CCNA2 REVERSE JEOPARDY Chapter 1 SW Start-up Routing table Router parts Choosing a path Addressing Pot luck ►►► Final Jeopardy ◄◄◄ 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 SW 100 Start-up • What does a router do immediately after running its POST?(在POST完成后,路 由器紧接着要做什么?) • Loads and runs its bootstrap program SW 200 Start-up • Where does a router store its POST instructions and bootstrap program ? (路由器的POST指令和bootstrap程序存放 在哪里?) • In ROM SW 300 Start-up • What is the main task of the bootstrap program ?(Bootstrap程序的主要任务是 什么?) • Locate the IOS and load it into RAM SW 400 Start-up • After loading its IOS, what other file does a router normally try to locate and load ? (在加载完IOS后,路由器通常要去定位 和加载哪个其他的文件?) • The startup configuration SW 500 Start-up • What are the two places where a router will look for its IOS ?(路由器将在哪两个 地方寻找IOS?) • Flash memory and on a TFTP server SW 100 Routing table • Where does a router store its routing table ?(路由器在哪里存放路由表?) • In RAM SW 200 Routing table • How does a static route get into the routing table ?(静态路由如何进入路由 表中?) • Configured by an administrator SW 300 Routing table • How does a directly connected route get into the routing table ?(直连路由如何出 现在路由表中?) • From the router’s own interface configuration SW 400 Routing table • How does a dynamic route get into the routing table ? (动态路由如何出现在路 由表中?) • Learned from another router SW 500 Routing table • Which command will show the routing table ?(哪个命令用来查看路由表?) • Show ip route SW 100 Router parts • Where does a router store its IOS in the long term ?(路由器一般把IOS保存在哪 里?) • Flash memory SW 200 Router parts • Where does a router store its startup configuration ?(路由器的启动配置文件 保存在哪里?) • In NVRAM SW 300 Router parts • Which router interface is used for initial configuration of the router ?(初始配置路 由器需要用哪个接(端)口?) • Console port SW 400 Router parts • What is the purpose of the router’s AUX interface ?(路由器的AUX端口做什么 用?) • It is used for configuration, often via a modem SW 500 Router parts • Name three items that a router stores in its ROM ?(哪三个内容存储在路由器的 ROM中?) • POST instructions. Bootstrap program. Basic IOS for emergency use SW 100 Choosing a path • Which routing metric is used by the RIP routing protocol ?(RIP路由协议使用哪 个路由度量值?) • Hop count SW 200 Choosing a path • What does the OSPF routing protocol use to calculate its routing metric ? (OSPF路由协议使用什么来计算路由度 量?) • The bandwidth of the links SW 300 Choosing a path • If a routing protocol finds more than one path to a destination, which path goes into the routing table ?(如果一个路由协 议发现到同一个目标网络有多条路径,那 么哪条路由放到路由表中?) • The path with the lowest metric SW 400 Choosing a path • What is equal cost load balancing ?(什 么是等价均衡负载?) • If a routing protocol finds two different paths with the same cost then they can both be used. SW 500 Choosing a path • What is the disadvantage of using hop count as the only metric?(使用跳数作为 度量值的缺点是什么?) • The path with the fewest hops may not be the most efficient path. There may be a path with more hops but having links with higher bandwidth SW 100 Addressing • Which layer 2 destination address will a PC put in a frame when it encapsulates a packet for a remote network ?(对于到 达远程网络的数据包,PC在它的帧中封 装的第2层目的地址是谁的?) • The layer 2 address of the default gateway SW 200 Addressing • How do you configure the IP address on to the Fa0/0 port of a router starting at Global configuration mode ?(如何从路由器的全局配置模式 开始配置一个IP地址为192.168.1.254/24 的F0/0接口?) • Interface fa0/0 ip address SW 300 Addressing • Which addresses stay the same and which addresses change as packets move across networks ?(数据包跨越网 络时,哪个地址是不变的,哪个地址是改 变的?) • IP addresses stay the same (leaving out the effects of NAT). Layer 2 addresses change for each hop SW 400 Addressing • Ethernet frames include full layer 2 destination and source MAC addresses. Why do HDLC and PPP frames not include full layer 2 addressing ?(以太网帧不含完整的第2层源和 目的MAC地址。为什么HDLC和PPP帧中不包 括全部的第2层地址?) • HDLC and PPP are used on WAN point to point links where there is only one possible destination SW 500 Addressing • How does a PC know whether to put the destination host’s MAC address or the default gateway’s MAC address in a frame ?(PC如何 来决定第2层目的MAC地址是主机的MAC还是 缺省网关的MAC地址?) • It does a logical AND on its own IP address and subnet mask to find its own network address. It does a logical AND on the destination IP address and its subnet mask. If the result is the same then the destination host is on the same network and the frame should be addressed directly to the destination host. SW 100 Pot Luck • Which mode is a router in when you first make a console connection with it ?(第 一次从console进入路由器,遇到的是哪 个模式?) • User exec mode SW 200 Pot Luck • Which router mode do you go to by typing the enable command ?(输入 enable命令进入到哪个模式?) • Privileged exec mode SW 300 Pot Luck • What is the purpose of the description command that you enter when configuring an interface ?(在接口配置 description命令的目的是什么?) • It is for documentation, to describe the purpose and features of the interface. It does not affect router operation SW 400 Pot Luck • When you first configure an interface, what command do you have to give in addition to the ip address command ? (在你第一次配置接口时,除了配置IP地 址,还需要哪个额外的命令?) • No shutdown SW 500 Pot Luck • Which router command saves the current configuration into NVRAM ?(路 由器保存配置的命令是什么?) • Copy running-config startup-config (copy run start SW Final Jeopardy • Two different routing protocols are running. They find different routes to the same network. Which routing protocol will get its route put into the routing table ?(有两个路由协议在运行, 它们到同一目标网络有不同的路由。哪个路由 协议的路由被放到路由表中?) • The one with the lower administrative distance SW