Introduction to the Victorian state disability plan 2013-2016

Introduction to the
Victorian state disability plan 2013–2016
This presentation
What the Victorian state disability plan involves
Why we need the Victorian state disability plan
Who the Victorian state disability plan is for
Key features of the Victorian state disability plan
The framework of the Victorian state disability plan
What is the Victorian state disability
plan 2013–2016?
The Victorian state disability plan 2013–2016 is the Victorian
Government’s whole-of-government, whole-of-community plan for
making life better for people with a disability, their families and carers.
There are three parts to the plan:
► The Victorian state disability plan 2013–2016 outlines
the four year strategic framework and describes how the
government will monitor progress.
► The implementation plans contain the concrete actions
that will be taken in each two-year period of the plan. The
first Implementation plan will run from 1 January 2013
to 31 December 2014.
► The Companion document provides the context for the
Why do we need a plan?
► To maintain focus on making the changes that matter
► A resource that can be used by all – any organisation, local
council, group or individual can use the plan to guide their
own actions and work together with us to make the plan more
► Required under the Disability Act 2006
► To meet the Victorian government’s
commitments under the National
Disability Strategy
► To lay the groundwork for a viable
National Disability Insurance
Who is the plan for?
The plan is for:
► All people with a disability of all ages, regardless of their
type or level of disability.
► People who need extra support to help them with everyday
tasks and who are eligible for support from the disability
Families and carers of people with
a disability will benefit by their
family member with a disability
having more options for participation
and independence.
All Victorians will benefit from the
increased cultural and economic
contribution of people with a disability.
What is the aim of the plan?
The plan is working towards achieving the Victorian
government’s vision of:
An inclusive Victorian society that enables people with a
disability, their families and carers to fulfil their potential as
equal citizens.
The plan aims to build a more
accessible and welcoming
Victorian community where
people with a disability are able to
fulfil their potential in all aspects
of life, at every stage of their lives,
and have the same opportunities
to participate as everyone does.
What stands out about the plan?
The key features of the plan are that:
► people with a disability, their families and carers are at the
heart of the plan
► it is whole-of-government and whole-of-community
► it works across all aspects of everyday life to build a more
accessible and welcoming Victoria
► it continues reforms to the disability system to make it
more integrated with other services, easier to use and
more flexible
► it gives more choice and control over supports
► it will be monitored and evaluated.
Key features
People with a disability, their families and carers at the heart of
the plan
► The government consulted with
over 500 people with a
disability, their families and
carers to write the plan. The
plan’s progress will be
monitored by people with a
disability, their families and
Whole of government
► The plan brings together more than 140 actions from all
relevant government departments across all areas of life.
Key features
Whole of community
► All parts of our community – local government, employers and
businesses, not-for-profit organisations and community groups
– can use the plan to connect their efforts with those of the
Victorian government and make a bigger impact on achieving
the plan’s vision.
Every one of us can challenge
discrimination and cultural
barriers wherever we find them
Key features
An accessible and welcoming Victoria
► The plan works to build a more accessible and welcoming
Victoria, where the rights of people with a disability are
promoted and they are able to live, work, move around and
socialise in the same places and in the same way as their
Continued reform of the disability system
► The plan works towards a connected and integrated disability
service system that provides flexible supports to meet
individual needs and where any entry point will lead to the right
services and support.
Key features
More choice and control
► The plan aims to promote independence and give people who
use services more choice and control over the way their
support is provided, so that they can live the life they choose.
Monitoring and evaluation
► Three methods will be used to monitor
the plan’s progress throughout its life and will
come together in a consolidated evaluation
report at the completion of the plan.
► The views of people with a disability, their
families and carers are the main way that
the government will know whether the plan
is making the right changes.
How will the plan work?
► The plan works to make changes in four interconnected
areas. These are the plan’s goals:
► People with a disability will not be able to benefit fully from
changes in one area if the others remain unchanged.
► The next slide shows the framework of the plan: the plan’s
vision, principles, goals and outcomes.
The framework
How will the plan work?
► Under each goal the plan outlines:
► Outcomes – the changes in people’s lives that the
government expects to see as a result of carrying out
the actions in the plan.
► Indicators – statistical data, used as one way of
measuring the results of the actions of the plan.
► Strategies – paths of action that maximise the impact
of the plan by encouraging cross-government work and
focusing the plan’s actions on where the government
can have the most influence.
► The next four slides show examples
of strategies under their goals.
Goal 1
Some strategies:
Improve workforce capacity to meet
the learning and development needs
of children and students with a
Improve supported accommodation
Improve the accessibility of health
service provision
Goal 2
Some strategies:
Better enable people with a
disability, families and carers to
exercise their rights
Build skills and work readiness
Increase the voice and
representation of people with a
Goal 3
Some strategies:
Make public transport more
Make community facilities and
public spaces more accessible
and safer
Provide accessible information
about government services
Goal 4
Some strategies:
Maximise choice and control through
self-directed supports
Work towards building a consolidated
human services model through
Services Connect
Provide respite services that better
meet the needs of families and carers
How will we know the plan is working?
► To find out whether the plan is making the changes that the
government expects and to enable adjustments to be made if
needed, the government will:
► consult regularly throughout the plan’s implementation with
people with a disability, their families and carers
► receive regular reports from each department
► collect statistics on long term changes across the Victorian
population of people with a disability, their families and
► At the completion of the
Victorian state disability plan
2013–2016, the results of the
monitoring will be brought
together in an overall evaluation
Thank you
The plan is available in a number of formats on the Victorian
state disability plan website.
► Website
Contact details
► Post
► Fax
Victorian state disability plan, Office for Disability
Department of Human Services
GPO Box 4057, Melbourne 3001
(03) 9650 3812
► Email
► Phone
1300 880 043 or TTY 9639 2417