禱告聚會 青年聚會 週六小組 主日崇拜 Prayer Meeting Youth Meeting Saturday Group Sunday Worship 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日 Sun 10:00 am 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 我的盼望 就在耶稣基督里 在你里面 满有平安 生命泉源 就在耶稣基督里 有主在我里面活着 All of my hope lies in Jesus Christ alone For I know that He is my peace All of my joy lies in Jesus Christ alone He lives in me forever more 我宣告 在我里面的 比世上一切更有能力 我不属这世界 我高举耶稣的名 Declare “the One who’s within me Is greater than the one in the world” I’m not of this world I belong to Jesus, the King 我宣告 在我里面有 活水涌流 满有能力 有耶稣在我里面活着 我勇敢站立 Declare “the one who’s within me Is greater than the one in the world” I know that the King lives in me I am strengthened in Him 有主 在我里面 没有惧怕 能战胜仇敌 有主 在我里面 没有惧怕 还得胜有余 My Lord, who lives in me Conquers all of my enemies My Lord, who lives in me Is my portion, my victory Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us He gave us clouds as covering And fire to give us light 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂鋪張雲彩當遮蓋 夜間使火光照 耶和華行了大事 1/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us In the desert He has made a river flow 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂在乾旱之處 使水流成河 耶和華行了大事 2/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us We will celebrate and declare of His works For He is our help we can do mighty things 我們要歡呼 述說祂的作為 我們依靠神 就能施展大能 耶和華行了大事 3/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us We will sing and praise, shout with joy To tell of His great works For He is my help we can do mighty things 我們要歌頌 要歡呼 述說祂的作為 我們依靠神 就能施展大能 耶和華行了大事 4/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us He calmed the storm to whisper And stilled the raging sea 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂命令狂風止息 那波浪就平靜 耶和華行了大事 5/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us He has satisfied our hearts with His good things 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂張開雙手 我們就得飽足 耶和華行了大事 6/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us He brings out His people with songs of joy He will take us into His promise lands He brings out His people with songs of joy He will take us into His promise lands 祂必帶領選民歡呼向前 祂將列國的地賜給我們 祂必帶領選民歡呼向前 祂將列國的地賜給我們 耶和華行了大事 7/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us 天上阿爸父 我們尊崇你聖名 在全地上我們高舉你 Click to edit Master text同心禱告 styles 當我們謙卑 Second level 你國度降臨 你愛覆蓋這地 Third level Fourth level Heavenly Fifth levelFather, Holy is Your precious name We lift Your name high over the earth When we come as one in humble pray’r May Your kingdom come 我們齊敬拜 將生命獻上給你 全能天父我們尋求你 Click to edit Master text願你旨意 styles 我們的禱告 Second level 行在這國家 如同行在天 Third level Fourth level Worshipping Fifth level as one, As a living sacrifice Do as You will, Father Almighty This our humble prayer: Your will be done Move in this nation, As You move in heaven 設立你寶座 建立你居所 Click to edit Master 直到你心滿足 text styles 我們不停息 Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth levelE’tablish your throne, Build Your dwelling place How we long to see our God’s desires fulfilled 我們愛慕你 耶穌基督 萬國的盼望都在乎你 Click to edit Master text styles 全地的喜悅 眾心所戀慕 Second level 你公義信實 完美正直 Third level Fourth level Fifth level You are our desire,Lord Jesus Christ Hope of all nations in all the earth Joy for all the earth, Lover of our souls You are righteous, Lord. Perfect, just and true 主 我來到你施恩座前 你同在中 我找到 安歇和喜樂 Lord, I