Course Withdrawal Limit Policy What Undergraduate Students Need to Know Fostering Undergraduate Student Success I N A N E F F O RT T O I M P R OV E C O N S I S T E N C Y A C R O S S T H E 1 6 C A M P U S E S, T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N O RT H C A R O L I N A A D O P T E D T H E F O S T E R I N G U N D E R G R A D UAT E S T U D E N T S U C C E S S P O L I C Y O N A P R I L 2 9 , 2 0 1 3 . T O T H I S E N D, U N C S A H A S M A D E S E V E R A L C H A N G E S T H AT H AV E G O N E I N T O E F F E C T T H I S FA L L . T H I S S L I D E P R E S E N TAT I O N E X P L A I N S A N E W W I T H D R A W A L P O L I C Y. Add/Drop Period ADD/DROP IS THE PERIOD OF TIME WHEN STUDENTS CAN CHANGE THEIR CLASS SCHEDULES WITHOUT P E N A LT Y. C O U R S E C H A N G E S D U R I N G T H I S T I M E D O N OT A P P E A R O N S T U D E N T S ’ S C H E D U L E S, A N D A R E N OT C O U N T E D I N AT T E M P T E D H O U R S. STUDENTS CAN ADD OR DROP COURSES THROUGH THE FIRST WEEK O F C L A S S E S. A D D / D R O P E N D S F R I D AY, A U G U S T 2 9 AT 5 : 0 0 P. M . Withdrawing from Classes BEGINNING WITH THE SECOND WEEK T H R O U G H T H E 7 T H W E E K O F C L A S S E S, STUDENTS MUST WITHDRAWAL FROM C L A S S E S A N D A C C E P T A G R A D E O F W. * T H E S E C R E D I T S C O U N T I N AT T E M P T E D HOURS AND TO WARDS SURCHARGE AND FINANCIAL AID SAP C A LC U L AT I O N S. T H E L A S T DAY T O W I T H D R A W F R O M A C L A S S I N FA L L 2 0 1 4 I S F R I DAY, OCTOBER 10 NEW WITHDRAWAL POLICY Withdrawals* Undergraduate students may receive a grade of W for no more than 16 credit hours over the course of their degree(s). Applies to all undergraduate students beginning Fall 2014, but does not apply for W grades in courses prior to Fall 2014 Once a student reaches the maximum withdrawal limit, no further W grades will be assigned, and the student must accept the grade he/she earns at the end of the semester. Academic Policy: Withdrawals Goals of New Policy Encourage students to commit to completing the courses for which they are registered. Encourage student success by reducing the number of unsuccessful course attempts and related undesired consequences: Surcharge Delayed graduation Financial aid penalties Ensure that students enroll only in those classes they intend to complete. Extenuating Circumstances o o o Students who experience serious extenuating circumstances (medical crisis, military deployment, or a crisis beyond the student’s control) may petition for a withdrawal that does not count toward their W limit. The student is expected to submit the petition during the term the circumstance begins. If approved, a grade of WE will be recorded for each course. Courses marked WE do not count in GPA or tuition surcharge calculations. Extenuating Circumstances What is an Extenuating Circumstance? o Crisis beyond student’s control o Medical or mental health crisis o Military deployment or activation Students who have completed the majority of their coursework may wish to ask their instructor if they are eligible for an incomplete. Extenuating Circumstances o Students must submit a petition to the Case Manager in Student Affairs to Withdrawal for extenuating circumstances. o Must have 3rd party documentation o o o o Letterhead Signatures Dates Verifiable o Event occurred within the semester of the request o Must be beyond their control Tips o Spread the word about the maximum withdrawal limit o Include information on your syllabus o Understand other areas impacted (FA, housing, VA, visa students, etc.) o Encourage students to complete their classes o Make students aware of counseling services in Student Affairs Tips POINTS TO STRESS TO STUDENTS o Attend classes on the first day o Avoid registering for more than 18 credits per semester o READ the syllabus carefully o Purchase required books and connect to Blackboard o If petitioning for extenuating circumstances, must be done within SAME semester