Sierra Club outing

Definition of An Outing
A Sierra Club outing is a sanctioned Sierra Club activity in which a significant component is
to take participants into the out-of-doors and meets one or more of the following criteria:
Group Management: It is conducted as a group activity in which participants cannot come
and go as they please or on which missing persons would be the Club's responsibility.
Remoteness: It occurs in places where public emergency services cannot be obtained as
quickly as in an urban area.
Responsibility for Safety: Group safety is dependent on the competent leadership and
emergency performance of the leader.
Domestic vs. Foreign Insurance
The Club has different insurance policies for both domestic and foreign activities. The policies mentioned here are domestic
policies unless otherwise noted.
Domestic insurance extends to activities of the Club in the United States and Canada.
Foreign insurance extends worldwide, except for the United States, Canada and several excluded countries/territories.
When Does Coverage Apply?
For insurance coverage to apply, the following conditions must be met:
The person must be an employee or volunteer of the Club while acting within the scope of his or her authorized duties.
The outing or activity must be a Club function that has been officially authorized or sponsored by the Club or one of its
The outing or activity must comply with all applicable Sierra Club policies and insurance requirements.
Commercial General Liability Coverage
Provides coverage against claims for bodily injury, death, damage to property of others, or infringement on others'
personal and property rights.
It is not a medical or accident policy to insure leaders or participants against losses from injuries.
It does insure the Club, its employees, and its volunteers against liability to third parties for unintentional
negligence and provides a defense against such claims.
It includes exclusions regarding watercraft activities, challenge courses (e.g. ropes courses), and
mountaineering trips. See Restricted Outings for details on these restrictions.
Certificate of insurance:
To lead an outing
Need to work with a Certified Outings Leader
Need to be a Certified Outings Leader themselves
What does it take to be Certified Outings
National leader standards.
Be a Sierra Club member.
Be at least 18 years of age.
Have First Aid certification equivalent to or higher than American Red Cross Basic.
Complete the Outings Leader Training - Basic ("OLT 101") or comparable training.
Provisionally Lead at least one outing and receive a positive evaluation by the Mentor Leader.
Receive approval to lead outings from the Outing Chair or delegated authority.
OLT 201 required once for leading multi-day trips.
Meet the above national leader standards.
Complete a Youth Outing Leadership Application.
Sign a Code of Ethics Agreement.
Pass a criminal background check every four years.
If driving youth participants, leaders must pass a motor vehicles check every four years.
Complete the Child Abuse Recognition and Prevention training annually.
Events and Outings That Require Extra
There are several events and outing types that carry a higher level of risk
according to our insurance carrier. These require an additional
approval step and include:
Watercraft Outings
Youth Oriented Outings (non-ICO)
Challenge Courses
Third Party Services
Events and Outings That Require Extra
Liability Waiver
A document that releases the Sierra Club and its leaders from liability for events that happen on an outing. By
signing a liability waiver, the participant acknowledges the risks involved in the outing or activity, assumes
those risks, and agrees to not hold the Sierra Club and its leaders responsible for injuries and/or death related
to the outing or activity.
Acknowledgment of Risk
This document is similar to a liability waiver, but it does not release the Sierra Club or leaders from liability.
By signing an acknowledgement of risk form, the participant acknowledges the risks involved in the outing or
activity and assumes those risks. Note: This document provides less protection to the Sierra Club and its
Third Party Agreement Forms:
Safety Management & Trip Planning Forms:
Photography Forms
Outings Materials Order Form
Outings Leader Handbook
The Sierra Club's Outings Leader Handbook is meant to serve as a portable reference for those who volunteer their
time to lead Sierra Club outings.
Contact me, I’m happy
to help.