“Expand Your Mind” Prominent Guest Lecturer A promotion of science on campus and the community. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer What is the event? An evening lecturer event that promotes science to the campus and the community. A lecture from a prominent scientist that leaves the viewers with an amazed feeling and new-found interest in science; “expand your mind”. A captivating experience to provoke thought and awareness. Part of science societies strategic priority of promoting the diversity of science (and there is much more you can do with science other than get an MD!). “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Where will the event take place? The event will take place either on campus or in the local community. The venue needs to have a comfortable atmosphere and accommodate a fair amount of guests but still be personable with the lecturer. The venue needs to be affordable (minimal costs associated; campus options). “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Proposed Venue #1: Essex Hall Theatre 323 seat capacity Great lighting Comfortable atmosphere with an intimate connection with the presenter Slightly small; more expensive seating costs to reconcile costs of lecturer On campus and visible location Need to inquire about availability “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Proposed Venue #2: St. Denis Centre Field House 2500 seat capacity Perhaps too large of a venue Open to many options “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Proposed Venue #3: Ambassador Auditorium 390 seat capacity Good location; CAW centre Not a very intimate venue; level flooring makes for difficult viewing from the back of the venue On campus “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Other venues can be explored such as Katzman lounge(s) within Vanier Hall or other venues can be explored off campus such as Chrysler Theatre (1400 seats) or the Capitol Theatre (700 seats). It will need to be determined whether the event will remain on campus or take to the community. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer When will this event occur? The event is a one day event occurring during the evening. There could be associated events occurring for the lecturer such as tours of the area and dinner receptions. There could also be associated events occurring that are add-ons to the guest lecture such as a dinner event prior (potential sponsorship). The event needs to occur at a time that students will not be overwhelmed with exams. November for the Fall semester and March for the Winter semester. A specific date will need to be determined. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer What individuals are involved? Key organizer will be the University of Windsor Science Society working with the Faculty of Science. Lavin Agency will be worked with to recruit a distinguished scientist. Financial sponsors to aid with the associated costs. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer In the following slides you can see some of the proposed lecturers. In some cases the lecturers are activists in their field and this could create cross faculty collaborations to meet common academic goals and cost share the event. Please review the following slides for some of the potential lecturers, a vote will be conducted among the organizing committee to determine the ideal candidate. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Dr. Machio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, best-selling author, and popularizer of science. He’s the co-founder of string field theory (a branch of string theory), and continues Einstein’s search to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into one unified theory. www.mkaku.org http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=219YybX66MY “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Dr. Vandana Shiva is a trained particle physicist turned food activist. She actively runs campaigns to promote agricultural sustainability and ecological awareness. www.vandanashiva.org http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72n6PLHmKZA “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Dr. Daniel Wolfe is a leading virologist and was chief scientific advisor for the production of the 2011 movie Contagion! He maintains multimillion dollar grants in his efforts of developing a viral monitoring system that will detect emerging microbes before they span the globe. http://www.thelavinagency.com/blog-nathan-wolfetedmed-video.html http://www.gvfi.org/about.php “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Dr. Janna Levin, is an astrophysicist and writer. She has contributed to an understanding of black holes, the cosmology of extra dimensions, and gravitational waves in the shape of space-time. She is the author of the popularscience book How the Universe Got Its Spots and a novel, A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines, which won the PEN/Bingham prize. Janna was recently named a Guggenheim Fellow (2012). http://www.ted.com/talks/janna_levin_the_sound_the_un iverse_makes.html “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer There are many other options and all have varying price tags ranging anywhere from $7,000 to upwards of $30,000. These people are “celebrities” of science and are not cheap. The Lavin Agency is the sourcing agency that will be used to hire a speaker. -David Attenborough (Wildlife documentary narrator) -Annie Leonard (Sustainability speaker -storyofstuff.org) -Tiffany Shlain (Founder of the Webby’s, computer science) -Maude Barlow (Water conservation) -Etc. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer How is this event going to be possible?! Financial sponsorship and assistance... Caesars Windsor for accommodations Science Society budgeting Faculty of Science budgeting Strategic priority fund Student activity fund City of Windsor Canada Science City South Wayne State Faculty of Science* Government grants Community sponsorship Ticket sales / concession sales / publication sales “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer This event will require an extensive advertising plan to make sure awareness of the event is created (local media, campus media, etc.). Ticket sale prices will also need to be determined and would be beneficial if they could be sold online and have a print at home option. “Expand Your Mind” Guest Lecturer Questions, comments, concerns? Interested in helping in making this event happen?! CONTACT: Jake Pfaff Vice President External Affairs University of Windsor Science Society pfaff2@uwindsor.ca (519) 300-2740