the Nazi`s in the 1920s leaflet

Learning Objective: To
understand the development
and growth of the Nazi Party in
the 1920s
The Nazi’s in the 1920s
• During the 1920s
the Nazi Party
underwent some
quite big changes to
their structure and
• For most of the
1920s they were
unsuccessful and
remained a small and
extreme party- they
were one among
• Set up in 1919 by Anton Drexler
• It began as the German Workers Party
but changed its name to the National
Socialist German Worker’s Party under
Hitler in 1921
• Hitler joined the Nazi’s in 1919 after
attending one of their meetings on
behalf of the Weimar government as a
The role of Hitler 1919-1923
• Hitler’s talent for public
speaking and organisation was
soon recognised by Drexler
• Drexler gave Hitler more and
more responsibility until he
became the leader of the
Party in 1921
• Hitler introduced a number
of initiatives including
• Flag
• Twenty five point programme
(outlined the Nazi beliefs)
• Introduced the use of
effective propaganda
• Introduced the use of force
with the SA (brownshirts)
What did the Nazi’s stand for?
• Anti- communism
• Anti- Jewish and beliefs
in racial superiority
• Strong government and
• Lebensraum- living space
• Destroy the Treaty of
• Re-arm Germany
• Destroy the Weimar
The Munich Putsch
• On 8 and 9th of November 1923 Hitler and the Nazi’s
attempted to take power
• On 8th November they stormed a beer hall in Munich
where the leader of Bavaria, Von Kahr and other
officials were holding a meeting.
• He demanded that the Nationalist Socialist revolution
had begun and tried to persuade them to follow him
• They promised but Ludendorff unwittingly allowed
them to leave and they informed the authorities
• The next day when Hitler and the Nazi’s marched into
the city of Berlin they were waiting.
• Hitler got injured, the rebellion was put down and the
leaders were arrested and put on trial.
The Aftermath
Whilst in the short term the
Putsch was a complete failureHitler had been arrested
Some positive changes and
results came about
Trial- gave Hitler chance to
share his views- they were
popular and in all the
newspapers. He became a
national figure
Prison-gave him time to think
and write his book
Realisation- Hitler came to the
conclusion that the only way to
get power was through voteslegally. He made important
changes to the Party to achieve
The Nazi’s in the wilderness
• From 1924-29 Hitler made
some important changes to the
• He set up the SS (black-shirts)
as his personal bodyguardsthey were fanatically loyal to
• He also enlarged the SA- most
of these were unemployed men
• He changed the structure
dividing the country into
regions called a Gau. The head
of that region was called a
Gaulieter. This meant there
were wide spread local Nazi
parties all across Germany
• He also set up a Nazi youth
organisation to get young
people into the Party
• They made effective use of
propaganda and Hitler placed
Goebbels as head of
Propaganda. He created
leaflets, posters, films, radio
broadcasts and even set up
‘photo opportunities’
• He also set up the
Fuhrerprincip- the leadership
principle- the idea of loyalty to
one strong leader
How successful were the Nazis?
May 1924
Why weren’t the Nazi’s
successful in the 1920s
• After 1924 Weimar Germany changed- it
became more successful and prosperous. This
meant more people were willing to support it
• Hitler’s views were popular with the down
trodden- there were less of these- people
were less inclined to listen when they were
doing well
• Alot of workers supported other parties who
they thought better represented their
interests such as the Communist and Socialist
To create a leaflet on the Nazi’s in the 1920s
You should include
• Profile on Hitler- his background and beliefs
• What the Nazi’s believe in
• Significance of the Munich Putsch
• Structure and organisation of the Party
• Successes and failures of the Party in the
• What did the Nazi’s stand for in the
1920s? (4) 4 beliefs listed
• Explain how Hitler changed the Nazi
Party after 1924? (6) 3 ways explainedidentify and reason and then explain it.
• Explain why the Nazi’s had little success
before 1930? (6) 3 reasons explained
• How successful was Hitler in developing
the Nazi Party between 1924 and 1929?
(10) 3 arguments for and againstconclusion plus judgement