RE Revision Religion and Community Cohesion

RE Revision
Religion and Community
Unit 2
Monday 12th May
Religion and Community
• A) What is a multi ethnic society 2
Religion and Community
• A) Multi ethnic society= Many
different races and cultures living
together 2
• Different races living together 2
• Lots of different races 1
Religion and Community
• B) Do you think women should have
equal rights in religion 4 marks
• Give 2 reasons for your point of view
Religion and Community
• B) Approval of equal religious rights
Teaching of Protestant Churches
The belief that women treated women as his equals
Religion does not practice what it preaches if it doesn’t accept
the equality of all people
Disapproval of equal religious rights
Teachings of the RC church on Jesus and apostolic succession
The Priest represents Jesus at Mass
God’s law is above human law
Other approaches are possible if valid
Religion and Community
• C) Explain why mixed faith marriages
can cause problems for religious
families (8marks)
Religion and Community
• C Explain why mixed faith marriages can cause problems
for religious families (8marks)
Often there can be no religious wedding ceremony because
the partners are from different faiths
Problem of death rituals
Parents may be concerned they will not see their children in
the afterlife
Problems of the raising of children and their faith
Some parents may feel betrayed and cut their children off
• Other approaches are valid
Religion and Community
• D) If everyone was religious there
would be no racism.
• In your answer you should refer to
• (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for
your opinion
• (ii) Give reasons why some people may
disagree with you
Religion and Community
• D) If everyone was religious there would be no racism 6
• Agree: Christian Teachings against racism e.g St Paul
• All made in the image of God Genesis
• St Peter’s vision of the animals in the basket
• Disagree: Evidence of racism in religius society e.g KKK
• Evidence of religious people being racist e.g some white
churches at time of Martin Luther King Civil Rights
• Evidence of religious people ignoring the teachings of the
Religion and Community
• A) What is racism 2 marks
Religion and Community
• A) Racism
• The belief some races are superior to
others 2
• Hating other races 2
• Treating other races badly 2
• Hating others 1
• An example of racism 1
Religion and Community
• B) Do people from a different
religion have a right to try and
convert you? 4 marks
• Give 2 reasons for your point of view
Religion and Community
B) Do people from a different religion have a right to try and convert you?
4 marks
It is part of the right to religious freedom
Exclusivists see it as their duty
Many religiosn see it as their right to convert e.g Christianity and Islam
In a multi faith society it is a form of prejudice
It can be classed as discriminating agaisnt those of a different faith
It can lead to violence and arguments when people are told their religion is
Other approaches are possible
Religion and Community
• C) Explain Christians should help
promote racial harmony (8marks)
Religion and Community
• C)
Explain why Christians should help promote racial harmony
Jesus treated people equally
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
The Golden Rule
St Peter’s vision: God has no favourites
All created in God’s image
All Christian churches have condemned racism
Religion and Community
• D) Women should have the same religious
rights as men. 6 marks
• In your answer you should refer to
• (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your
• (ii) Give reasons why some people may
disagree with you
Religion and Community
Women should have the same religious rights as men 6 marks
Agree: Any anti sexism argument
Christian teachings on equality of women
Some Christian Churches e.g Methodist have women as their leaders
Catholic teachings on men being ordained as Priests
Other Christian teachings on male religious leadership e.g St Paul Women
be silent in Church
The need to follow tradition even if if it discriminatory by modern
Other approaches are valid