CHAPTER 9: COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT Main Contents A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO COMPENSATION PAY SYSTEM PROCESS OF DESIGNING PAY SYSTEM BENEFITS 一.A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT(第一节薪酬管 理概述 ) 1.Definition 2. Compensation Constitutions 3. Importance of Compensation 4. Principles of compensation Management 5. Factors Influencing Compensation 1.Definition for Compensation Compensation represents all kinds of rewards received by an employee in exchange of his or her time, efforts, and work. 2. Compensation Structure wages basic pay incentive pay merit pay Direct Indirect bonuses premiums subsidies stock options benefits Public Benefits Individual benefits Paid Holidays Life Benefits 3. Roles of Compensation To attract To retain To motivate To guarantee To symbolize 4. Principles of compensation Management. A. Equitable: (公平性) B. Cost-effective: (经济性) C. Incentive: (激励性) D. Competitive: (竞争性) E. Legal: (合法性) 5. Factors Influencing Compensation A. External Factors(外部因素) Policy Economic Conditions(经济因素) Labor Market(劳动力市场) Industry Wage Rate(同一行业水平) Ownership System(所有制) Local Cost of Living Index(生活指数) B. Internal Factors (内部因素) Compensation Culture: (文化) Employer’s Ability to pay: (业主支付能力) Stage of Development (企业的发展阶段) Individual factors: (个人因素) education, abilities, and length of service,ability and post. 发展阶段 工资 奖金 福利 启动期 低 高 低 高增长期 具有竞争力 高 低 成熟期 具有竞争力 具有竞争力 具有竞争力 稳定期 高 低 高 衰退期 高 没有 高 二、PAY SYSTEM(工资制度) (1)Tech grade pay system (2)Job grade pay system (3)Post &skill-based pay system (4)Structure pay system (5)Negotiating pay system (6)Deducting pay system 三.DEVELOPING PAY LEVELS(第三节工 资水平设计) Process of Developing Pay Levels Deciding What to Pay Job analysis and job evaluation Pay Policy Line Pay surveys pay grades Implementation of pay system Adjustment of pay system 1) Deciding What to Pay Whether to pay above, at, or below the market average. 2) Job Analysis 3) Job Evaluation Definition: One typical way of measuring job worth is to use an administrative procedure called job evaluation. Compensable Factor: Working conditions Responsibility Required experience Required education Methods Methods The Point –factor system(计点法) The Factors Comparison System(因素比 较法) Ranking(排序法) The point –factor system(计点法/点排列法) STEPS Choosing & separating the compensable factors Weighting the semi-compensable factors Grading the semi-compensable factors Distributing scores to the semi-compensable factors Evaluating & calculating the total points for each job 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH DEGREE DEGREE DEGREE DEGREE DEGREE 1. Education 14 28 42 56 70 2. Experience 22 44 66 88 110 3. Initiative and ingenuity 14 28 42 56 70 10 20 30 40 50 5 10 15 20 25 6. Equipment or process 5 10 15 20 25 7. Material or product 5 10 15 20 25 8. Safety of others 5 10 15 20 25 9. Work of others 5 10 15 20 25 10. Working conditions 10 20 30 40 50 11. Hazards 5 10 15 20 25 FACTORS Skill Effort 4. Physical demand 5. Mental or visual demand Responsibility Job Conditions The Factor Comparison System(因素比较法) STEPS Choosing key jobs Choosing the compensable factors Setting pay rate per hour Distributing pay value to key jobs Comparing non-key with key jobs Distributing pay value to non-key jobs Ranking (排序法/序列法) The system places jobs or positions in orders, from the simplest to the most challenging. 步骤: 1.成立评定小组(最好由企业领导、职能部门领导/HR领导 组成),做好准备工作。 2.了解情况,收集有关岗位方面的资料。 3.评定人员依据评定因素对本企业同类岗位(如技术类)的 重要性逐一评判后排序。 4.将经过所有评定人员评定的每个岗位的结果加以汇总,得 到序号和,然后将序号和除以评定人员的人数,得到每一岗 位的评价序数,最后,按平均序数的大小,由小到大对各岗 位进行排序。 3). Pay Policy Line(薪酬结构线设 计) The Pay Policy Line depicts the pay rates being paid for jobs relative to their relative values. 2. 折线 1. 单线 实 付 工 资 ( ¥ ) a b 职务评价分数 实 付 工 资 ( ¥ ) c d 职务评价分数 4).MARKET PAY SURVEYS(薪酬调查) A pay survey is a collection of data on pay system such as pay level , pay rates for employees performing similar jobs in other firms or pay range , grade distance and numbers. Why, Whom, What ,How? 调查的步骤: 1.调查的具体目标 2.确定调查的具体工作岗位 3.选择调查的企业,宜多不宜少,双方受益 4.设计问卷,简单明了,请求专家帮助 5.实施调查,细致认真,指导填写 6.分析数据,科学公正 5). ESTABLISHING PAY GRADE (建立工资等级) 6).Implementation of pay system 7).Adjustment of pay system Reason Change of Environments Change of Operation Strategy Type According to standing According to profit According to living index According to Performance 三.BENEFITS 1.Definition It refers to a compensation rewards paid to employees in order to safeguard their life, safety and health. 2. kinds of Benefits A. Public Benefits (公共福利) B. Individual benefits (个人福利) C. Paid Holidays(有偿假期) D. Life Benefits(生活福利) A. Public Benefits (公共福利) unemployment insurance (失业保险) Injury and Disability Insurance(伤残保险) Old-age Insurance (养老保险) Medical-care Insurance (医疗保险) Birth Insurance (生育保险) B. Individual benefits (个人福利) Saving (储蓄) Severance pay(辞退金) Transportation fee (交通费) Life insurance(人寿保险) Free lunch (工作餐) Pension(退休金) C. Paid Holidays(有偿假期) sick leaves (病假) Paid Holidays (节假日) Personal Leaves(事假) Vocations (公休) Training programs (培训) Travels(旅游) D. Life Benefits(生活福利) Kindergarten(托儿所) Psychological counseling(心理咨询) Loan guarantee(贷款担保) House-moving allowance(搬迁津贴)