Explain Various Wages and Compensation Concepts Explain why job

Explain Various Wages and Compensation
Explain why job evaluation is
necessary. Give examples
23 August 2010
Advance Personnel Management 4
Lecturer Mr. S Mgudlwa
Group Members
 Amanda Socenywa
 Archibald Mkubukeli
 Khaya Valashiya
 Boniswa Gae
 Lettie Mabena
 Grace Malapi
Objectives of the presentation
Learners will be able to
 Understand the nature of the compensation and Job evaluation
 Understand the components of a compensation management
and job evaluation
 Understand the use of variable reward programs
 Discuss the use of salary packaging and benefits
 Be aware of current compensation issues and trends in
compensation management
What Is Compensation?
Compensation is the total reward received by
an employee in exchange for services
performed for an organization.
Dunn JD, Rachel FM, wage and salary administration: Total compensation systems
Strategic objectives of compensation
The strategic objectives of compensation are to:
 Reward past performance
 Remain competitive in the labour market
 Maintain salary equity among employees
 Motivate employees future performance
 Attract and retain good staff
 Reduce unnecessary staff turnover
Alan N, Robert C. Marian B, Strategic human Resource management 2002 4th edition
Compensation continued
Purpose of compensation
WATSON, S. (2005) is job evaluation making a comeback - or did it never go away?
Benefits and Compensation International. Vol 34, No 10, June. Pp8-12, 14.
Compensation systems
Fixed Compensation
Variable or Temporary Compensation
Richard I. Henderson, compensation management: rewarding performance 6th
Compensation cont
Incentives and recognition rewards
Incentives Rewards
Grobler p, Warnich S, Carrell M R, Elbert N .F, Hartfield R.D , Human
Resources Management in south Africa 3rd edition 2006
Compensation Policy
Matching the competition
Lead policy
Lag approach
Fisher Schoenfeldt Shaw, Human Resource Management 1999 4th edition
Advantages of compensation
Job satisfaction
Low Absenteeism
Low Turnover
Fisher Schoenfeldt Shaw, Human Resource Management 1999 4th
Advantages cont.
Advantage to Employees:
Peace of Mind
Increases self-confidence
Fisher Schoenfeldt Shaw, Human Resource Management 1999 4th
. definition
Wages is remuneration received by an
employee (group of employees) for service
rendered during specific period of time –
hour, week, or month.
Milkovich, GT&Newman, JM.2002. Compensation.8th edition.Boston: Irwin Mc Graw-Hill
Wages continued
The main types of wages are:
 Subsistence wage;
Minimum wage;
Fair Wage; and
Living Wage
Milkovich, GT&Newman, JM.2002. Compensation.8th edition.Boston: Irwin Mc Graw-Hill
Job evaluation
Is the process of systematically determining
a relative internal value of a job in an
EGAN, J. (2004) ‘Putting job evaluation to work.’ IRS Employment
Review. No 792, 23 January. Pp8-15.
Job evaluation continued
Principles of Job Evaluation
When to use job evaluation
Types of job evaluation
CAS. (2008) Job evaluation: considerations and risks. Advisory booklet.
London: Acas. Available at:
Job evaluation continued
Implementing a scheme
advantages and disadvantages of job
evaluation methods
Job ranking methods
Job classification method
Point method
Grobler p, Warnich S, Carrell M R, Elbert N .F, Hartfield R.D , Human
Resources Management in south Africa 3rd edition 2006
Advantages and Disadvantages
Factor comparison method
Grobler p, Warnich S, Carrell M R, Elbert N .F, Hartfield R.D , Human
Resources Management in south Africa 3rd edition 2006