Data Analysis - Vista Peak Prep Math

Video: 10 Extraordinary Statistics
The AP Exam
3 Hours; 40 Multiple Choice Questions, 5
Free-Response, 1 “Investigative Task”
You CAN be successful on this exam IF you put forth the effort
I will provide you with LOTS of preparation materials, as well as
insight from the grading of the exam.
I need you to provide the effort
You are REQUIRED to take the AP exam. This promises you at least
a C the last quarter. If you don’t for some reason, be prepared.
To Sum It All Up…
My goal is for you to understand statistics
and how it plays a role in your current and
future life.
My hope is that you will be successful in this
course and earn a passing score on the AP
My expectation is that you will put for the
effort necessary to be successful in a
college-level course.
The Story: My boyfriend gave me some M&Ms. Then he
wanted to play a game. He wanted to randomly pull out some
M&Ms and if they were green, I had to give him a kiss. He
pulled out 5 M&Ms and 3 of them were green!! Could this
happen or was he tricking me?
Try with your bag of M&Ms (no kissing!)
Count the number of green out of 5
Put your results on your dotplot
Was I tricked? How do you know?
what is statistics:
Amount of Variation is random but not
Unlikely can happen but unusual or
maybe unusual is unlikely
Quick Anonymous Survey
Please complete on notecard:
Height in inches
Highest ACT score
Number of pairs of shoes you own
Fastest speed you have driven
Year of the car you drive
Months of longest dating relationship
Chapter 1: Exploring Data
Data Analysis: Making Sense of Data
The Practice of Statistics, 4th edition - For AP*
Chapter 1
Exploring Data
 Introduction:
Data Analysis: Making Sense of Data
 1.1
Analyzing Categorical Data
 1.2
Displaying Quantitative Data with Graphs
 1.3
Describing Quantitative Data with Numbers
Data Analysis: Making Sense of Data
Learning Objectives
After this section, you should be able to…
DEFINE “Individuals” and “Variables”
DISTINGUISH between “Categorical” and “Quantitative” variables
DEFINE “Distribution”
DESCRIBE the idea behind “Inference”
 Data
Analysis is the process of organizing,
displaying, summarizing, and asking questions
about data.
Individuals – objects (people, animals, things)
described by a set of data
Variable - any characteristic of an individual
Categorical Variable
– places an individual into
one of several groups or
Quantitative Variable
– takes numerical values for
which it makes sense to find
an average.
is the science of data.
Data Analysis
 Statistics
Distribution – tells us what values a variable
takes and how often it takes those values
Data Analysis
generally takes on many different values.
In data analysis, we are interested in how often a
variable takes on each value.
 A variable
Examine each variable
by itself.
Then study
relationships among
the variables.
Start with a graph or
Add numerical
Data Analysis
How to Explore Data
Data Analysis
From Data Analysis to Inference
Collect data from a
representative Sample...
Make an Inference
about the Population.
Perform Data
Analysis, keeping
probability in mind…
Hiring Discrimination?
 An
airline has just finished training 25 junior
pilots – 15 male and 10 female – to become
captains. Unfortunately only 8 captain positions
are available right now. Airline managers
announce that they will use a lottery process to
determine which pilots will fill the available
positions. The names of all 25 pilots will be
written on identical slips of paper, placed in a
hat, mixed thoroughly, and drawn out one at a
time until all 8 captains have been identified.
Hiring Discrimination?
 A day
later, managers announce the results of
the lottery. Of the 8 captains chosen, 5 are
female and only 3 are male. Some of the male
pilots who were not selected suspect that the
lottery was not carried out fairly. One of the
pilots knows that you are taking a statistics
class, and comes to you for advice. You offer to
consult with your classmates and get back to
Hiring Discrimination?
The Key Question:
Could these results have happened just by chance?
(That is, without any discrimination?)
To find out… simulation
 Take index cards; cut in half; create 15 male and 10
female cards.
 Without looking, remove slips of paper one at a time
until 8 “people” have been chosen.
 Count the number of female pilots selected. Record
the value.
 Return the pieces of paper to the bag and mix them up.
Repeat the process 4 more times for a total of 5 trials.
Activity: Hiring Discrimination
Perform 5 repetitions of your simulation.
Plot your data on the number line on the board
What can we conclude?
Data Analysis
Data Analysis: Making Sense of Data
In this section, we learned that…
A dataset contains information on individuals.
For each individual, data give values for one or more variables.
Variables can be categorical or quantitative.
The distribution of a variable describes what values it takes and
how often it takes them.
Inference is the process of making a conclusion about a population
based on a sample set of data.
Looking Ahead…
In the next Section…
We’ll learn how to analyze categorical data.
Bar Graphs
Pie Charts
Two-Way Tables
Conditional Distributions
We’ll also learn how to organize a statistical problem.
Now complete CYU and HW- due