The Interactive Science Notebook Your New Best Friend! Unlocking Science Success Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) - Your own personalized DIARY of learning about science -A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & tests -A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be PLAYFUL AND CREATIVE in your responses without "messing up" your notes. -Allows you to work like a REAL SCIENTIST! What are Interactive Science Notebooks? A student thinking tool An organizer for inquiry questions and what I learned… A way to access and process the learning utilizing various modalities (writing, drawing, and discussion) A place for writing rough drafts based on hands-on learning A formative assessment tool for teachers TUSD Science Resource Center Interactive Science Notebook( ISN) Guidelines SCIENCE INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK will increase your understanding of science by: using writing as a process for discovery and synthesis of inquiry. modeling many enduring functions of scientists – recording information, data, and experimental diagrams. improving your ability to organize ideas and information to provide a study reference for each unit, as well as a resource to consult for review for tests, and even in high school as you sequence into Earth Science, Chemistry, Ecology, Biology, and Physics demonstrating to your teacher and parents your developing organizational skills, understanding of science concepts and ability to express thoughts and feelings in a variety of ways deepening the science skills acquired in prior years by application to 8th grade science “In a nutshell”... What is the rationale for using interactive science notebooks? Improve organization skills Improve critical thinking skills Express understanding creatively Record data Study for tests Record progress Communication Notebooks help us learn! Impact of Hands-on Science & Science Notebooks on Student Achievement Research shows that student understanding and literacy skills improve when students do hands-on minds-on science and use science notebooks to make sense of their science investigations. The Interactive science notebook is an effective teaching strategy because it turns student notebooks into meaningful and personalized records of learning. Think as a scientist… record as a scientist… and reflect as a scientist! D I A N F O S S E Y L E O D A V I N C I Required: One 8 ½ x 11-inch Mead 5-Star spiral notebook of at least 100 pages and 3 subjects or a similar generic brand with this criteria (This spiral should not be used for other subjects.) An alternative to this 100 page notebook would be to use one 50 page spiral notebook each trimester. Handouts and other teacher provided pages may be glued or clear taped in place so that both sides of each sheet are visible at all times. It is important for you to have your own glue stick at all times. Only certain pages will be glued in and the teacher will instruct the student of which ones. Organized in the same manner: right side for input (lecture notes, worksheets and informal labs) and the left side for output (drawings and reflections) Each student will have the same thing on the right side pages of their notebooks Left Side? Right Side? What Goes Where? Left Side Right Side Student Output Teacher Input/Content Blue or Black Ink/pencil Lots of Color The brain remembers things in color better. Concept Maps Drawings Reflective Writing Questions Data and Graphs Songs Poems Data from Experiments Cartoons or cartoon strips Foldables Information given in class Lecture Notes Informal Lab Activities Video Notes Summaries Textbook Notes Procedures for experiments Classroom Specific Information To review…the notebook is divided into TWO sections. . The Right Side is for input This is the side that holds information that I give you. The Left Side is for output and contains only your reflections about what you have learned. It should be full of color, and it’s the side where you can get creative. A running list of the work completed in the ISN will be posted in class regularly and on my website one week before a unit test so that you can cross-reference your record keeping. The list will start over after each check of the notebook. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to copy missed notes into your ISN and be sure that they do the proper reflection for that assignment There will be collection of notebooks at the end of each unit (when we take a test). Grades will be assigned based on the same rubric criteria all year. If for some reason you lose your ISN or have to get a new one due to wear and tear, you must see Ms. Abrams to get the handouts that should be glued in the ISN. Please try to replace your ISN after we check so you can start with a new section. Also, if you plan on keeping one ISN per trimester, keep the old ISNs at home so you can use them to review for our trimester finals and STAR testing. Lost ISNs will receive a grade of O unless work is redone. Notebook pages should