
• It has been shown that the subjects improved
significantly within 18 months in their level of social
functioning, as measured by GAF, after an effective
treatment was administered.
• Now we examine how the GAF changed in relation
to DUP.
• GAF1 stands for GAF score at initial assessment,
while GAF2 stands for GAF score at Follow-up.
Positive change in GAF Scale for Short DUP
Subjects (DUP of 0-5 months)
changes in GAF Scale (DUP of 0-5 months)
• There was a significant improvement in social
functioning for subjects with short DUP.
GAF Scale for Subjects with (DUP of 6+
change in GAF Scale (DUP of 6+ months)
• There is a significant improvement in social
functioning for subjects with long DUP but with
seemingly some drops in the social function.
• We separately examine changes in GAF scale for
subjects with DUP of 6-47 months and those with
DUP of 48 and above months.
• We do this to observe what is happening within
subjects with long DUP.
Positive change in GAF Scale for Subjects with
Long DUP (DUP of 6-47 months)
change in GAF Scale (DUP of 6-47 months)
• There is minimal improvement in social
functioning for subjects with DUP from 6-47
months but with seemingly a mild frequency
of drops in social function probably due to
Positive change in GAF Scale for Subjects with
Long DUP (DUP of 48-295 months)
change in GAF Scale (DUP of 48-295 months)
• For subjects with DUP from 48 and above the
improvement in social functioning is minimal
but significant.
• Generally DUP does not impact on clinical
outcome directly
• Long DUP (DUP of 6+ months) had minimal
change in social functioning. That is, the longer
the DUP the more likely the patient will have
minimal or slow change in social functioning
after effective treatment