come before Your throne of grace I find rest in Your presence And fullness of joy 主我來到你施恩座前 1/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 敬拜你 奇妙中 仰望你榮面 歌頌你是 何等信實主 In worship and wonder I behold Your face Singing what a faithful God have I 主我來到你施恩座前 2/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 何等信實 主我神 何等信實主 何等信實 主我神 信實直到永遠 What a faithful God have I What a faithful God What a faithful God have I Faithful in ev’ry way 主我來到你施恩座前 3/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 主 憐憫垂聽我的呼求 風雨中是我燈塔 我夜間的歌 Lord of mercy, You have heard my cry Through the storm You’re the beacon My song in the night 主我來到你施恩座前 4/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 在你翅膀蔭庇下 應允我呼求 歌頌你是 何等信實主 In the shelter of Your wings Hear my heart’s reply Singing what a faithful God have I 主我來到你施恩座前 5/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 何等信實 主我神 何等信實主 何等信實 主我神 信實直到永遠 What a faithful God have I What a faithful God What a faithful God have I Faithful in ev’ry way 主我來到你施恩座前 6/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 主你掌權 從天賜平安 你賜下 安慰和力量 使我安慰受苦者 Lord all sov’reign, Granting peace from heav’n Let me comfort those who suffer With the comfort You have giv’n 主我來到你施恩座前 7/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 我要全心傳揚你大愛 盡我一生 歌頌你是 何等信實主 I will tell of Your great love For as long as I live Singing what a faithful God have I 主我來到你施恩座前 8/8 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 阿爸天父 容許我 單單屬於祢 願我心思為主用 一生屬於祢 , Abba Father, let me be Yours and Yours alone May my will forever be Ever more Your own 永不讓我心冷淡 永不丟棄我 阿爸天父 容許我 單單屬於祢 Never let my heart grow cold Never let me go Abba Father, let me be Yours and Yours alone 求你 賜給我 寬廣的心 Click to edit Master title style O Lord, enlarge and broaden my heart 使我能 擁抱你的愛情 That I may embrace, contain Your love 求你賜我 一雙鴿子的眼睛 Endow me with a pair of pure dove's eyes 使我能 專一注視你 That my gaze rests only on You! 求你 賜給我 勇敢的心 Click to edit Master title style Give me a dauntless heart for You Lord 使我能 為你爭戰到底 That I may war for You to the end! 求你賜給我 一顆溫柔的心 Place within me a gentle and tender heart 使我能 體會你的憐憫 That I may experience Your compassion 哦!耶穌 哦!耶穌 ClickOhtoJesus! edit Oh Jesus! Master title style 我渴望聽懂 你心跳的聲音 My heart yearns to hear the sound of Your heartbeat! 哦!耶穌 哦!耶穌 Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus! 我渴望將你 如沒藥藏我心 I long to hide You as myrrh within my heart! 我能想到最美的事 Click to edit Master title style I can think of a beautiful scene! 就是在那金色榮耀的黎明 Where the day breaks in the light of Your glory! 站在藍色的玻璃海上 Standing on the blue sea of glass 終日向你訴說 我愛你 On that day I will say, “I love you!” 水和血 從你的肋旁留下來 漫過我全人最深玷污 用火燒將一切罪惡都燒盡 直到消逝遺忘的海裡 Your precious blood and water flow from Your side Washes the sin and darkness from me Your holy fire consume all of my sins Until it lost in eternity 32 罪深重 屢次壓傷疲憊的心 誰能救我 脫離我自己 雖深知 我種種不堪的過去 神聖愛 不曾將我放棄 My deepest secret sins have broken my heart Who can save me from my sinful self Though I know my sinful past I can’t look back Your love will never give up on me 33 耶穌 我的救主 是你洗我白如雪 遠離舊事成為新造的人 唯你永是我的救主 Jesus, Oh my Savior You who washes me like snow Far from the past I become a new man You are my only Savior 34 如今我也 背起十架走窄路 常軟弱 唯你是我幫助 每跌倒 唯賴你釘痕手扶起 你憐恤 憂傷痛悔的心 Now I carry my cross on the narrow road I’m weak but You always help me Your nail pierced hand lifts me up when I fall down Your mercy mends the broken hearted 35