National Governing Bodies (NGBs)

National Governing Bodies (NGBs)
Key Terms:
Whole Sport Plans
TOP programmes
Sport England
Get Active
Step into Sport
Activemark, Sportsmark and Sports
Partnership mark
UK ambassadors
Sports leader UK
School Sport champion
Youth Sport Trust
Post School Gap
Talent Matters
National Governing Bodies (NGBs)
NGBs are required to open their sport to all sections of society, including the grass roots level.
Methods to increase participation and equality: Develop policies linked to specific target groups (e.g. disabled or ethnic minorities)
 Training more sport-specific coaches
 Develop mini or modified versions of the games to encourage all ability (e.g. Short tennis)
 Making facilities more accessible, affordable and attractive (Grass roots and inner cities)
 Improving awareness of sport through publicity, advertising and role models
Whole sport plans
In 2003 Sport England identified 30 priority sports
They work with the NGBs of these sports to create and implement Whole sport plans (WSP)
Plans include:
How sport will contribute to Sport England’s ‘start, stay and succeed’ grass routes to elite level plans.
What help and resources NGBs will need to deliver their WSP
Seven Key Performance indicators (KPIs) have been agreed to (coincide with start, stay and succeed)
Participation- increased through NGB activity
Clubs- more accredited clubs
Membership- more active members within the sport
Coaches- more qualified coaches and instructors
Volunteers- more active volunteers
International athletes- improved performances
English athletes representing GB- higher percentage
Sport England
 Sport England has a royal charter
 free from political control but is accountable for its actions
 Government funded agency responsible for “Creating an active nation through sport”
 Sustain and increase participation in community sport
 Key objectives
 Start- improve participation levels annually by 1% (specifically in target groups)
 Stay- retain people in sport, increasing club memberships and numbers receiving coaching
 Succeed- become the ‘best’ national for participation by 2020
 Sport England supports the PESSCL strategy aim of 2 hours high quality PE and school sport
 Specific role in community element of 2010 target minimum of 4 hours
 School- club links
 Step into sport
 Competition managers
Sport England (cont.)
Sport England's role in elite sport (they see it as a small part of its role)
plays an important role in UK Sport’s ‘World class performance programme’
funds non-Olympic sports such as squash and netball
Funds the commonwealth games council for England
Get active/active sports programme
Activemark, Sportsmark and Sports Partnership mark
Active schools- forms foundation
Active communities- attempts to break down barriers
to participation
Kitemarks are awarded annually through National
School sport survey
Only schools within PESSCL partnership are eligible
Active sports- 9 targeted sports which they hope to
encourage more people to participate in
Sport leaders UK
Increase participation in 14-19 through volunteering
Junior sports leaders (JSL), Community sports leaders (CSL) and Higher sports leaders (HSL)
Core values
Develop leadership, provide employment opportunities, reduce crime, support healthy lifestyle
Youth Sport Trust
 Key organisation in development of school sport
 works with a range of partners including Sport England and Sports leaders UK
 Key aim of:
 “Improving the lives of young people using the power of sport”
Involved in a number of initiatives to help achieve this aim...
TOP programmes
 Series of linked progressive schemes for ages 18 months to 18 years (over 20,000 involved)
 Top tots (18 months – 3 years) helping experience physical activity
 Top start (3 – 5 year olds) encouraging learning through physical activity
 Top play (4 – 9 year olds) supporting the development of core skills
 Top sport (7 – 11 year olds) providing opportunities to develop skills in a range of sports
 Top skill (11 – 14 year olds) allowing extension of skills and knowledge
 Top link (14 – 16 year olds) encouraging links between schools and leadership of sports festivals
 Top sportsability- creating opportunities for young disabled people to enjoy and participate in sport
Youth Sport Trust
Central role in overseeing PESSCL strategy
Step into Sport Pathway
Step 1- young people engage in programme of sports education at school
Step 2- young people move on to take JSLA
Step 3- young people gain practical volunteering experience through Top link festival
Step 4- young people undertake CSLA and sports specific leadership training
Step 5- young people engage in volunteering in their local community (supported by mentor and Sports partnerships)
UK ambassadors
800 young ambassadors are appointed to spread Olympic message and be role models
Each School Sport Partnership nominates one ‘gifted and talented ‘pupil and one Sports leader
Talent Matters project
Part of the gifted and talented strand of PESSCL- website giving support and advice to young sports people
School Sport Champion
Kelly Holmes was appointed as school sports champion to promote competitive school sport
Summary of Organisations
 Sport England
 Community sport
 Youth Sport Trust
 School sport
 UK Sport
 Elite sport
Post School gap
 Huge drop in participation when young people leave school
 People reduce their chances of maintaining health and ability to live on their own in old age
Reasons for post school gap
Solutions to post school gap
Traditional emphasis on team games which
people give up as they get older
Branching out in PE to lifelong activities such as
golf, badminton and swimming
Physical education no longer compulsory
Develop knowledge of need for healthy lifestyle
Young adults have competing leisure interests
Improve links between school and clubs
Facilities no longer accessible or free to use
Offer concession rates to people with limited
disposable income
Traditional poor links between schools and clubs
Youth sections at clubs having direct links to
school, sharing facilities or coaches