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Digital Citizenship
L’école élémentaire
Beachy Cove Elementary
January 2013
Digital Citizenship
The character of an individual, viewed
as a member of society; behavior in
terms of the duties, obligations, and
functions of a citizen; an award for
good citizenship.
Digital Citizenship
Appropriate and responsible
behavior in the use of
Elements of Digital Citizenship
• Etiquette; and,
• Communication.
Etiquette: Conventional
requirements as to social
behavior; properties of conduct
as established in any class or
community for any occasion.
Netiquette: Appropriate
behavior and conduct while
using the Internet and other
digital tools.
Digital Citizenship
We learn digital etiquette as we use
Often, rules and regulations are
created or the technology is banned to
stop inappropriate use.
It is not enough to create rules and
policy; we must teach responsible
digital citizenship.
Netiquette Guidelines
Start with common sense;
Be courteous;
Use the “Golden Rule”;
Think before you post;
Refrain from “flaming”;
Don’t use sarcasm;
Attach files that are accessible;
Keep files small where possible;
Share photos online instead of an e-mail; and,
Fill in the subject line in e-mails.
Other Guidelines
• Photograph or video only those who
• Keep your passwords confidential;
• Use different passwords for different
• Make passwords easy to remember;
• Make your parents aware of what you
are doing online – they can provide
wisdom and guidance.
Digital Citizenship
What you do online…affects your
life offline.
shared! 
Seen by
Public vs. Private
1. What kinds of things are probably
ok to share online?
2. What kinds of things are probably
best kept private?
Some Examples
-sharing a video (on
YouTube) of you
singing in a school
-sharing a photograph
(on Facebook or
Flickr) of your sister on
a sick day.
Some Examples
-sharing a video (on
YouTube) of you
singing in a school
Do you have permission
from others in the video?
-sharing a photograph
(on Facebook or
Flickr) of your sister on
a sick day.
Did your sister give you
permission to put this
Do you “own” the video?
Is your sister old enough
to make this decision?
Why Private?
What are some good reasons why we
should keep certain things private?
Why Public?
What are some good reasons why we
should share certain things?
What questions should we ask
ourselves when deciding what to
keep private and what to share
Private or Public?
PRIVATE by default.
PUBLIC with effort.
Understanding our Digital World
What do we expect?
• We expect your online behavior to
mirror your school behavior.
• We are not responsible for lost,
damaged, or stolen electronics.
• Activation of wireless access
requires your teacher’s permission.
• Devices must be stored during
outside play.
• Permission is required before
shooting video or pictures
-from your teacher and from your subjects.
What do we expect?
• Content must be age-appropriate on
school devices and on personal devices
that are used at school.
• Even if your parents are ok with apps with
violence, etc., we will not permit it to be
used in school.
• We will revoke privileges if these policies
are breached.
• Internet use requires teacher supervision.
• Apps or other programs must be cleared
by your teacher before they are
downloaded or installed.
And, a few more expectations…
• Respect your own privacy and the privacy
of others;
• Remember, using our technology
infrastructure is a privilege;
• Access only those files/materials for
which you have permission.
• Treat all technology with respect.
• Alert an adult if you have accessed
inappropriate content.
• Show respect through words and actions
when collaborating with others.
And, yet a few more…
• Keep private information about
yourself and others to yourself – do
not share this online.
• Alert an adult if you feel
uncomfortable or unsafe.
• Make sure you have a good
understanding of your parents
wishes when it comes to sharing
your device with others.
• If you bring your own device, please
ensure that it is fully charged.
Just one more point…
• Think about copyright laws and rules
as you source and use information –
remember to give credit for work
that is not your own.
For Younger Learners
Computers can be used to visit far-off places
and to learn new things. Always have an adult
help you on the computer. You don’t go to
places by yourself in real life, so don’t go by
yourself online.
Tell your parents or your teachers if you see
something online that upsets you.
Hide your password – only ever share your
password with your parents – never with your
friends. Someone else could go online
pretending to be you and do something that
could get you into trouble.
Interesting websites can be fun; check with an
adult to see if a site is good before you visit.
Adults might be able to set up a list of good sites
For Younger Learners…continued
• Name calling or being mean is not cool
and could be cyber bullying. Be nice
when talking online and remember to look
out for yourself and others.
• Keep your special personal information
safe; never give your real name, address
or phone number to anyone you don’t
know in the real world. Use a nickname
when in a chat room or playing games on
the computer.
Two Scenarios for Discussion
• One student sends another student
a nasty e-mail. The other student
retaliates and sends back an equally
nasty one. Is this right? Which of
our expectations were violated in
this scenario?
• Two students are texting one
another during class time. Is this
appropriate? What expectations
were violated in this scenario?
Digital Dossier
A short YouTube video which
reflects our digital realities.