A Multimodal Goods Movement Strategy for Ontario

A Multimodal Goods Movement
Strategy for Ontario
Canada-United States Transportation Border Working Group
Fall Plenary
November 7 – 8, 2012
James Perttula
Manager, Goods Movement Office
Transportation Policy Branch
 Goods Movement and Trade in Ontario
 Multimodal Goods Movement Strategy for Ontario
 Partnership and Cooperation
 Moving Forward
Goods Movement and Trade
in Ontario
Transportation Policy Branch
Ontario is a goods movement and trade powerhouse.
 Its strategic advantages include access to a large population base, strong connections
to international markets, and the presence of four well-developed modes – road, air, rail
and marine – operating individually and in a multimodal manner to serve business
Ontario generates over 50% of Canada-U.S. trade, valued at $284 billion in 2011.
Ontario’s economy is closely integrated with Great Lakes states.
The top three Canada-U.S. border crossings are located in Ontario. This represents 57% of
the total trucks crossing the border.
Key state trading partners for Ontario include Michigan, Ohio, New York, California and
Trade is Important for the
Economy of all Regions
Transportation Policy Branch
Multimodal Goods Movement
Strategy for Ontario
Transportation Policy Branch
Over the past several years, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has
undertaken significant work on goods movement, on its own and in
partnership with the federal and Quebec governments
The culmination of that work will be the release of the Multimodal Goods
Movement Strategy for Ontario.
Ontario’s long-term vision for goods movement is to capitalize on the
strengths of the transportation system to drive economic competitiveness
and become a world class connection for global supply chains.
The Ontario Multimodal Goods Movement Strategy works toward this vision
by providing a fiscally responsible, long-term plan to drive economic
competitiveness through a strong multimodal transportation system.
Public consultations on a draft of the strategy were just completed, with the
intent of releasing a final strategy and associated action plan in early 2013.
Vision & Objectives
Capitalize on the strengths of Ontario’s transportation system to drive economic
competitiveness and become a world-class connection for global supply chains.
System Objectives: Well connected between modes and to domestic and global markets
Agile and competitive, providing cost-competitive transportation options to business
Reliable and efficient, reducing supply chain risk
Guiding Principles
Shipper Interest
Public Interest
& Benefit
Evidence-Based Action
Maintain a
efficient and
Advance a
and competitive
partnerships for
a system-wide
approach to
integration of
into goods
Rolling 3-Year Action Plan
Specific action items to support areas of focus.
Promote our
strengths and
successes to
maximize the
value of
our investments.
Partnership and Cooperation
Transportation Policy Branch
The strategy recognizes the vital role that transportation plays in the North American
economy, and provides a basis to forge strategic partnerships with municipal, federal
and neighbouring governments to advance common goods movement interests.
Understanding the unique role that each government plays in the transportation
system allows for improved coordination of initiatives, and stronger partnerships.
Working together results in more targeted and streamlined plans for the benefit of the
system as whole.
Ontario has been involved in a number of initiatives involving coordination between
provincial, federal and state governments, which have shown the benefits of
 Canada-U.S. Beyond the Borders Partnership
 Ontario-Quebec Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement
 Bi-national Strategy for the Niagara Frontier
 Windsor-Essex Parkway/Detroit River International Crossing
Partnership and Cooperation
Ontario’s transportation system is only one
part of an integrated North-American and
global system, as evidenced by the supply
chain example for Lumber, Paper and
This is just one of many sectors that operate
as integrated North American industries.
Through consultations on the strategy,
stakeholders have highlighted that strong
connections between the modes and with
neighbouring jurisdictions are essential for
the efficient and seamless movement of
Transportation Policy Branch
Stakeholder Push for Greater
Partnership and Cooperation
Transportation Policy Branch
 Stakeholders are pushing for Ontario to pursue strengthened
partnerships and cooperation on a number of fronts:
 ITS corridors
 More streamlined operations with real-time traffic information.
 Vehicle Weights and Dimensions
 Improved harmonization between jurisdictions, including
Long Combination Vehicle standards.
 Ballast Water
 Uniform regulations to facilitate inter-jurisdictional operations
and ensure a level playing field.
 CNG/LNG Natural Gas
 Development of natural gas corridors for trucking.
 Beyond the Borders
 Push to accelerate progress on this initiative.
Moving Forward
Transportation Policy Branch
The Multimodal Goods Movement Strategy for Ontario is the first step in
building the transportation system of the future.
It will ensure that our transportation system responds to changing markets
and changing business needs as our economy continues to recover and
grow over the long term.
MTO is excited to look for new opportunities to build partnerships with
neighbouring jurisdictions that support a strong transportation system.
We are very interested in ideas on how we can work together.