1 LIFE CHANGE OBJECTIVE To deepen (or to form) your conviction that the Bible, as God’s Word, can be trusted more than your feelings, values, opinions, and culture. 2 Three Important Words, Their Definitions, and Their Implications Revelation: God has chosen to reveal his nature and his will to us through the Bible. Inspiration: The process through which God gave us the Bible. God inspired writers to write down his words. Illumination: Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Bible as we read it. 3 How Do We Know the Bible Came from God? 4 HOW DO WE KNOW THE BIBLE CAME FROM GOD? First- The external evidence says the Bible is a historical book: There are 5366 ancient manuscripts to compare and draw information from dating back to the 2nd century AD. ● The ancient Jewish scribes had a strict code to follow when copying scripture to insure accuracy. ● The historical accuracy of the Bible has been questioned but archaeology has provided evidence to support the accuracy of most Biblical accounts. ● 5 HOW DO WE KNOW THE BIBLE CAME FROM GOD? Second- The internal evidence says the Bible is a unique book: The majority of the Bible is from eyewitness accounts. ● The amazing agreement and consistency throughout the bible. ● 6 HOW DO WE KNOW THE BIBLE CAME FROM GOD? Third- The personal evidence says the Bible is a powerful book: The Bible is the world’s best selling book. Translated into over a 1000 languages. ● Millions of lives have testified their lives have been changed because of the Bible. ● Personal testimony is proof of the Bible being God’s book. ● 7 HOW DO WE KNOW THE BIBLE CAME FROM GOD? Fourth: JESUS said the Bible came from God. 8 Jesus Said the Bible Came from God 1. Jesus recognized the Spirit as the AUTHOR. - Matthew 22:43-44 9 Jesus Said the Bible Came from God 2. Jesus quoted the Bible as AUTHORITATIVE. - Matthew 22:29 - Luke 11:28 10 Jesus Said the Bible Came from God 3. Jesus proclaimed its uniqueness. - Matthew 5:18 - John 10:35 11 Jesus Said the Bible Came from God 4. Jesus called it the “WORD OF GOD.” - Mark 7:13 12 Jesus Said the Bible Came from God 5. Jesus believed that people and places in the – He believed in the PROPHETS (Matt. 22:40; Bible were real. – – – – 24:15). He believed in NOAH (Luke 17:26). He believed in ADAM and EVE (Matt. 19:4). He believed in SODOM and GOMORRAH (Matt. 10:15). He believed in JONAH (Matt. 12:40). 13 How Do We Know We Have the Right Books? 14 HOW DO WE KNOW WE HAVE THE RIGHT BOOKS? The testimony of the BIBLE - Jesus and the apostles recognized and quoted passages from the OT. - Peter recognized parts of the New Testament. 15 Paul recognized the EQUAL inspiration of the Old and New Testaments in a single verse. 16 HOW DO WE KNOW WE HAVE THE RIGHT BOOKS? The history of the church 17 Books Were Included in the New Testament on the Basis of Three Things 1. The authority of an APOSTLE 2. The teaching of the TRUTH 3. The confirmation of the CHURCH 18 HOW DO WE KNOW WE HAVE THE RIGHT BOOKS? The power of God 19 Our assurance that we have the right books is a matter of FAITH. God would not have allowed any part of what he had chosen to stand forever to be left out. 20 What Does It Mean When We Say the Bible Is Inspired? 21 WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN WE SAY THE BIBLE IS INSPIRED? Inspiration means God wrote the Bible through PEOPLE. 22 WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN WE SAY THE BIBLE IS INSPIRED? Inspiration means the Holy Spirit is the FINAL AUTHORITY. 23 Two Important Words to Understand Verbal: God inspired the WORDS, not just the ideas. Plenary: God inspired ALL, not just part. 24 If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself. — Augustine 25 WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN WE SAY THE BIBLE IS INSPIRED? Inspiration means God’s Word is to be our FINAL AUTHORITY. 26 Understanding inspiration increases my CONFIDENCE in the Bible. 27 The truth behind inspiration is that I can trust his Word above my FEELINGS, VALUES, OPINIONS, and CULTURE. 28