Multimission Ground Systems and Services

Multimission Ground Systems & Services
MOS 2.0:
A View of the Next Generation in
Mission Operations Systems
Duane L. Bindschadler, Carole A. Boyles, Carlos Carrion, and Chris L. Delp
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Inst. Of Technology
Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Background
• Motivation
– Why architect and model
• Example – Process identification & modeling
• Example – Model-based approach to scenarios
• Future Work
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Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Multimission Operations
– A multi-mission operations capability is engineered so as
to require minimal work effort to adapt across the defined
range of customers (deep-space robotic missions). This
includes consideration across the lifecycle of the customer
and of the capability itself.
• Multiple success 1990 – early 2000’s
– Range of applicable missions limited
– Faster-better-cheaper (not maintainable long term)
• Competitive pressures motivate search for more
efficient methods
• Operations Revitalization Initiative will help to create
those methods
– Architected, model-based MOS 2.0
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MOS in Context
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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Why Architect & Model?
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Systems and enterprises have architectures,
whether or not they are explicitly documented
and maintained
• Architectural approaches identify and address
stakeholder concerns
– Enterprise-wide to very fine-grained
– Distinct viewpoints address concerns
• Model-based approaches enable
– More formal, explicit specification
– Management of complexity
– More evolvable systems
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Why Architect & Model?
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• ”Right" time to do it.
– MBSE/architecture initiatives and interest taking hold
at JPL and across NASA
– Standards are maturing
– Modeling tools are becoming able to support formal,
rigorous description of highly complex systems
– Piece-meal approaches have not been as effective as
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Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Less work effort in documenting
– Less time in Word or Powerpoint
• Increased focus on engineering design
• Improved ability to make accurate
predictions about the impact of changes
• Ability to model even complex processes
• Clearer path for automation
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Multimission Ground Systems & Services
Improving Space Operations Workshop
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Activity Model – high level
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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Activity Model – next level
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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Example: Scenarios
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
Concept and Technology Development Phase
• Assess requirements’ completeness
• Assist in identifying ‘missing’ requirements
• Validate requirement intent
• Identify operational (process) and software
• Identify constraints on mission operations and
assess operability
• Identify any outstanding issues
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Why Build Scenarios?
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
Preliminary Design and Technology Completion
• Documenting Science Goals
• Identifying Mission Operations Phases
• Identify Flight System and Ground System
• Baselines Science and Mission Capabilities
• Used in Support of Proposal and Cost efforts
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Scenario Process
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
Figure 2. Scenario development process.
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Scenario Tool Attributes
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Managing the Scenario Process-- The scenario tool was
designed with the intent to support the process owner in
facilitating the operations scenario process. The
attributes specific to managing the Scenario Process
Automatic email
Electronic Signatures
Action Items
Revision Capability
Copy Capability
Search capability on any field
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Scenario Tool Attributes
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Scenario Accessibility -- Scenarios are maintained in a
web accessible environment that provides a structured
set of scenario fields.
• Online Collaboration -- The scenario tool allows for
collaboration through the use of a comments field. The
comment is instantly visible.
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Scenario Tool Attributes
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Interleaving Requirements -- The scenario tool has the
ability to embed requirements into the scenario
• Linking to Interfaces -- Operational Interface Agreements
(OIA’s) are created to communicate agreements
between teams. With the Advanced Multi-Mission
Operations System (AMMOS) at JPL, the OIA’s are
maintained in a web based tool similar to the scenario
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Requirements in Context
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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Scenario Tool Attributes
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Copy a Scenario – The tool allows key fields of a
scenario be copied and stored for use on other missions.
• Revise a Scenario – Revision Capability helps supports
the lifecycle of a scenario by finalizing the scenario at
each key decision point in the lifecycle then assigning a
revision naming convention and moving forward key
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Next Steps
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Full lifecycle architecture for MOS 2.0
Development (~Phase A – D)
Deployment (transition from Development to Ops)
Operations (Phase E)
Continuous improvement and maintenance
• Flow-down of system level to development of
composable services
– Mission Planning & Sequencing
– Mission Control
– Other services follow
• Coordinate & unify with software-focused
architectural effort
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Multimission Ground Systems & Services
Backup Material
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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MOS Functional View
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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Goals and Objectives
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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Common Business Architecture
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Consist of
– Business Process
– High-level Information Architecture
• Related Products
– Unified information concepts (“timeline”)
– Uncover essential, unstated needs (reconciliation)
– Documented common conceptual processes
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Sustainability & Maintainability
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Information stored in a database, not individual
files or documents (Word, PowerPoint, Visio,
Excel, etc.)
– Leverage non-proprietary standards
– Multimission information in single source
– Less “re-inventing the wheel”
• Utilize models to impact and assess changes
– Allow for evolution of the system & its components
– Assess & impact changes needed for specific
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Ease of Adaptation
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Compose services at “right” level of granularity
• Make explicit relationships between software
and processes/procedures
• Create and maintain standard interface
– Facilitate creation of new or (when needed) missionunique capabilities
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Effective Capture of Knowledge Base
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Have already captured wealth of information via
operational scenarios
– See Delp & Carrion presentation 1500 Thurs in
Interoperability session
• As-Is portions of Architectural model
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System-Level Products
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• AMMOS system-level Operations Requirements
& Scenarios
• AMMOS Process Architecture and Design
– Team Charters and Functions (components)
– System-level process designs (components)
– Interface definitions (connections)
– AMMOS Operational Standards (constraints).
– Training standards and materials (constraints).
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Team-Level Products
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
• Team-level Ops requirements & scenarios
• Team Design Descriptions
– Team Processes, Procedures
– Operational Interface Agreements (OIAs)
• Team Management Plans
• Team Training Materials and Certification
• Designed with Project adaptation in mind.
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Proposed AMMOS Functionality
Multimission Ground Systems & Services
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