
称:Milu deer return to China
Lesson plan
Materials:Unit 17 in Student’s book in Senior English for China.
Affective purpose: to develop the awareness of nature of students
to develop a spirit of cooperation
Linguistic purpose:to practice reading comprehension
to practice expression of opinions
to practice writing
Methodology:explaining, showing, practicing ,homework
1. How many do you know about valuable animals?.
2. Do you know them? What do you know about them?
3. Strategies about reading:
4. Text of milu deer return to china.
5.Grammar points: The present continuous passive tense prefix
6. selfevaluation of your reading strategies
7. Critical thinking and discussion
8. Writing a letter
valuable animals
how many do you know?
What are they?
What do you know about milu? Say something about them.
Introduction about milu
别 名 四不象
学 名 Elaphurus davidianus
英文名 David’s deer
鹿 科 Cervidae
分 布 原产于辽宁、华北、黄河和长江中下游国家一级保护动物
Look at the title and picture, guess what the reading is about?
Questioning, thinking, and talking before you begin to read makes
reading easier and makes you a better reader.
Guess the meaning of new words according to many clues:
background, context,grammar analysis etc.
Milu deer return to China
People read for many different reasons and in many different ways.
One reason is to find specific information..When we do this we don’t
usually take the time to read everything.We only want a small piece of
information,so we read quickly in order to find this it.This is called
Read the text quickly,don’t try to read every words.Then fill the
following graph..
We scan to find special information.Another reason to read is to find
the general idea of the text.you can find the general idea in the title
or the first few sentences of the text.You may want to know the genera
 to decide if you want to read the article more carefully
 to get the most important information
 to find the writing opinion
Because you aren’t interesting in the details,so you don’t need read
very words. This is called skimming.
Skimming exercises:
What do people plan to do with the milu deer in future?
What’s the author’s attitude to the development of milu in China?
Reading analyze
Guess the meaning of the words according to skills we have
1.At present there are not many milu deer in nature parks in
china, But the number is increasing every year.
a. wild
b. man--controlled
a.falling b.making up c. growing
2 However, it disappeared during during Ming and Qing periods.
disappeared: a. extincted
b. Went out
c. Out of sight
3.Until recently, the only milu alive in the world belonged to the
Duke of Bedford in England.
Alive: a. active
b living
c going around
4.It is an important research center for nature and wildlife.
Wildlife: a Human beings b Living things in nature c.animals in zo
Grammar points
Dis (prefix): not able to
e.g. disable
Kilo (prefix):one thousand
e.g. Kilogram
Try to give more dis---, dis---,dis--kilo---, kilo---, kilo---.
The present Continuous passive voice
The tense shows that something is being done at the present time.
E.g. The life of the milu is being studied at present.
More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park.
Fill the blanks with the proper tense
 What has happened here,Tom?
The old building is being ___(put down) for an new one.
 Christmas day is coming. The Christmas party is being___ (prepare)
by the foreigners in English department.
Self—evaluation of reading skills
I read the and try to predict what the reading will be about.
I use my knowledge of the world to help me understand the text.
I read as though I expect the text to have meaning
I use illustrations to help me understand the text
I ask myself questions about the text.
I use a variety of types of context clues.
I take chances in order to identify meaning.
I continue if I am not successful.
I identify and underline main ideas.
I connect details with main ideas.
I summarize the reading in my own words.
I skip unnecessary words.
I look up words correctly in the dictionary.
I connect the reading to other material I have read.
I do not translate into my native language.
Critical thinking and discussion
Make groups and each has five to six people,discuss and write
down opinions of your group on blackboard then compare them.
People are trying to save species of animal from extinction.
Do you think it is important to try to preserve these animals?Explain
your point of view
You have read about milu.They are saved by the people .What are some of
the other important ecological problems in the world today? Make a list of
title you can think of
What do you think is responsible for taking care of this problems?
Write a letter
Are there any organizations in your country to protect the environment? What are
they and what do they do?
Find out a name of this organization in China. Write a letter to them and ask for
information about what they do and offer your advice for protecting environment.
Bye bye