be numbered consecutively with L and R used for each number; each page titled Step 1: and dated. Date Title L1 Date Title 1 1 Date Date Title Title R1 L2 R2 The notebook is divided into TWO sections. LEFT side “loves” RIGHT side is “restricted” to TEACHER INPUT STUDENT work = OUTPUT WARMUP #1 Fill in the missing word. Decomposer Producer Consumer Plants are ____. Lions, tigers, and bears are ____. Worms and mushrooms are____ OUTPUT (your interpretation) INPUT (notes from teacher) The RIGHT SIDE should contain information given from Ms. Abrams while we are learning new material. Nothing else should be placed on this page! The RIGHT SIDE contains all the TESTABLE material. – – – – – Teacher guided PowerPoint notes Movie/Video Article Readings Textbook Handouts The LEFT SIDE belongs to you. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! The LEFT side loves color. The day’s activity is placed on the LEFT or OUTPUT side of the notebook. This section acts as a reinforcement and processing for the RIGHT or LEARNING side. Graphic Organizers Diagrams/Visual Illustrations Poems, Song Lyrics Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis Advertisements Brainstorming Mind maps Concept maps Venn diagrams Pictures Drawings Diagrams Writing prompts Flow charts Homework Songs Open ended worksheets Self reflections Labs Quizzes, tests Mnemonic device Foldables Vocab. Cartoons Charts & graphs Write a newspaper article about notes Write a letter or postcard from a famous scientist What are graphic organizers? Graphic organizers are one way for visual thinkers to arrange their ideas. There are unlimited ways to express these visual ideas. Graphic organizers have many names including visual maps, mind mapping, and visual organizers. Although many students plan with paper and pencil, technology tools can be very helpful because they allow easy editing. Graphic organizers can be used as a nice planning tool from information identification to product development. Finally, they are great for visual thinkers or those that need to practice their visual thinking. Why use graphic organizers? Organizers are a way to encourage students to think about information. With graphic organizers, you remove the words and focus on the connections Examples of Graphic organizers Fishbone How the fishbone might be used Venn Diagram Alike different different T-Chart 7-Circle Diagram Wheel Diagram TicTac Toe Tree Diagram “A Bit More On The Left” Getting You to Think About Your Learning For REFLECTION you can use guiding prompts: What are you curious about? What would you like to test? What was the main idea? What are the important details to remember? How does this relate to your life? What don’t you understand? REFLECTION can guide your communication with others which will deepen your understanding! Example of Video Response How will my notebook be graded? GRADING Notebooks are collected and graded at the end of each unit or when we take a test. Notebooks will be graded on organization, accuracy, pride in presentation, and the appropriate CVUSD Middle School Inexcusables. – – An important part of your notebook is its visual appearance. Your notebook should be neat! Your personal learning style should be visible throughout. Note: Grading will not be all or nothing, but if you only partially complete an assignment or it’s of poor quality, you won’t be given full credit. Grading Rubric Organization UNIT TITLE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS WORK IN IN ORDER Accuracy “RIGHT SIDE” is ACCURATE “LEFT SIDE” REFLECTION contributes to a better understanding WRITING is in PEN with DRAWINGS in PENCIL Pride in Presentation COMPLETE LEGIBLE CVUSD Middle School Inexcusables Pages are NUMBERED and include DATES COMPLETE SENTENCES/PUNCTUATION WHEN APPROPRIATE PROPER PRONOUN USAGE Science Notebook Setup Scissors 3-subject Spiral Notebook Pens & pencils Tape colored pencils Highlighters NO MARKERS! The name of the course: – The words: Interactive Science Notebook The class period that you have science: – 8th Grade Physical Science 3A, for example The school year: 2012-2013 Your teacher: Ms. Abrams Your name: (self explanatory) We Are READY! Unit Title Page Left-Side Items Right-Side Items What do I do if I am absent? If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the assignments from a homework partner or Ms. Abrams. Find at least one buddy from this class and exchange phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses so that you can help each other stay current! Staying current with all entries is vital to your success this year in science. Make sure your “LEFT SIDE” page entries are helping you to understand the concepts presented in class Follow the other RUBRIC guidelines BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK Many thanks to these wonderful teachers for creating wonderful POWERPOINT slides from which I worked from: – – – Barbara Zimmerman, adapted from her original presentation Annette Holder, rockin’ Science Doug Saunders, bringing History Alive!