Market-Based Management Chapter 11, 12, 13 Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Market Planning Figure 11-1 Product Life Cycles of Two Product Portfolios Which would you rather have? 2 Figure 11-6 Product Life Cycle/Share Development Portfolio 3 Factors Impacting Mkt Attractiveness • Market Forces • Competitive Environment • Market size Growth rate Buyer power Number of competitors Price rivalry Ease of entry Market Access Customer familiarity Channel access Sales requirements 4 Competitive Position Influences • Differentiation position • Cost Position • Product quality Service quality Brand image Unit cost Transaction cost Marketing expenses Marketing Position Market share Brand awareness Distribution 5 Portfolio analysis • An evaluation of a business, product, or market with respect to market attractiveness and competitive position as an aid in identifying strategic plans. • Offensive portfolio strategy • Invest to grow Improve position New market entry Defensive portfolio strategy Hold/protect share position Optimize/monetize position Harvest/divest share position 6 Product Life Cycle and Offensive and Defensive Strategies Figure 12-2 Market Growth and Offensive and Defensive Strategies 7 Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Market Plans Figure 12-3 Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Market Plans 8 Core Offensive Strategies Core Strategy 1 Core Strategy 2 Core Strategy 3 Invest to grow sales Invest to improve competitive position Invest to enter new markets Grow in Existing Markets Improve Margins Diversified Growth 9 Offensive Core Strategy 1: Invest to Grow Sales Sub Strategy A Grow Market Share Sub Strategy C Enter New Market Segment Sub Strategy B Grow Revenue Per Customer Sub Strategy D Expand Market Demand 10 Offensive Core Strategy 2: Invest to Improve Competitive Position Sub Strategy A Improve Customer Loyalty Sub Strategy B Improve Differentiation Advantage Sub Strategy C Sub Strategy D Lower Costs/Improve Marketing Productivity Build Marketing Advantage 11 Offensive Core Strategy 3: Invest to Enter New Markets Sub Strategy A Enter Related New Markets Sub Strategy B Enter Unrelated New Markets Sub Strategy C Sub Strategy D Enter New Emerging Markets Develop New Markets 12 Selecting an Offensive Strategy • Why enter new markets? New source of growth Smoother performance Diversification and reduced vulnerability • Why invest to grow sales? • Why improve competitive position? Achieve price premiums Customer retention Improve margins and NMC 13 Defensive Strategies Figure 13-3 Strategic Market Plans and Performance 14 Defensive Strategic Market Plans • What are the • main objectives of defensive strategies? When are defensive market plans employed? Figure 13-5 Portfolio Positions and Defensive Strategic Market Plans 15 Core Defensive Strategies Core Strategy 1 Core Strategy 2 Core Strategy 3 Protect Position Optimize Position Monetize, Harvest, or Divest Maintain Sales Maximize Profits Cash Flow 16 Defensive Core Strategy 1: Invest to Protect Position Sub Strategy A Protect Market Share Sub Strategy B Build Customer Retention 1. Protect position in growth markets 2. Protect a high-share position 3. Protect a follower share position 4. Protect a niche share position 17 Protecting Follower Share Position Figure 13-8 Market Structure and Share Position 18 Defensive Core Strategy 2: Optimize Position Sub Strategy A Maximize Net Marketing Contribution Sub Strategy B Selective Market Focus 19 Defensive Core Strategy 2: Optimize Position Figure 13-14 Profit Life Cycle and Components of Marketing Profitability 20 Defensive Core Strategy 3: Monetize, Harvest, or Divest Sub Strategy A Sub Strategy B Manage for Cash Flow Harvest-Divest for Cash Flow 1. Harvest Price Strategy 2. Harvest Marketing Resource Strategy 3. Divest Market Strategy 21 Defensive Core Strategy 3: Monetize, Harvest, or Divest Figure 13-17 Harvest Price Strategy 22 Break Time 10 minutes 23