France Expands its Empire

France Expands its
Focus: How were the first
permanent French colonies
Jacques Cartier’s
settlement 1542
 Settlement failed
 However – fishing fleets still came to
North America each year
 Fur traders still came to trade
The French Return –Early
 Why? The demand for furs!
 The need for resources in Europe
 Problem  Colonies are very
expensive to build
How will the King build up
his colonies?
 Get merchants to build and pay for it
 Give merchants a monopoly on the
fur trade and they build the colony
The French in Acadia
 1604 – de Monts
gets a monopoly and
sails to N.A. to set up
a colony
 He brings Samuel de
Champlain with him
 1605 – Established a
settlement at Port
Royal (Nova Scotia,
The Mi’kmaq
 Are ok with the French, for now, as they
do not interfere with their fishing/hunting
 The Mi’kmaq trade with the French
(metal goods/blankets for furs)
 Some of the colonists begin to farm and
call themselves Acadians
 They become friends with the Mi’kmaq
The Founding of Quebec
 Port Royal was in a bad
location for furs
 Champlain and de Monts
decided they needed to
be in the centre of the fur
 Built a new settlement at
Quebec (1608)
 The first winter 20 out of
28 men died from illness
and lack of food
Samuel de Champlain
 Founder of the
colony of Quebec –
 Lived in Quebec for
27 years
 Made 8 trips to try
and get more settlers
for the colony
 Built alliances with the Montagnais,
Algonquin, and Wendat (Huron) people
for trade
 Joined the Wendat in their “fights” with
the Haudenosaunee
 Led to 100 years of conflict
 Died in Quebec 1635