File - The Hitler Youth Museum Exhibit

The Hitler Youth
By: Savannah Brown
Yesenia Martinez
The Hitler Youth
The Hitler Youth was the beginning of
a new generation of German Nazis.
The children were “ brainwashed” into
thinking that Jewish people and
others were the major problem of the
world, so they were taught to dislike
and treat them differently.
The Youth would salute
Hitler to show their respect.
The History of the Hitler Youth
The Hitler Youth was established in
the year 1920 in Germany
In the year 1923, the 1st Nazi Youth
magazine was published.
In 1945 the German Army ran short
on Nazi Soldiers so The Hitler Youth
was encouraged to join the Army
The Background of The Hitler Youth
In 1933 the group had 100,000
In 1935 about 60 percent of
Germany’s youth was a member of
The Hitler Youth
In 1936 the group had 4 million
In late 1936 Hitler ordered that all
German youth were to join The Hitler
Youth (the Jews weren't included)
The Background of The Hitler Youth
Hitler believed that the children of
Germany were the future
The Hitler Youth made it clear what
Hitler excepted of the children of
The age that was allowed in The
Hitler Youth was 10 to 18 year old
Significance of The Hitler Youth
The youth of Germany was being
brainwashed which would effect the future
of Germany.
 The youth would follow as Hitler said which
affected the social life’s of the Jews
 The Hitler Youth didn’t know anything but to
follow what Hitler wanted.
 The economy was affected by the Hitler
Youth because of their hard work and
The Exhibit Importance
The Hitler Youth affected Germany in the social,
economy, and politics
When the Nazi Army needed more soldiers the
Hitler Youth was there to assets them
The Hitler Youth kept the war and hatred going
Without the Hitler Youth a lot of Hitler’s
accomplishments wouldn’t have been done
Visitors visiting the exhibit
The exhibit will have easy questions and
answers to make visitors understand
The exhibit is going to be easy to follow
and interesting
The exhibit is going to highlight all the
important topics and facts of the Hitler
Lisciotto, Carmelo. "The Hitler Youth Jungsturm Adolf Hitler." Holocaust Education & Archive Research
Team, 2008. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.
"Hitler Youth." HBU, 15 Nov. 1998. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.
"The Hitler Youth: Sons of the Fuhrer." N.p., Web. 26 Mar.
Trueman, Chris. "The Hitler Youth ." History
Learning Site, 2000. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.
Simkin, John. "Spartacus Educational." N.p.,
2000. Web. 11 Apr. 2012.
"The Hitler Youth ." British Pathe, 2000. Web. 11 Apr.
2012. <>.