New European Colonies

New European Colonies
Lesson 2
French and Dutch Settlements
A shortcut to Asia is all that we seek
North-west Pass-age
A path that is quick for the trade-goods, you see
North-west Pass-age
Explorers searched for it - for years at a time
North-west Pass-age
They looked and they looked but they never did find
North-west Pass-age
North-west Pass-age
North-west Pass-age
North-west------------- Pass-age (do do dee do do do
French and Dutch Settlements
 Many countries hoped to be the first to find
the Northwest Passage through the
 A Northwest Passage would make it easier to
trade between Europe and Asia.
French and Dutch Settlements
 The colony of Quebec was founded on the St
Lawrence river.
 This was a good location because of:
water travel made transportation and travel
Millions of beavers lived in the forests in this
region. Beaver fur was very popular in Europe
and the beaver trade industry was very
Other towns like Montreal followed. These
cities were called the colonies of New France.
French and Dutch Colonies
 Dutch leaders hired English sea captain,
Henry Hudson, to search for the Northwest
Passage through America.
French and Dutch Settlements
 Henry Hudson explored 150 miles up the
River and claimed the land he saw for the
 These colonies would be called New
 The biggest and most important Dutch
settlement in North America was called New
Amsterdam. It sat on the mouth of the
Hudson river and controlled trade up and
down the river.
New Amsterdam Grows
 To help the colony grow, the Dutch
encouraged people from many countries and
religions to settle in New Netherland.
 New Amsterdam became a thriving town with
a diverse population.
 Later the English will take over the city and
give it a new name.
 Today it is one of the largest and most
important cities in the world. You may know it
Time to hit a high note!
 Open your textbook to page 164.
 Read through the lesson and find cause-effect
 Add these relationships to your notes.
 Then open to page 166. Use the "Fact File" to
answer these questions.
Which explorer reached North America first?
Which two explorers sailed under the flag of the
country in which they were born?
What body of water is named after one of the