Slides - UBC Department of Computer Science

Extracting Relevant & Trustworthy
Information from Microblogs
Joint work with Bimal Viswanath, Farshad Kooti,
Saptarshi Ghosh, Naveen Sharma, Niloy Ganguly,
Fabricio Benevenuto
MPI-SWS, Germany; IIT Kharagpur, India; UFOP, Brazil
My research: The big picture
Three fundamental trends & challenges in social Web
1. User-generated content sharing
can we protect privacy of users sharing personal data?
2. Word-of-mouth based content exchange
can we understand & leverage word-of-mouth better??
3. Crowd-sourcing content rating and ranking
can we find trustworthy & relevant content sources?
Twitter microblogging site
An important source for real-time Web content
500 million active users posting 400 million tweets daily
Quality of tweets / content vary widely
Any one can post tweets
Celebrities, politicians, news media, academics, spammers
Challenge: Finding relevant & trustworthy content
Trustworthy: Thwart spammers and their spam
Relevance: Identify authoritative experts on specific topics
Part 1
Thwarting Spammers in Twitter
[WWW 2012]
Background: How spammers operate
Twitter spammers try to gain lots of followers
To promote spam directly
To gain influence in the network
Search engines rank tweets based on how
influential the user is
Most metrics depend on user’s network connectivity
More followers help a user to gain influence
Incentivizes spammers to acquire links to gain influence
Acquiring followers via link farming
Unrelated users exchange links with each other
To gain more influence based on network connectivity
Influence based on
connectivity is improved
To thwart spammers
We need to
Prior works: Focused on detecting spammers
1. Understand link farming activity in Twitter
2. Combat link farming activity in Twitter
Via their characteristics, e.g., follower to following ratios
Rat-race between spammers and spam fighters
We focus on the spammer support network
Identifying spammers
Used Twitter network gathered from previous study
Identified accounts suspended by Twitter
Data collected in August 2009
54M nodes, 1.9B links, 1.7B Tweets
Account could be suspended for various reasons
Found suspended users that posted blacklisted
Includes 41,352 such spammers
Spammers farm links at large-scale
Spam-targets: 27% of all users followed by at least
one of ~40,000 spammers!
Spam-followers: 82% of all followers have been
Spammers have more followers than random users
Avg follower count for Spammers: 234, Random users: 36
Who responds to links from spammers?
Small number of followers respond most of the time
We call these users
link farmers
Top 100k users account for
60% of all links to spammers
Top 100k followers exhibit high
reciprocation of 0.8 on avg.
Are link farmers real users or spammers?
To find out if they are spammers or real users, we
Checked if they were suspended by Twitter
76% users not suspended, 235 of them verified by Twitter
Manually verified 100 random users
86% users are real with legitimate links in their Tweets
Analyzed their profiles
More active in updating their profiles than random users
Are link farmers lay or popular users?
Conventional wisdom:
Lay users more likely to follow back due to social etiquette
Popular users might be more conservative in following others
Probability increases
with user popularity
Link farmers are popular users with lots of followers
Are link farmers lay or popular users?
Top 5 link farmers according to Pagerank:
1. Barack Obama: Obama 2012 campaign staff
2. Britney Spears
3. NPR Politics: Political coverage and conversation
4. UK Prime Minister: PM’s office
5: JetBlue Airways
Link farmers include legitimate, popular users &
What possibly motivates link
 One explanation:
Link farmers have similar incentives as spammers
They seek to amass social capital & influence in the
Link farmers rank among top 5% influential Twitter
In terms of various metrics like Pagerank & Followerrank
Combating link farming
Key challenge:
Real, popular and active users are involved in link farming
Detecting and suspending spammers alone will not help
Discourage users from following others carelessly
Penalize users following anyone found to be bad
Lower the influence scores of users following spammers
Incentivizes users to be more careful about who they link to
Borrows ideas from spam defense strategies for Web
Low Collusionrank score for a user indicates
heavy linking to spammers or spam-followers
Requires a seed set of known spammers
Twitter operator periodically identifies and updates spammers
1. Negatively bias the initial scores to the set of spammers
2. In Pagerank style, iteratively penalize users
who follow spammers or those who follow spam-followers
Collusionrank is based on the score of followings of a user
Because user is penalized based on who he follows
Evaluating Collusionrank
To penalize spammers and spam-followers
Should not penalize users who are not following
Used a small subset of 600 spammers as seed set
Compare ranks between
Pagerank + Collusionrank
Measures influence after accounting for link farming activity
Effect of Collusionrank on spammers
40% of spammers
appear in top 20%
according to
Most of the
spammers get
pushed to last 10%
positions based on
Effect on link farmers
87% of link farmers in top
2% users according to
98% of the link
farmers get pushed to
last 10% positions
based on
Effect on normal users
Focus on top 100,000 users according to Pagerank
Analyze the percentile difference in ranks between
Pagerank (P) & Pagerank + Collusionrank (PC)
Percentile Difference = ( |PC-P|/N ) x 100
Heavily demoted
Only 20% of users
users follow many
get demoted
more spammers
than others
Collusion rank selectively filters out spammers and spam-followers
Summary: Thwarting spammers
Spammers infiltrate the Twitter network by farming links
Link farming helps them gain influence to promote spam
Analyzed link farming in Twitter by studying spammers
Search involves ranking users based on connectivity & influence
Top link farmers are real, active and popular users
Proposed an algorithm Collusionrank to limit link farming
Incentivizes users to be careful about who they connect with
Part 2
Finding Topic Experts in Twitter
[WOSN 2012] [SIGIR 2012]
Topic experts in Twitter
Twitter is now an important source of current news
Quality of tweets posted by different users vary widely
500 million users post 400 million tweets daily
News, pointless babble, conversational tweets, spam, …
Challenge: to find topic experts
Sources of authoritative information on specific topics
Identifying topic experts in Twitter
Existing approaches
Existing approaches primarily rely on information
provided by the user herself
Research studies: Pal [WSDM 11], Weng [WSDM 10]
Application systems: Twitter Who-To-Follow, Wefollow, …
Bio, contents of tweets, network features e.g. #followers
We rely on “wisdom of the Twitter crowd”
How do others describe a user?
