Structure Setup

The Set Up
of SYC
History of NSW SYC
Patrol Leaders Conference
Infrequency of meetings
Lack of continuity of information
No continuity of member participation
Lack of processes to support circular information
Inability of State Mindari, Regional Mindari and
District Mindari to appropriately and
meaningfully communicate with youth members.
The Creation of SYC - 2007
The Creation of SYC
2007 – official visitors from WA to
discuss their version of Scout Youth Council.
 After long discussions – the PLC decided
NSW needed to change format dramatically
to allow the scouts of NSW to have a voice
that was heard from Troop level right through
to State level, similar to WA.
 They are now starting at achieve just that!
The Beginnings
Josh and Briony – Our
Anne-Marie, Brendon and
Alan – SSYC’s first elected
The Design
Scout Leader
District SYC
Region SYC
State SYC
State Mindari
The Role of the Mentor
Crucial to the success of the new SYC model is the
Ability to have fun
Young in attitude and mind set.
Keen to facilitate and encourage youth members
of their state, region and district in debate about
their organisation.
Able to be the conduit of clear, concise
communication between the SYC and the Mindari
at every level.
The Role of the Mentor
Create trusting
Have great fun
Role model
Being a Mentor at a SYC
 Listen
 Safety
of members
 Two Deep leadership
 No Voice unless asked
 Concise communication
 Fun but firm
 Support for all
 Be an advocate for the Scouts voices and
From Troop Council
SYC representatives from each troop need to be
nominated by the troop council to attend the
district SYC.
At District SYC – Two Scouts from every troop in
the district is a good number.
The troop representatives should take some
discussion point for the district SYC nominated by
the troop council or troop members
At District SYC
Members from the district SYC elect an executive.
(Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary)
These scouts become the District’s SYC representatives
at Region SYC.
Their job is to represent issues arising from troops, that
they have been unable to solve at District SYC level.
Issues brought to the District SYC that need attention
from the adult leaders need to go into recommendation
format, and be taken by the Mentor or a representative
to the Mindari.
District Mentors can attend and assist at Region SYC.
The Mentor however has no voice unless specifically
asked for information or to present information from
the relevant Mindari!
At District SYC
Issues needing action at SYC’s need to be put into
the form of a recommendation. A
recommendation template is part of the starter kit.
Feedback from the Mindari must go back to the
executive of the District SYC ASAP.
Important to ensure Leaders understand these
ideas or concerns raised originate with the Scouts.
Respect all opinions
District SYC – Should occur once a term or more
often if required.
District SYC
All representatives participate
Secretary and Chairman (NWR)
Region SYC
Executives from each District SYC within a region
come together to create the Region SYC.
These representatives elect an executive of
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary for
The Executive become the region’s representatives
at State Level.
Each Region’s Mentor accompanies their Region’s
executive to State SYC. Their role there is to
support, encourage and assist…and often to
transport and assist with catering!
Region SYC
Issues brought to Region SYC are those issues that
could not be solved at District Level – or those
issues not resolved to the scouts satisfaction at
District Level from that leader Mindari.
Meetings are once a term or more frequently if
Mentor is responsible for conveying issues in
recommendation format to the Region Mindari.
It is respectful to discuss the issues with the RCS
or the Mindari leader prior to the Mindari.
Mentor Must have’s
 Keeness
to encourage scouts ideas and
interest in having a say in their organisation
 The ability and time to assist your SYC’s
executive to organise SYC meetings and
support the youth at these meetings
 Patience
 Access and ability to attend all Mindari’s in
your District and Region.
 The ability to clearly communicate the scouts
thoughts and recommendations to the
Mindari members.
District and Regional
 Some
RC(S) have decided to invite SYC
(District or Region) executive members to
their Mindaris to speak and present their
 Where this occurs – the Mentor’s role is not
diminished in any way. You remain the
support and advocate of your SYC members.
Scout Youth Council
 Lastly
– In the words of a very dedicated and
enthusiastic South Metropolitan Region Scout
“Scouting is a dynamic and evolving YOUTH
- Without the Youth we have no Organisation”