KS2 Beach activities

Beach activities for KS2
If your year group is studying rivers, coasts and seas, the local area or comparisons
with other localities then a trip to the beach can be educationally rewarding. The
following activities are a guide for what you can plan for your pupils whilst on the beach.
1.Take in the locality
(Cross curricular link: Art/History/Geography/Science)
Take your class sketch books with you and ask the pupils to fold the pages into 4 sections. You
can then create a series of sketches based on categories that you choose e.g.
Each section could depict a mood- what makes you happy about the area? What makes you
Each section could depict an area of the coast- sand, sea, sky etc
Each section could depict a material-man made, plastic, wood, metal.
2. Sand Sculptures
(Cross curricular link: Art, Science, PHSE and Geography)
Divide your class into groups of 4/5 and the children in their group have to choose a
subject to create a sand sculpture e.g. sea creatures, boats, bucket and spade etc.
Set a time limit and outline what the children can use in the beach to create their
sculpture. To make it more interesting the groups can keep their sculpture subject a
secret so the groups can go round and guess what the sculpture is.
Ensure pupils do not put their hands in their months during this activity and must wash
their hands after the activity.
3. Treasure Hunt
(Cross curricular link: PHSE)
After a inspection visit to your beach you can create a treasure hunt for pupils to find
various objects on the beach e.g. a shell, twigs. Split the children in groups and they have
to work as a team to find these items in the fastest time.
4. Trust games
(Cross curricular link: PHSE and Maths)
Split children into pairs and children to blindfold the other part of the pair and have to guide
their partner across the beach. The pair must use directional language e.g. right, forward,
5. Senses poetry
(Cross curricular link: English and Geography)
Hand out some lined paper split the class into five groups: sound, touch, sight, taste etc and
asked the children for five minutes to find a place on the beach to sit and not to talk to anyone
but to jot down words associated with their group. Call the groups together and collect their
ideas, write up on large paper if possible and then children to choose their favourite word from
each group to help compose their poem.
6. Five things
(Cross curricular link: History, Geography)
Give children a small sandwich bag and tell them in 5 minutes they have to find 5 things
that they think are particularly interesting. Then split the class into two groups and one
group goes through what they have found and why and then they swap with the other
Ensure pupils do not put their hands in their months during this activity and must wash their
hands after the activity.
7. Local coast history
(Cross curricular links: History, Geography)
As part of your pre-inspection visit gather some pictures of artefacts that are associated with
your beach e.g. fishing net, etc and include some one that are not. In groups children have
to decide which is the artefact not associated with the area.
8. Crabbing and sea dipping
(Cross curricular links: Science)
Bring some crabbing lines, bacon etc as well as nets, pooters and magnifying glasses for
children to use. As part of your pre-visit preparation you may want to laminate coastal
creatures information so children can identify the creatures their find. Ensure that the
animals/’creatures are not hurt, poked about with and are returned to their habitat once