Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking
Presented by Holly Klingler, M.A., M.L.I.S.
When you hear “critical
thinking” or “a good critical
thinker,” what comes to mind?
We often think of many tools
that use critical thinking:
 Problem Solver
 Skilled Discussant
 Good Communicator
 Good Decision
 Creative
 Open-minded
 Organized
 Ethical
 Adaptable
 Knowledgeable
 Passionate
 Good Collaborator
 Good Analyzer
 Mentally Active
 Remain Curious
 Insightful
 Self-Aware
Critical Thinking:
The act of reassessing
or challenging your
thinking process/ abilities
so that you can think
accurately and
Critical Thinking:
Take a moment to reflect on your thinking
process as a manager.
What problems do you feel exist in your
thinking process, or you wish to improve on?
Critical Thinking:
Take a moment to reflect on your thinking
What areas of your thinking do you feel you are
strong in?
How have these skills helped you?
Good News Is:
Everyone has been, is and can
be a good critical thinker!
Our goal is to discover WHAT
skills create a lifelong and
conscious critical thinker.
Critical Thinking:
The act of reassessing
or challenging your
thinking process/ abilities
(tools) so that you can
accurately AND efficiently.
Must keep in mind two
The human mind is
The human mind is
NOT perfect
 Capable of multitasking
 Limited to some degree
 Able to process info
 Make mistakes if not
quickly and intuitively
 Able to adapt when
 Influenced BY outside
sources too
10+1= ?
What is the answer?
A bat and ball cost $1.10
The bat costs one dollar more than the
How much does the ball cost?
What is the answer?
First answer: 11
Second answer: five cents
More than 50% of students at Harvard,
MIT and Princeton got the bat-and-ball
puzzle incorrect. More than 80% of other
universities had the incorrect answer as
well. *
Must be “one dollar more”
$1.05 + $.05 = $1.10
*Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, 2011
Two of the biggest barriers to critical
1. Not keeping in mind that we can be wrong or
make mistakes!
Two of the biggest barriers to critical
1. Not keeping in mind that we can be wrong or
make mistakes!
2. Assuming that mistakes and being wrong
is simply a bad thing!
Considering Critical Thinking:
• What specific benefits can this balance in thinking
and action have for you in your management
• How will it help you do your job better? Or what
issues/problems can it help you avoid?
Considering Critical Thinking:
What specific goals can you set in order to achieve that
balance in thinking and action for you and your
Improve Accuracy
Improve Efficiency
• Clear expectations
• Clear deadlines
• Classes or training
• Meetings/check-ins
• Meetings/conferences/ment
• Set limits on time/resources
• Allow time to learn/take risks
• Provide organizational tools or
We can vastly improve our critical
thinking (skills) if we remember:
• The balance between being accurate and efficient.
• The mind is amazing but not 100% perfect to
avoid overconfidence.
• To continually reassess and challenge our
thinking process in each situation.
Tools/Skills of Critical Thinking:
 Problem Solver
 Skilled Discussant
 Good Communicator
 Good Decision
 Creative
 Open-minded
 Organized
 Ethical
 Adaptable
 Knowledgeable
 Passionate
 Good Collaborator
 Good Analyzer
 Mentally Active
 Remain Curious
 Insightful
 Self-Aware
Three main skills to
focus on:
(Self) Aware
Be (Self) Aware
All influence your thinking!
Be Open-Minded
• Active attention
• See alternatives
• Seek connections
• Appreciate ambiguity
• And…
Allow yourself to be wrong.
Be Adaptable
• Learn from mistakes AND
victories because things
will ALWAYS change.
• Adapt is ACTION.
Change your environment
or your environment will
change you.
Critical Thinking is a Lifelong
Not easy and takes
constant diligence and
hard work.
Methods to Improve
Critical Thinking:
• Actively listen/look
• Ask questions
• Follow evidence
• Be curious and relate
• Be flexible and creative
Methods to Improve
Critical Thinking:
• Assume the positive
• Be responsive
• See a lesson in everything
• Work together
• Laugh and ENJOY
Considering Critical Thinking:
• What is one skill or action that you will immediately
implement today to become a better and more aware
critical thinker?
Considering Critical Thinking:
• What is one skill or action that you will immediately
implement today to become a better and more aware
critical thinker?
• What is one method or approach that you will take
today to improve critical thinking skills in your
Critical Thinking Questions:
• What is the purpose of my thinking (goal/objective)?
• What precise question (problem) am I trying to answer?
• Within what point of view (perspective) am I thinking?
• What concepts or ideas are central to my thinking?
• What am I taking for granted, what assumptions am I
Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survive in a
Rapidly Changing World.
Critical Thinking Questions:
• What information am I using (data, facts, observation)?
• How am I interpreting that information?
• What conclusions am I coming to?
• If I accept the conclusions, what are the implications?
• What would the consequences be if I put my thoughts into
Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survive in a
Rapidly Changing World.
Thank you for learning
about Critical Thinking!
Please feel free to ask any questions or