The creation of the alliance systems

The creation of the alliance
Bismarck and his foreign policy
1871 - 1890
1870 was a turning point in
international relations
 France defeated
 Britain in « splendid isolation »
 Bismarck wants to keep France isolated (why?)
 Wants to keep friends with Austria and Russia
 Build up an alliance system to suit Germany
Bismarck was successful until
But it was difficult to keep Russia
Dealing with France
 Treaty of Frankfurt 1871
 By 1873 indemnity paid off – army of
occupation leaves.
 1875 war in sight crisis
 Russia warns Germany to stop!
Dreikaiserbund 1872
 Germany, Austria & Russia
 Verbal agreement to help each other against
socialist revolution,
 discuss international issues
 and the Eastern Question
The Eastern Question
 The problems in the Balkans
Ottoman empire weak
Slav peoples want their independence
Russia wants to help them
Russia wants Constantinople
This worries – Austria & Britain
1875 - Near Eastern crisis
 Revolts against the
 Bulgarian massacres
 Russia helps out
 Treaty of San Stefano
– « big Bulgaria »
The congress of Berlin 1878
 Russia forced to agree
to a small Bulgaria
 Austrians get
protectorate over
Bosnia and
What was Bismarck up to?
 Revenge! The war in sight crisis!
 Supporting Russia did not appear a good
 Wants to keep friendly with Aust and Br
 Wants to get an alliance with Aust
 Control Austrian policy in the Balkans
 Increase German influence in Turkey
The Dual Alliance 1879
 Congress of Berlin led to this
 Austria would be neutral if Germany and
France fought.
 Austria would help out if two countries
attacked Germany.
 Austria would help if Russia attacked
The Triple Alliance 1881
 Italy joined Austria and Germany.
 France took Tunis (Bismarck encouraged
this) but Italy angry.
 Aust, Ger & Italy would help each other if
one were attacked by TWO other powers.
 BUT Italy would not have to join a fight
including Britain.
The Dreikaiserbund treaty 1881
 Renewed the old Dreikaiserbund
 German neutrality if Russia at war with a fourth
party! Britain!
 Russia would not support France in a war
involving Ger and Aust.
 Russia could re create the big Bulgaria sometime.
 Austria could keep Bosnia & Herzegovina
 Treaty ran out in 1887
Trouble in the Balkans 1885 - 87
 Revolt in Eastern Rumelia – it joins with
 Bulgaria declares independence – and
throw out the Russians!
 A German prince is elected king.
 Russia is furious
 France – Boulanger – ally with Russia
Russia refuses to renew
Bismarck is terrified – will Russia
and France ally?
The secret Reinsurance treaty 1887
 Secret agreements – why?
 Russia to have main influence in the
 Germany would be neutral in a war with a
third power ( Russia said the same).
 BUT clause not active if Ger attacked
France OR Russia attacked Austria
So Bismarck had got friendly
with Russia again!
But the secrecy shows how hard it
is becoming!
1890 A new German kaiser
takes over
Bismarck is dismissed.
Who can handle the diplomacy