME OF HEALTH SWAp in PRSC PROCESS HSSP TARGETS AND MTR ‘UNDERTAKINGS’ USED AS BENCHMARKS IN THE POLICY MATRIX OF PRSC TO MONITOR PROGRESS MADE 13 4. CONTRIBUTION OF BELGIUM ? - NATIONAL - DISTRICT 14 Contribution of Belgium National level GOAL ?? (linked to sectors in Country Strategy Paper, Indicative Country Programme) Participation in SWAp structures (HAPC, HDP group, MTR, Working Groups, ICCs): WHO ? HOW ? Participation in PRSC process ? WHO ? HOW ? 15 Contribution of Belgium (2) District level GOAL ?? In district coordination structures (esp. When decentralised governments) WHO ? HOW ? In operational activities. WHO ? HOW ? 16 THANK YOU 17