Subhash Mantha SAS Developer Audit trail Important in the following fields Clinical Trials Financial Companies Product Development Answers four important questions When Why How Who Some of the parameters used for Trail Capturing Date Time Who ran the program Run time of the program Methods for capturing a trail SAS Logs Excel Files XML files SAS Datasets CSV/Text Files SAS Way of capturing a trail Datasets Append Modify Recreate External files Append Recreate Trail by datasets Data step Set Modify Proc step Append Trail by external files Data step File (recreate) File with mod option (append) Proc step Proc export (Recreate /add new sheets to an existing file) ODS CSVALL Writing to external files Data step Proc step SAS File functions SAS File functions Filename: Assigns a file reference in a data step Fexist: Checks if a file exists. Fopen : opens the file and creates a file handler Fclose : Closes the file that has been opened using the file handler Fput : Writes the information to the file data buffer Fwrite : Writes data from file data buffer to the actual file Appending information to the bottom of a file Data step: Data _null_; File <fileref> <file options> mod; Set somedsname; Put fields we want; Run; File functions: Data _null_; Rc_open=filename(‘fileref’, “full file name along with path”); if rc_open=0 and fexist(‘fileref’) then do; fid=fopen(‘fileref’ , ’a’); putrc=fput(fid,<string to be written to the file>); writerc=fwrite(fid); closerc=fclose(fid); End; Run; Advantages of using file functions Verify if the file exists Check if the file is in use Wait until the file is available to use Catch exceptions if data write to a file failed Help work around user locks Concurrent access of datasets Found in multi user systems Several people trying to access the same file Others might have a file in read mode while somebody else is trying to update the file Methods to address concurrent access : “Assume” That it never happens as in a single user system Try to resolve the lock Code %macro update_audit_file (name_of_program=, campaign_channel=, result_of_run=&syscc._&sysrc._&sysmsg, name_of_audit_file=); %local user date_of_run ; %let user=%sysget(USERNAME); %let date_of_run=%sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(datetime()),datetime18.)); %let filerf=update; proc sql noprint; select distinct scan(xpath,-1,'\') into :files separated by '|' from sashelp.vextfl where index(xpath,'.sas')>0; quit; %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filerf,"&name_of_audit_file")); %put rc=&rc; %if %sysfunc(fexist(&filerf)) %then %do; %let open_rc=%sysfunc(fopen(&filerf,a)); %put &open_rc=; %do %while (&open_rc <= 0 ); %let rc_sleep=%sysfunc(sleep(10)); %put The file being updated is open please close it; %put SAS will try to update it in 10 seconds; %let open_rc=%sysfunc(fopen(&filerf,a)); %end; Code Continued…. %if &open_rc > 0 %then %do; %let log=%sysfunc(getoption(altlog)); %let log_file=%sysfunc(scan(%str(&log),-1,'\')); %let list=%sysfunc(getoption(altprint)); %let list_file=%sysfunc(scan(%str(&list),-1,'\')); %let path=%sysfunc(getoption(sasinitialfolder)); %let put_rc=%sysfunc(fput(&open_rc,%str(&user,&date_of_run,&name_of_campaign,&campaign_channel,&path,&result_ of_run,&log_file,&list_file,&files))); %let write_rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&open_rc)); %let close_rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&open_rc)); %end; %put &open_rc &close_rc; %end; %else %do; %put the file &filerf does not exist; %put creating file &name_of_audit_file; data _null_; file "&name_of_audit_file"; put 'user,dateofrun,name_of_campaign,campaign_channel,path,result_of_run,log_file,list_file,files'; %put %sysfunc(sysmsg()); %end; %mend update_audit_file; References SAS on-line documentation in Release 9.1.3 Using SAS Functions in Data Steps, Yue Ye, The R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Raritan, NJ Yong Lin, The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ Acknowledgements Vitaly Feldman, SAS Institute Inc.