實證醫學基礎核心課程工作坊 - QUESTION FORMING 1 執行EBM的五個步驟: 5A 步驟一:Asking 問問題 形成一個可回答的臨床問題 Converting the clinical uncertainties into an answerable question. 步驟二:Accessing 找資料 搜尋最佳證據 Search the database and tracking down the best available evidence. 步驟三:Appraising 分析判斷 嚴格評讀證據 Critical appraising that evidence for its validity and importance. 2 執行EBM的五個步驟: 5A 步驟四:Applying 臨床應用 應用證據於病患身上 Integrating the critical appraising with our clinical expertise and our patient’s unique biology, values and circumstances. 步驟五:Auditing 評估成果 評估執行效果及效用 Evaluating our effectiveness and efficiency in executing step 14 and seeking ways to improve them both for next time. 3 學習目標 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 能了解臨床提問的重要性 能分辨前景問題與背景問題之不同 能掌握臨床問題之類別 能提出一個前景的臨床問題 能分析問題的結構 4 提問之重要性 決定蒐證的方向 確立問題的內容 培養提問的習慣 衡量問題的輕重 5 臨床問題從哪裡來? 1. 臨床發現(clinical findings) 2. 病因(etiology) 3. 疾病的臨床表徵(clinical menifestations of diseases) 4. 鑑別診斷與診斷檢查(DDx & diagnostic test) 5. 治療(therapy) 6. 預後(prognosis) 7. 預防措施(prevention) 6 問一個可以回答的臨床問題 ASK AN ANSWERABLE QUESTION Background & Foreground Questions (PICO) Types of Questions Priority to answer 7 背景問題 BACKGROUND QUESTIONS 詢問有關疾病的一般性知識 的問題 問題的結構通常包括有 Who:病患特性、危險因 子等 What:自然病程、症狀 學等 Where:影響的器官與系 統、疾病分佈的區域等 When:疾病好發的年齡、 時間、季節等 How:病理生理學 Why:病因 舉例:急性心肌梗塞 Who:老年人、男性、家 族史 What:胸痛、心電圖的 變化等 Where:冠狀動脈阻塞的 位置、程度等 When:氣溫低、心肌耗 氧量高之活動等 How:動脈硬化斑塊破裂、 血栓形成 Why:動脈硬化危險因子、 糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂 症、抽菸、肥胖、少運動 8 前景問題 FOREGROUND QUESTIONS 詢問有關處理病人所需特別知識的問題 問題的架構通常包括有 4 個項目 與病患相關的問題 (The patient and/or problem of interest) 主要的治療措施 (The main intervention),包括診斷、 治療、預後、及病患的觀點 比較相關的治療措施 (Comparison intervention(s), if relevant) 相關的臨床成效 (The clinical outcome(s) of interest) EBM主要是針對foreground questions 9 BACKGROUND 與FOREGROUND 問題的關係 Novice asked more background questions Expert asked more foreground questions 一位臨床醫療的初學者會有較多的background questions, 而有經驗的老手則多提出foreground questions。 10 策略 STRATEGY 利用PICO來建構一個特定的臨床問題 A "well-built" question should include four parts, referred to as PICO 11 常見問題類型 COMMON TYPES OF QUESTIONS Therapy -- how to select treatments to offer patients that do more good than harm and that are worth the efforts and costs of using them. Diagnostic test -- how to select and interpret diagnostic tests, in order to confirm or exclude a diagnosis, based on considering their specificity, sensitivity, likelihood ratios, expense, safety, etc. Prognosis -- how to estimate the patient's likely clinical course over time and anticipate likely complications of disease. Harm/Etiology -- how to identify causes for disease (including iatrogenic forms) Prevention -- how to reduce the chance of disease by identifying and modifying risk factors and how to diagnose early by screening Cost-Analysis -- how to compare the cost and consequences of different treatments and tests 12 確定問題的類別,才能找尋到最佳研究 設計之證據 Type of Study Therapy Suggested best type of Study RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial) Diagnosis Test prospective, blind comparison to a gold standard cohort study > case control > case series Prognosis Etiology/Harm Prevention RCT> cohort > case control > case series RCT > cohort study > case control Cost-analysis economic analysis 13 經過上述有系統有組織地解析臨床問題 後,進一步搜尋資料庫時才不會漫無目 的,也比較能夠找到相關且有效的資料 (證據)來回答臨床問題。 14 問題的形成與回答優先順序 「PICO問題的形成」需對該疾病的相關知識有一定 程度的瞭解。 時間有限,必需將問題列出優先順序,一般考量的觀 點: 與病人健康福祉有關的問題 臨床上重複出現的問題 時間許可內,最方便回答的問題 與學習者自我需求有關的問題 15 SCENARIO-1 Your patient is a 72-year-old woman with osteoarthritis of the knees and moderate hypertension, accompanied by her daughter. The daughter wants you to give her mother a prescription for one of the new COX-2 inhibitors. She has heard that they cause less GI bleeding. Her mother is concerned that the new drugs will mean more out of pocket costs each month. 16 SCENARIO-1 Patient / Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome Specific question: 17 SCENARIO-2 45歲男性因上腹不適、解黑便及吐血,到某醫院急診 求診,經禁食及靜脈輸液後安排上消化道內視鏡檢查 。 術中發現胃潰瘍合併活動性出血,施以經內視鏡止血 治療,並達到止血效果。術後使用氫離子幫浦阻斷劑 (proton pump inhibitor)持續治療,是否可以減少併 發症? 18 SCENARIO-2 Patient / Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome Specific question: 19 SCENARIO-3 70-year-old woman undergoes a health examination, which shows bacteriuria. She does not have dysuria, urinary frequency or other discomfort. 老年女性發生無症狀菌尿症 (asymptomatic bacteriuria)時是否需要使用抗生素治療? 20 SCENARIO-3 Patient / Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome Specific question: 21 ASKING FOCUSED QUESTIONS 22 關鍵訊息 TAKE HOME MESSAGE 養成提問的習慣,是改善醫療品質的第一步。 實證醫學主要處理的是前景問題。 問題的結構可以分解為: P「病患」、I「介入」、C 「對照」與 O「結果」。 問題的類型可以分成:「治療」、「診斷」、「病 因」、「經濟」、「預防」及「預後」。 提問的過程是彈性靈活的,範圍或方向有不妥時,可 以回來修正原先的問題。 23