attached - Thomas Adams School

Risk Assessing in Sport
Plan and Review a Safe Sporting Activity
Assignment 3
Mr McAleavy
Your line manager has asked you to
ensure that safe operating procedures
and good practices for delivering
sports activities are adhered to.
Prepare a session plan for delivery of a
sports activity. Conduct a review of the
original plan.
Task 1
Assessment Criteria
 Describe three procedures used to promote and maintain a
healthy and safe sporting environment (P4)
 Explain three procedures used to promote and maintain a
healthy and safe sporting environment (M3)
 Analyse three procedures used to promote and maintain a
health and safe sporting environment (D2)
o For Task 1 you are to create an Informative Leaflet aimed at
new leisure centre staff outlining three safe operating
Informative Leaflet
For Pass(4)
 Describe three procedures used to promote and maintain a healthy
and safe sporting environment (P4)
 First Aid
 Communicating Accidents
 Emergency Evacuation
 Insurance
 Site Suitability
 Risk Assessments
For Merit(3)
o For each of the three procedures explain the impact they have on
providing and maintaining a safe environment. (Find a copy or
practical examples for each of the three safety procedures you have
chosen from resources)
For Distinction (2)
o For each of three procedures add an additional paragraph explaining
the strengths and weaknesses of the practical safety procedure you
have found.
Normal Operating Procedures
 NOP will contain….
 The leisure centres dimensions
 Pool dimensions
 Maximum amount of users
 A plan of the building showing entrances, exists
and location of emergency equipment.
 List of potential hazards and risks with control
Emergency Operating Procedures
 EOP deals with all emergency situations that could arise.
 Examples of emergencies:
How to deal with blood, vomit & faeces
How to deal with drowning
Bomb threat
Customer suffering a minor injury (cut knee)
Customer suffering a major injury (knocked unconscious)
Spinal Injury
Structural failure
Emission of a toxic gas.
Task 2
Assessment Criteria
 Produce a plan for the safe delivery of a selected sports activity
and review the plan (P5)
 Explain the plan for the safe delivery of a selected sports
activity and review the plan (M4)
o For Task 2 you are to create a detailed plan that outlines key
aspects of delivering a sports tournament that is to be held at
your leisure centre. As a group you are then to practical apply
this plan in leading a sports tournament for your peers. To
complete this task, your are to devise a written report of the
sports tournament that you lead reviewing all aspects of the
planning process.
Sports Tournament
As a group select one sporting
tournament that can be lead in the
Sportshall and designate roles and
responsibilities. This sporting
tournament will then be lead by your
group to peers.
Sports Tournament Planning
For Pass(5)
 For your chosen activity outline the roles and responsibility of
the following:
Safety Officer
Communication Officer
Official Leader
For Merit(4)
o For each role and responsibility explain the importance of that
aspect on the sports tournament.
o Practically lead tournament to peers.
- Organise and Chair Meetings
- Delegate responsibilities
- Decide activity and oversee project
Safety Officer
- Risk Assessments for Sport and
-First Aid Arrangements
- Protective Equipment required by
- Organise and collect team details
- Explain playing schedule and rules
on day of tournament
Official Manager
-Create rules for tournament
- Officiate in tournament
Assign Roles
- Create awareness of
- Communicate arrangements
-Playing Schedule
- Recording Results
Process of Organising Tournament
Decide Roles
Decide the sport for the tournament
Outline layout of tournament
Communicating Sports Tournament (Date?)
Risk Assessments for Sport and Facility
First Aid Arrangements
Protective Equipment required for Participants
Outline Equipment required
Outline Rules for Sport
Decide Playing Schedule
Sports you could pick….
 Football
 Rugby
 Netball
 Hockey
 Uni-Hoc
 Basketball
 Badminton
 HandBall
Structure of the Day
Report to the Sportshall for in plenty of time
Set up Equipment
Set up Recording and Playing Schedule on Whiteboard
Set up any Risk Assessment Requirements
Lead in Participants (16 max)
Leader to outline safety requirements and playing schedule
Fitness Coach to lead warm up
Lead official to state rules of the games
Play scheduled games and record results
Sports Tournament Review
For Pass(5)
 Produce a written report reviewing the planning process of the
sports tournament:
Effectiveness of Risk Assessments
First Aid arrangements
Near misses and dangerous occurrences
Site Suitability and equipment
Effectiveness of communications
Guidelines for participants
For Merit(4)/Distinction (3)
o Finish written report by stating the recommendations you
would make if you were to run the tournament again.
Use “Risk Assessment Review” worksheet to assist written report.
Deadline for Task 1:Pass – Describe three Health and Safety Procedures
Merit – Practical Examples of each of the procedures
Distinction – A review of the strengths and weaknesses of each of
the practical examples
And Deadline for Task 2: Individual Report on the planning of a sports tournament stating roles
and responsibilities.
 Witness Observation of practical delivery
 A Review of the sports tournaments stating strengths and
 Email:-
 Task 1 Deadline: Monday 11th June
 Task 2 Deadline: Friday 13th July