Practice RPG PowerPoint

The Awesomest Powerpoint
Game Ever! (Quest #1)
Awesomely Created By Lucy Dowell
New Player
Returning Player
This powerpoint is special!
Why? Because it’s interactive! See where it
says continue at the bottom? Try clicking on
It’s a hyperlink! Cool, huh? Remember to click
continue or one of the choices when you are
presented with multiple choices instead of
just going to the next slide. This is because
the slide the hyperlink will lead you to may
not be the next one! It may be two or even
ten slides after it! You want to play the game
properly, don’t you? Just going from one slide to
the next may be the wrong order of events!
Still following me? If so, click here. If
not, reread until you find it starts to
make sense.
The Basics
Playing the game is really quite simple.
Read everything on the slide you are on and
then click continue or something similar. If
you are presented with multiple choices,
choose one and click on it.
Ah, don’t you just love long
Neither do I. That’s why I’ll try to summarize
the rest of the tutorial up quickly so you can
start playing. Basically the goal of the game
is to get to the very last slide without dying in
the middle of the game.
Good luck!
Reread tutorial (Return to
page 1 of tutorial)
OK, I’m ready to start!
This is your character:
Ready to begin?
Review tutorial
Back to title page
Begin Quest 1!
You walk through the entrance to alarge building and you find yourself in a
room with two different doors on the east and west walls. The one on the
right is labeled Blue and is painted red. The one on the left is labeled Red
and painted blue. There is a large sign on the wall directly in front of you that
reads: Go through the blue door. Which door do you choose?
The one on the left
The one on the right
You chose the correct door!
You step through the door into another room. This room is a long
hallway with 5 almost identical gray steel doors along the wall in
front of you, labeled 1,2,3,4, and 5, respectively. Each door has
writing on it. Read the information below and then click on a door’s
information to choose to go through it. Doors #4 and #3 always tell
the truth, and only one door lies.
Door 1: The correct door is not #5.
Door 2: It is not #1.
Door 3: #5 never lies.
Door 4: Either #1 or #2 is lying.
Door 5: I am the wrong door.
You chose the correct door!
Next you come to a room with 3 doors, labeled 1-3 respectively. #1 is
on the left, #2 is in the middle, and #3 is on the right. They each say
something different. As before, read the information and click on the
door you think is the correct one.
Door 1: I’m the wrong door. Door #2 is the right door.
Door 2: I’m the right door.
Door 3: Doors that lie are the wrong doors.
You chose the correct door!
Wow, you’re pretty good at this! After choosing the ‘right’ door
(hopefully you actually understood that reference because that was
part of the logic you used to choose the correct door and you didn’t
just guess), you come to a room with a door, a window, a trapdoor,
and a wormhole. You should know the drill by now.
Door: Directly below this room is a huge lava pit. Three of us are
Window: Doors and trapdoors always lie.
Trapdoor: I’m a trapdoor. If the sky is red at 12:00 noon, then the
grass is black.
Wormhole: Don’t trust anything that lies. Doors always lie.
Note: 2 things in the room (door, window, trapdoor, wormhole) are
You chose the correct door!
Last one! You’ve almost won! If you’ve been guessing this whole time, first of all, wow. That’s like a
one in a hundred chance you actually made it this far. Second of all, good luck guessing on this
one! Heh heh heh… If you’ve actually been working the problems, thank you. It’s nice to know
someone actually appreciates my logic puzzles. Yes, I came up with all of them!
Anyway, you fall through the trapdoor and land on a soft mattress. You get up an you see ten
doors in front of you, labeled from one to ten respectively. Each one suggests a different door to go
through. Which do you choose?
Door 1: # 3
Door 2: # 4
Door 3: # 5
Door 4: # 6
Door 5: # 7
Door 6: # 9
Door 7: # 10
Door 8: # 1
Door 9: # 9
Door 10: # 3
You chose the wrong way!
You step forward, but there is no ground below your foot! You fall into a
dark bottomless pit.
You chose the wrong way!
You step forward, triggering a huge explosion that blasts you to bits.
You chose the wrong way!
The step on a wire that sends a jolt of electricity through your leg so
powerful that it fries you to a crisp.
You lose…
Back to quest start
Back to title page
End game
You win!
Great Job!
Back to quest start page
Back to title page
End game
More quests coming soon!
If you really can’t wait, email and tell her to hurry
up with the next quest! If you ask nicely
(gasp, what a concept) she might actually
finish it sooner! You should also tell her what a
great game it was (because it was, right?) and/or
suggestions for next time.
Click anywhere to end the game.