Integrating Digital Citizenship in a Web 2.0 World

Liberation in a Digital Age
Dr. Mike Ribble, Ed. D.
Author of Digital Citizenship in
Schools and Raising a Digital
How Did We Get Started with Technology Issues???
What are we left with….
Marshall McLuhan – The Medium is the Message
Technology as Extensions of the Human Body: …various ways
human beings extend themselves, and how these extensions affect our
relationships with one another.
An extension occurs when an individual or society makes or uses
something in a way that extends the range of the human body and
mind in a fashion that is new.
Every extension of mankind, especially technological extensions, have
the effect of amputating or modifying some other extension. The
telephone extends the voice, but also amputates the art of penmanship
gained through regular correspondence.
“Frankenstein Syndrome – One creates a machine for a particular
and limited purpose. But once the machine is built, we discover –
sometimes to our horror, … that it has ideas of its own.”
According to Postman technology created childhood (the creation of the
printing press) and technology is taking away childhood through the
sharing of information with everyone and the lack of secrets to our
His example was television about this eroding between childhood and
adulthood but the same could be said about any digital technology today:
First, it requires no instruction to understand its form
Second, it does not make complex demands on either mind or behavior
Third, it does not segregate its audience
This is what
Citizenship is all
1st Question – “Why are you online?, What is the reason
to have a Twitter or Facebook account?”
2nd Question – “Is now the right time?”
3rd Question – “Where is your line between public and
Why are actions like cyberbullying happening even after grade 12?
1.) Abstraction – it doesn’t feel “real”
2.) Invisible Impact – not aware of visual cues
3.) Shaming – very little recourse in the virtual world
4.) Anonymity – do not need to come face-to-face with other person
5.) It’s the Norm – “Everyone’s doing it”
How Did I Get Involved in Digital Citizenship?
2010 Report to the Commerce
Department – Anne Collier (co-chair)
by Subcommittees –
From the Internet Safety
Education two
recommendations were:
promote instruction in
digital media literacy and
computer security pre-K12 and promote digital
citizenship in pre-K-12
education as a national
From Anne Collier’s Notes from the Sixth Annual IGF Meeting was held in
Nairobi, Kenya on 27-30 September 2011 at the United Nations Office at
Nairobi (UNON).
“Asked how they’d rank ‘digital citizenship’ on a scale of 1 to 10 – with
10 representing ‘very relevant and meaningful’ – a youth panel from
Egypt, the US, and UK ranging in age from 15 to 22 gave it a 1, two
3’s, a 5, a 6, and an 8.”
“The British teen who gave it a 1 said it ‘sounds distant and abstract,’
and people shouldn’t distinguish between citizenship and digital
citizenship anyway. Another UK teen said, ‘Maybe ‘participant’ is a
better word than ‘citizen’.’ An American university graduate newly living
in Nairobi gave it a 6 saying she hopes it’ll catch on but ‘it’s not
relevant to our generation yet.’
My Observations…
•Technology has become too easy, too
quick, too accessible.
•When things are this quick, easy and
accessible then you are headed for
•Very little training has been provided
•Now is the time to stop and think
Australia Moving Toward D.C.
Government proposes new digital contract
to rein in offensive online behaviour
by: Lanai Vasek From: The Australian
September 15, 2011 3:19PM
• THE Gillard government will seek to rein
in offensive online behaviour, proposing
a new "digital social contract" to
underpin Australians' lives as cyber
What is a good digital citizen?
The questions for Australians are:
What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?
What are the norms of behaviour that we should be seeking to encourage
among our fellow digital citizens?
What role do governments, the private sector, community sector and
individuals have in promoting ‘good digital citizenship?
What is Digital Citizenship or why
is it important to me?
Michelle’s Story…
Dr. Jason Ohler
“what it means to be a citizen in the Digital Age”
Cable in the Classroom
Digital Citizenship is a holistic and positive approach to helping children learn how to be
safe and secure, as well as smart and effective participants in a digital world. That means
helping them understand their rights and responsibilities, recognize the benefits and
risks, and realize the personal and ethical implications of their actions.
Stephen Balkam – Family Online Safety Institute
Current ISTE NETS-S Dealing with Appropriate Use
(updated Summer 2007)
5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related
to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
• advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of
information and technology.
• exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that
supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
• demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
• exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
Changes to NETS·T (updated Summer 2008)
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving
digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and
technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the
appropriate documentation of sources
b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and
providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources
c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the
use of technology and information
d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with
colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and
collaboration tools
Changes to NETS-A (updated Summer 2009)
5. Digital Citizenship. Educational Administrators model and
facilitate understanding of social, ethical, and legal issues and
responsibilities related to an evolving digital culture.
Educational Administrators:
a. ensure equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources to meet
the needs of all learners
b. promote, model, and establish policies for safe, legal, and ethical use of
digital information and technology
c. promote and model responsible social interactions related to the use of
technology and information
d. model and facilitate the development of a shared cultural understanding
and involvement in global issues through the use of contemporary
communication and collaboration tools
My Definition:
The norms of
behavior with
regard to
technology use.
How Do We Organize This
Information for Teachers, Students
and Parents?
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
Rights and Responsibility
Safety (Security)
Health and Welfare
These Elements will be the Focus
and Foundation for our discussion.
What we will be doing…
For the next few minutes break
into your school groups and
discuss what are the issues or
potential issues you might find
in your schools related to
Thank you again for
your attendance and