Hello, nice to meet you.

Hello, nice to meet
Meeting and greeting people.
Introducing myself
Hi, how’s it going? I’m Ed.
Nice to meet you.
Let’s take a look at some greeting and
introduction scenes.
Meet and Greet!
Today we will talk about some common
ways to ask and answer “How are you?” in
Common Greetings
How are you?
 How’s it going?
 How’ve you been?
“How are you?”
Someone asks: “How are you?”
You respond: “I’m fine.”
You can use “How are you?” to be polite.
But Americans will usually ask this question
and answer it in different ways.
How’s it going?
If someone says: “How’s it going?”
(Short for “How is it going?”)
(Sounds like “Howzit goin?”)
You can answer:
“Pretty good.” = I’m fine.
“Not bad.” = just okay or so-so.
A more casual and much more common way
to greet someone. “Hey,….”
“Hey, how’s it going?”
If you’re feeling good, you can say:
 “Good.” “Great!”
 “Pretty good.”
 “Not bad.”
Note: These responses are specific to this question. If you respond
“I’m fine” it sounds strange.
“Hey, how’s it going?”
But if you’re not feeling good, you can say:
“Not so good.”
“Not great.”
“Not so well.”
If you answer this way, the other person will
usually say:
“Why, what’s wrong?”
He or she may say this to be polite.
Another more casual and much more
common greeting: “What’s up?”
What’s up? (another way of saying hello)
“Not much.”
“Nothing much.”
Basic greetings
Hello / hi: used to greet somebody
 good morning / morning: greeting said in
the morning
 good afternoon: said after 12pm to
around 4 to 5pm
 good evening: said when it gets dark
Other partings
See you later or see ya later!
 see ya
 later
 Take care
 Have a nice day
 Have a good evening
Funny Greeting: Hi new neighbor!
TV Comedy Show: The Big Bang Theory
Meeting her father
Let’s practice conversation!
Girls: Hey, howzit goin?
(Hey, how is it going?)
Boys: Not bad. What’s up with you?
Girls: Not much.
Boys: Whadaya doin later?
(What are you doing later?)
Girls: Jus some studying. Why?
(Just some studying.)
Boys: Wanna go to the movies or something?
Girls: Sure, that’s cool. What time?
Boys: Around 8?
Girls: Okay, see you then. Talk to you later!
Boys: See ya later!
(See you later)
Other basic ways of saying bye.
goodbye: said when parting
 bye: short way of saying goodbye
 goodnight: said usually as a parting at
night or going to bed
Whadaya do?
What do you do?
What is your job?
What is your occupation?
What do you do for a living?
What is your job?
Americans normally do not say:
“What is your job?”
This is too direct and awkward.
What do you do?
I ‘m a doctor.
 I ‘m a lawyer.
 I ‘m an engineer.
 I ‘m a musician.
 I’m an actor.
Let’s practice!
Nora, whadaya do?
Selvin, whadaya do?
Elio, whadaya do?
Silvia, whadaya do?
Jose, whadaya do?
Mauricio, whadaya do?
Charitin, whadaya do?
Altagracia, whadaya do?
I’m a __________.
I work at a _______.
I work for ________.
(name of the company)
Polite Responses
How interesting!
 That must be exciting!
 Oh really!
 That’s cool!
 That’s awesome!
Whadaya do? What do you do?
 Whadaya doin? What are you doing?
Now let’s talk about introducing people.
First we will look at some scenes.
Try to notice how the phrase “this is…” is being
Introducing people 1 (various short clips)
Introducing people 2 (scene from “Friends”)
Activity Time!
Introduce yourself
 Tell me about your occupation
 Introduce the person next to you
 Tell me about his or her occupation
Hi, my name is Edward. Nice to meet you.
Hi, I’m ___________. Nice to meet you
What do you do?
I am a nurse. (or) I work for Disney.
Who is this? (or) Who’s this? (the person next to you)
This is ____________. He / she is a ____________.
He / she is from __________.
Nice to meet you!
Saying Good-bye
Page 13 examples
I’m sorry, but I have to go now. I’ll see you
later. Have a nice day!
Thanks, you too.
Break time
I say, why don’t we all take a break!