Twitter Lists
A feature to organize tweets received from the
people whom a user is following
Create a List, add name & description, add Twitter
users to the list
List meta-data offers cues for who-is-who
Tweets from all listed users will be available as a
separate List stream
Mining Lists to infer expertise
Collect Lists containing a given user U
Identify U’s topics from List meta-data
Basic NLP techniques
Extract nouns and adjectives
Extracted words collected to obtain a
topic document for user
[movies tv hollywood stars entertainment
celebrity hollywood …]
Lists vs. other features
Profile bio
Fallon, happy, love, fun, video, song,
game, hope, #fjoln, #fallonmono
Most common
words from tweets
celeb, funny, humor, music, movies,
laugh, comics, television, entertainers
Most common
words from Lists
Collected Lists of 55 million Twitter users who
joined before or in 2009
Our analysis infers topics for 1.3 million users who
are included in 10 or more Lists
Evaluating inference quality
Quality metrics
Evaluation of popular users
Is the inference accurate?
Is the inference informative?
Celebrities, News media sources, US Senators
Using user feedback
Popular users set 1: Celebrities
The inferred attributes accurately capture
Biographical information
Topics of expertise
Popular perception about the user
Biographical Tags
Topics of Expertise
Popular Perception
president, USA,
politics, government
celebs, leader, famous,
current events
sports, cyclist,
tdf, triathlon, cancer
celebs, influential,
famous, inspiration
Popular users set 2: News media sources
The inferred attributes indicate
Primary topics of the media source
Perceived political bias (Verified using ADA scores)
Biographical Tags
Topics of Expertise
media, journalist,
politics, sports, tech,
weather, current
influential outlets
The Nation
media, journalist,
magazines, blogs
politics, government
progressive, liberal
media, bloggers,
journalists, reviews
movies, cinema, actors,
theatre, hollywood
film critics
Popular users set 3: US Senators
Out of the 100 US senators, 84 have Twitter
The inferred attributes correctly infer
Their political party
The state represented by them
Their gender
Their political ideology
‘Female’ or ‘Women’ for all 15 female senators
The senate committees to which they belong
Popular users set 3: US Senators
Biographical Tags
Senate Committees
Chuck Grassley
politics, senator,
republican, iowa, gop
health, food,
Claire McCaskill
politics, democrats,
missouri, women
tech, security, power,
health, commerce
progressive, liberal
Jim Inhofe
politics, congress,
oklahoma, republican
army, energy, climate,
John Kerry
politics, senate,
democrats, boston
health, climate, tech
User feedback
Total Evaluations
Response: Yes
Response: No
Can’t tell
Ignoring can’t tell
• Accuracy – 94 %
• Informative – 93 %
Evaluating inference coverage
What fraction of Twitter can our method of inference be applied to?
A large fraction of popular Twitter users are covered
Evaluating inference coverage
We could also infer attributes of less popular users
6% of users with Follower Ranks between 1 and 10 Million
They are often experts on niche topics
User: Twitter bio
Inferred Attributes
spacespin: news on robotic
space exploration
science, space exploration, nasa,
astronomy, planets
laithm: Al-jazeera network
battle cameraman
jounalists, photographer, al-jazeera,
HumphreysLab: Stem Cell,
Regenrative Biology of Kidney
science, stem cell, genetics, cancer,
physicians, biotech, nephrologist
Search system for topic experts in Twitter
Given a query (topic)
Identify experts on the topic using Lists
Rank identified experts
Ranking experts
Used a ranking scheme solely based on Lists
Two components of ranking user U w.r.t. query Q
Relevance of user to query – cover density ranking
between topic document TU of user and Q
Popularity of user – number of Lists including the user
Topic relevance(TU, Q) × log(#Lists including U)
results for
“stem cell”
Evaluation of Cognos
System deployed and evaluated ‘in-the-wild’
Evaluators were students & researchers from the
three home institutes of authors
Cognos vs. Twitter Who-To-Follow
Cognos vs. Twitter Who-To-Follow
Considering 27 distinct queries asked at least twice
Judgment by majority voting
Cognos judged better on 12 queries
Computer science, Linux, Mac, Apple, Ipad, Internet,
Windows phone, photography, political journalist, …
Twitter Who-To-Follow judged better on 11 queries
Music, Sachin Tendulkar, Anjelina Jolie, Harry Potter,
metallica, cloud computing, IIT Kharagpur, …
Results for query music
Summary: Finding topic experts in Twitter
Developed and deployed Cognos
Uses Lists to infer topics of expertise and rank users
Competes favorably with Twitter Who-To-Follow
Lists vital in searching for topic experts in Twitter
Future work
Make the inference methodology robust against List spam
Key insight: Unlike follow-links, experts do not List nonexpert users
Twitter microblogging site
An important source for real-time Web content
500 million active users posting 400 million tweets daily
Quality of tweets / content vary widely
Any one can post tweets
Celebrities, politicians, news media, academics, spammers
Challenge: Finding relevant & trustworthy content
Trustworthy: Thwart spammers and their spam
Relevance: Identify authoritative experts on specific topics
Higher-level take away
Links mean different things in different real-world
social networks
They are backed by different social interactions
In fact, every social network offers different types of links
Many links are implicit
Important to differentiate and leverage domainspecific usage of social links
Thank You
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