Document 2 – MTO PowerPoint Presentation

Cyrville Road Bridge Replacement at
Highway 417 (Ottawa Queensway)
Detail Design Study
Group Work Project 4011-06-00
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Study Purpose
• Carry out a Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to
facilitate the replacement of Cyrville Road Bridge.
• Document the Study in a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR).
• Prepare a Construction Contract for the recommended Bridge improvements.
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Study Background
• Planning, Preliminary Design and Transportation Environmental Assessment
study undertaken to determine long-term operational improvements along
Highway 417 (Ottawa Queensway) from Highway 416 Easterly to Anderson
Road (GWP 663-93-00), which included the Cyrville Road Bridge replacement.
• Completed TESR and Preliminary Design Report for the Highway 417
operational improvements in 2007.
• Environmental approval obtained in October 2008.
• Identified need to replace Cyrville Road Bridge in advance of scheduled
Highway 417 operational improvements to address existing structural
deficiencies associated with the age of the bridge.
• Initiated current detail design study to facilitate replacement of the Cyrville
Road Bridge.
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Study Area
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Bridge General Arrangement
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Cyrville Road
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Alternatives to the Undertaking
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Alternative 1:
Do Nothing
Alternative 2:
Rehabilitate Bridge
Alternative 3:
Remove Bridge
Alternative 4:
Replace Bridge with existing two lane width on
Cyrville Road with provisions for future
widening of Cyrville Road
Alternative 5:
Replace Bridge with widened four lane width
on Cyrville Road to accommodate future
expansion of Cyrville Road
Preferred Alternative
Alternative 5:
Carried Forward
Replace Bridge with widened four lane width on
Cyrville Road to accommodate future expansion
of Cyrville Road
Rationale In Support of Carrying Forward
• Addresses deteriorated condition of the bridge.
• Supports future operational improvements on Highway 417 and
Cyrville Road (i.e., sufficient span length and bridge deck width
• No future traffic and community impacts associated with four lane
widening of bridge.
• More cost effective for City of Ottawa than implementing four lane
widening at a later date to accommodate the future expansion of
Cyrville Road.
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Construction Staging Alternatives
Alternative 5a
Alternative 5b
Not Preferred
Alternative 5c
Not Feasible
Reconstruction of the Cyrville Road Bridge in one stage with
localized full closure of Cyrville Road at Highway 417 during
Reconstruction of the Cyrville Road Bridge in two stages to
maintain traffic on at least one alternating single lane with
temporary traffic control signals during construction.
Rapid Replacement Technology – includes building the bridge in
a staging area and moving it into place upon completion with a
series of short term closures.
• Not feasible due to the lack of a suitable staging area in
close proximity to the bridge site required to construct
the new bridge.
• Long term full closure of Cyrville Road is still required to
construct pier and abutments for increased three-span
bridge arrangement.
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Preferred Staging Alternative
Alternative 5a:
Reconstruction of the Cyrville Road Bridge in
one stage with localized full closure of Cyrville
Road at Highway 417 during construction.
Rationale In Support of Full Closure
Minimize cumulative traffic impacts on Cyrville Road and adjacent roadways over the
duration of construction (1 year full closure impact vs. 2 year staged construction impact).
Improve safety for construction workers and motorists by eliminating traffic through a
confined work zone and southbound sightline restrictions to Labrie Avenue.
Improve construction efficiency and reduce overall construction duration (1 yr. vs. 2 yrs).
Reduce combined construction and contract administration costs ($16.05 vs. $21.3 M).
Coordinate timing of construction with future operational and safety improvements on
Highway 417 scheduled to commence in 2012 (subject to funding and environmental
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Detour Strategy
Highway 417 Short-Term Full Closure
Bridge Removal and Demolition
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Detour Strategy
Cyrville Road Long-Term Full Closure
Construction of New Bridge and Approaches
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Rapid Bridge Removal and Demolition
• Benefits include reduced construction schedule, cost savings and minimal
disruption to Highway 417 traffic.
• Contractor will be responsible for preparing a Removal and Demolition Plan
detailing a step-by-step procedure that addresses all aspects of the structure
removal and demolition.
• Measures need to address the proximity to and protection of the City of
Ottawa watermain located in front of the Cyrville Road Bridge south
abutment below the existing Highway 417 outside eastbound lane.
• Financial penalties will be imposed for delays in re-opening all lanes of
Highway 417 traffic.
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Compatibility with
Future Planning Initiatives
MTO Highway 417 Improvements
• Construction timing compatible with Highway 417 improvements scheduled to
commence as per Southern Ontario Highways Program.
• Span lengths accommodate proposed future Highway 417 widening.
• Third span accommodates independent Ottawa Road174 to St. Laurent Blvd. ramp.
Interprovincial Crossing Study
• Bridge span arrangement will not preclude incorporation of Aviation Parkway
interchange modifications.
• Third span adaptable to permit proposed Aviation Parkway ramp configuration.
Downtown Ottawa Transit Tunnel
• Construction timing to be coordinated with DOTT improvements scheduled to
commence in 2011.
• Bridge general arrangement and substructure compatible with DOTT improvements.
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Compatibility with
Future Planning Initiatives
Cyrville Road Operational Improvements
• Bridge cross-section will accommodate two lanes of traffic, bike lane and sidewalk in
both directions including provisions for median island.
Ottawa Road 174 Operational Improvements
• Construction timing compatible with Ottawa Road 174 improvements schedule for
completion in 2010.
• Outside limits of proposed improvements.
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Environmental Assessment Process
This Project is currently following the approved environmental planning process for
Group ‘B’ Projects, under the Ministry’s Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for
Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000).
Activities completed to date:
• Published Notice of Study Commencement
- Advertised July 3, 2008 in Ottawa Citizen and Ottawa LeDroit
• Conducted Preliminary Design and Initial Coordination with City of Ottawa
• Convened Business Community Meetings
- Monday, April 12 and Tuesday, April 13, 2010
- 45 businesses were invited and 13 business meetings occurred
• Prepared Draft Legal Agreement with City of Ottawa
Future Activities:
• Public Information Centre on May 12, 2010 at the Earl Armstrong Arena
• Detail Design and Final Coordination with City of Ottawa
• TESR (issued for 30-day public review) (Summer 2010)
• Prepare Construction Contract and Issue for Tender
• Finalize Legal Agreement with City of Ottawa
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Construction Schedule
Final Design Submission:
October 2010
November/December 2010
Construction Start:
February/March 2011
Construction End:
October/November 2011
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