eCareer Candidate Overview & Navigation: USPS System Guide

eCareer Candidate Overview and Navigation
eCareer Candidate
Overview and
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eCareer Candidate Overview and Navigation
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Learning Objectives
You will be able to:
 Define new terms related to the eCareer system
 Understand the roles and responsibilities of the
Candidate during the eCareer application process
 Navigate within the eCareer system
 If needed, change your personal settings
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eCareer Candidate Overview and Navigation
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What is eCareer?
 eCareer is the process within USPS where an EAS
vacancy/future vacancy is identified
 A Posting is created for candidates to submit
 Candidates submit their application for the posting
 Candidates go through the selection process
 A candidate is selected at the end of the selection
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How is eCareer Different?
 The new process allows for paperless processing
 Candidates can create profiles once and update
their profile as needed in a secure environment
 Candidates can then use their profiles and apply to
various positions making the application process
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eCareer Candidate Terminology
 eCareer
 Applicant/Candidate
 Position
 Job Posting
 Start Page
 Candidate Profile
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eCareer Candidate Terminology (continued)
 Application
 Application Close
 Status
 Process Step
 Favorite
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Candidate Process
Creates Candidate Profile
in eCareer system (created
once and updated as needed)
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Applies to Job Postings as
desired using Candidate
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Candidate Roles and Responsibilities
 Creates and Maintains their Candidate Profile
Completes their candidate profile in eCareer
Finalizes their profile
Maintains their profile as needed
 Searches for Jobs
Searches for vacancies in eCareer
Saves job postings to Favorites list
 Applies to Jobs
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Submits application for desired postings
As needed, checks the status of their applications
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Navigation within eCareer
 Navigation within eCareer includes:
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Entry from the USPS Blue page
Navigating using eCareer links
Navigating using tabs
Displaying items using links
Saving information
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Navigating to the eCareer system
 All eCareer processing will be from the USPS
liteBlue Page
 Web address for liteBlue:
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Navigating Using eCareer Links
 This system will require you to use links from within
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Using the links are crucial to navigating within eCareer
Internet Explorer links can not be used to move between pages
The navigation bar is automatically hidden by the system
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Using Links
to Navigate
The system displays the menu path
as you move throughout the
system. If you want to go back one
screen, click the previous link to
where you are currently located.
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Selecting Items within eCareer
 Items within eCareer need to be selected to work
with that item once that item has been created
 Items are selected by the selecting the box to the
left of the line item
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The line item will change to orange when selected
Once selected, you would chose an appropriate action below the
line item
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Selecting Items within eCareer
1. To select a job
posting, click the
box to the left of the
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2. Once the job posting is
selected, click Apply/Display
make changes
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Navigating using eCareer Tabs
 Within transactions, the eCareer system is broken down
by tabs
 Each tab focuses on a certain aspect of the task or
process to be displayed/performed
 Sample tab names (Candidate Profile):
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Communication Data
Work Experience
Special Skills/Associations
Data Overview
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Navigating using eCareer Tabs
 To navigate between the tabs, select the
name of the tab at the top
 The system displays which tab follows
or precedes other tabs and uses arrows
to indicate their location within the
The current
screen displayed
is the Work
Experience. The
previous tab
would be
Data. The next
tab would be
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All Tabs
Next Tab
Previous Tab
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Navigating using eCareer Tabs
 You can also use the
arrows to navigate
between tabs
 The buttons are located
all the way to the right of
the tabs
First Entry
(takes you to the very first tab)
Previous Record (takes you to the previous tab)
Next Record
(takes you to the next
Last Entry
All Tabs
(takes you to the very last tab)
(displays all tabs in a list format
allowing you to select the one you want to
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Searching Feature
You can perform searches for job postings in the eCareer
3. Click “Start Search” to view postings
1. Enter search terms
2. Enter categories
from the dropdown
that apply
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Displaying Items within eCareer
 Throughout the entire eCareer system, you can
click on links to display various items throughout
the process
 For Example:
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Job Posting
Candidate Profile
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Displaying Items within eCareer
This screen
displays the job
posting search
results. From this
screen, you can
display a job
posting by clicking
on a link.
Job Posting list
Click on hyperlinks as they appear in the system to
display the item for more information.
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Saving Information
 You will have to save information in the eCareer
system to save your profile/application
 Some items that require saving in the system
Applications to job postings
Candidate Profiles
 To save, enter information as needed on the screen
and look for the Save
button at the
bottom of the screen
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Saving Information
These two screens represent
different tabs but all have the Save
button in the same location.
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Changing Personal Settings
 Personal Settings allows you to tailor your pages to
suit your personal requirements
 This includes defining your preferred date format,
decimal display, the correspondence language, and
the display format for data overviews
 For the most part, you will leave your Personal
Settings as they appear
 Personal Setting are available to all eCareer users
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Personal Settings Screen
Personal Settings (this box
will appear in a different
location for each user
depending on their role)
Personal Settings Screen
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Learning Objectives Review
You should now be able to:
 Define new terms related to the eCareer system
 Understand the roles and responsibilities of the
Candidate during the eCareer application process
 Navigate within the eCareer system
 If needed, change your personal settings
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