Overview of Youth Sports


Overview of Youth Sports

 Up to 42 million children participate in recreational sports in the United


– American Sports Data, 2002

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Youth Sport

Programming &


Children are at their learning best while at play….Plato

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Youth Sport

Programming &


 One of the keys to PLAY is the absence of adult intervention.

• Freedom to create rules

• Modify games or made up rules

• Balance the playing field

• ….kids just playing for the fun of it!

• However, organized youth sports depends upon adult intervention!

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Youth Sport

Programming &


Structure of Youth Sports Today

 Ages lowered

• 4 yr old T-ball

 More organized leagues

 More focused on winning

 Quality of facilities and equipment

 Lack of motor skill development

 Costs

 Violence and the media

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Youth Sport

Programming &


Positive Aspects You Would Want

Children to Gain from Youth

Sports Participation

 FUN!!!

 Self-confidence

 Self-esteem

 Skill building

 Social skills

 Sportsmanship

 Fitness

 Respect

 Discipline

 Role model

 Keep off street

 Conflict resolution

 Responsibility

 Play by the rules

 Communication

 Teamwork

 Winning/losing

 Motivation

 Commitment

 Leadership

 Positive outlook

 Physical fitness

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Youth Sport

Programming &


Operating a Success Youth Sports


 The key to operating a successful youth sports organization is operating within a philosophy that adults agree will benefit the children

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Youth Sport

Programming &


Does Youth Sport Need a Change?

 What do you think?

 Factors that might make you think there is a need…

• Negative parental involvement

• Negative coaching

• Finding quality volunteers

• Lack of fun

• Others?

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Youth Sport

Programming &


The Problem

 A large % of the 42 million kids quit playing by the age of 13. Why?

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Youth Sport

Programming &


Youth Sport Issues

 Modeled after professional sports

 Vicarious or shocking/sensational parents

 Overzealous coaches

 Sport rage

 Large drop out by age 13

 Others?

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Youth Sport

Programming &


The Kids Speak Out

 57% said there is too much violence in youth sports

 74% said they’ve see outof-control adults at their games

 36% cited embarrassment as the top emotion felt when witnessing bad adult behavior followed by disappointment ( 25%) , anger (23%) , and fear


– Sport Illustrated for Kids

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Programming &


We must be



to change the culture of youth sports

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Programming &


REC 4110

Youth Sport

Programming &


National Standards

 October, 1987 Washington, DC

• 48 leading experts develop standards

 The National Standards for Youth

Sports Recommendation for

Communities :

• Provide guidance as a national policy

• Assist youth leagues in decision making that affects positive participation

• Increases confidence when a league conducts itself according to a national standard

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Youth Sport

Programming &


What the Standard Suggests…

1. Change the culture

1. Leadership in community

2. Positive sports

3. Create a philosophy


Same as school….

2. Appoint a professional youth sports administrator to ensure adherence to the philosophy

3. Hold everyone associated with the program accountable for their behavior

REC 4110

Youth Sport

Programming &


National Standards for Youth


 National Standards

 Marine Corp Community Services

That’s all folks....Have a great day!

