KONSEP KAJIAN TINDAKAN 1 APAKAH KAJIAN TINDAKAN? Act-ReviewAct- Review Action + Research Change + Understanding 2 TUJUAN KAJIAN TINDAKAN There are two essential aims of all action research; to improve and to involve. Action research aims at improvement in these areas; • Firstly, the improvement of practice; • Secondly, the improvement of understanding of the practice by its practitioners; and • Thirdly, the improvement of the situation in which the practice take place… Those involved in the practice being considered are to be involved in the action research process in all its phases of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. (Carr & Kemmis 1986:165) TUJUAN KAJIAN TINDAKAN 1.Membantu guru menghadapi cabaran. 2.Mengeluarkan guru dari kongkongan amalan rutin. 3.Memberi kuasa(empowerment) untuk membuat keputusan dalam bilik darjah. 4.Menggalakkan guru berkongsi pengalaman. 5.Menjadi agen perubahan. Action Research – A summary DILAKUKAN OLEH PENGAMAL (The project is undertaken by the PARTICIPANTS in the situation, not by outsiders studying the practice of an individual or group. ) BERBENTUK KITARAN / GELUNGAN (The project proceeds through a SPIRAL OF CYCLES of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.) 5 Action Research- A summary MENAMBAHBAIK AMALAN (The project IMPROVES PRACTICE for the participants and has the potential to improve practice for the wider field.) PENAMBAHBAIKAN HOLISTIK (Action Research is at the same time a research methodology and a process for INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL IMPROVEMENT.) 6 CIRI-CIRI KAJIAN TINDAKAN BERBENTUK KITARAN KOLABORASI KUALITATIF REFLEKSI RESPONSIF EMERGENT 7 KITARAN KAJIAN TINDAKAN 8 KITARAN / GELUNGAN PERTAMA Ke KITARAN / GELUNGAN KEDUA Langkah 1 MENGENAL PASTI ASPEK AMALAN Langkah 2 MERANCANG PELAN TINDAKAN Langkah 5 MEREFLEKS TENTANG DAPATAN KAJIAN TERHADAP TINDAKAN, dll Langkah 3 MELAKSANAKAN TINDAKAN Langkah 4 MENGUMPUL DATA TENTANG TINDAKAN 9 Lewin, 1946 dan Laidlaw,1992 “Action Research involves problem posing, not just problem solving. It does not start from a view of problems as pathologies. It is motivated by a quest to improve and understand the world by changing it and learning how to improve it from the effects of the changes made.” (Cathy Caro-Bruce on April 19, 2004 in support of the Florida Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol) 10 Problem implies that there is something wrong, when what is meant in action research terms is that “a problem is a definition of a need for change and describes how certain issues can be addressed” (Cunningham 1993:75) 11 ACTION RESEARCH is : NOT a LIBRARY PROJECT where we learn more about a topic that interests us. NOT PROBLEM-SOLVING in the sense of trying to find out what is wrong, but rather a quest for knowledge about how to IMPROVE. NOT doing research ON OR ABOUT PEOPLE, or finding all available information on a topic looking for the correct answers. NOT about learning WHY WE DO CERTAIN THINGS, but rather HOW WE CAN DO THINGS BETTER. It is about how we can change our instruction to impact students. 12 Action research………… Action research is concerned with bringing about change. Its aim is not to solve problems per se, but to find ways of bringing about change so that the reasons for these problems can be eliminated. Action research is about people working together in collaborative ways so that they can grow professionally Action research is much more about process rather than about product GOOD ACTION RESEARCH Aims to REALISE EDUCATIONAL VALUES INTEGRATES teaching and research DEVELOPS the curriculum Implies REFLEXIVE teaching and not simply reflective teaching Gathering DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEWS DEFINE rather than apply quality indicators (Elliott, 1991) 14