
Getting Rid Of Prejudice
In the age of globalization
more and more people with
different cultural heritages
from different countries come
into contact with one another
and learn to understand their
respective mentalities.
Everyone has a certain image, some preconceived notions
about each country and its inhabitants. But nowadays,
being in the European Union gives us the opportunity to
interact with citizens from different European countries
and get to know them as they really are.
Thus with increasing interactions we will learn to avoid
stereotyping and our judgment of people will not be
based on misconceptions.
We will no longer be prejudiced against any nation and
we will go beyond branding people according to
categorization in order to learn more about each
individual belonging to a given nation.
Stereotypes are beliefs about the
characteristics of groups of individuals and
stereotyping is the application of these
stereotypes when we interact with people
from a certain group.
Prejudice is a negative feeling or negative
attitude toward the members of a group
as a result of stereotyping.
Stereotypes and prejudice are the result of the
fact that we think about persons not as having
their own personality or their unique features of
character, but rather as being members of a
certain group of people united by religion,
nationality, age or gender.
For example if you are a woman you belong to
that emotional, somewhat irrational group of
human beings, if your skin is darker you must be
a Muslim, even if you are an Orthodox Greek, if
you are over 70 years old young people brand
you as senile. The most common prejudice is
that women are housewives and men are the
hard-working providers, who read the paper
when they come home.
Stereotyping occurs easily and people most of
the time are not aware that they might be
prejudiced against other persons.
In order to get rid of prejudices we have to
reduce the tendency to use stereotypes when
judging others and also prove that stereotypes
are false.
The interaction of members of different groups
will increase positive relations and create beliefs
which are closer to the truth.
The term ‘stereotype’ was very well defined by
Walter Lippman, an American journalist, who in
his book “Public Opinion” referred to stereotypes
as the ‘pictures in our heads’ of the people in
the groups around us.
Prejudice goes farther than stereotypes – it
involves a negative feeling or attitude toward
the members of a group (Allport, 1954).
In contrast with stereotypes, which involve
thoughts or beliefs about a group, prejudice has
an emotional component as well. It has been
argued that everyone is prejudiced, but by
intergroup contact we will get rid of prejudice
and we will not be in danger of discriminating
Common stereotypes and
ROMANIANS are either vampires or gypsies. They are
directly related to Dracula, they are perceived as being
ingenious, trying hard but never succeeding, mistrust
police and government, love to celebrate, stable and
value-oriented, hospitable and friendly.
Italians are good at romance but bad at organizing things.
They are perceived as passionate people, possessive,
smooth-talkers, fashion addicted.
Germans are perfectionists, orderly and systematic,
mechanical – born with a wrench in their hands; they
love sauerkraut, follow blindly rules and regulations;
they are seen as conscientious and rather cold.
The Portuguese are good sailors, but loud and
adventurous. They are seen as kind rural people who
love celebrations, well-travelled and nostalgic always
longing for something, the term ‘saudade” often
characterizing their mood.
Spanish people are bullfighters, temperamental,
extroverted, impulsive, always late, flamenco dancers.
They are also proud and patriotic, open-minded and the
men look like Antonio Banderas.
Greeks are good architects, but think of
themselves that they are powerful like their ancient gods;
they always break their plates after meals. People see
them as disorganized, cultured but inefficient, living the
easy life.
The Swedish are Vikings with fair hair and blue eyes,
living in a perpetual winter. They are perceived as
rational and bored, introverted, sophisticated and
Power Point Presentation created and
presented in Baldham by the students of
Technical Energetic College for the
Comenius Project ‘Getting Along In
Europe’ 2010-2012