The ISO/IEC 20000 family Lynda Cooper Co-author ISO20000 Project editor ISO20000 part 1 Principal UK Expert to ISO group ITIL Expert ©Service 20000 Agenda The past The present The future Relationships to other standards and frameworks The journey to Certification Qualifications ©Service 20000 ISO 20000 – The Past 1995/1998 - A code of practice for Service Management BS 15000:2000 - Specification for Service Management PD0015:2000 IT Service Management: Self-assessment Workbook 2000 – 2002 Early adopters trials BS 15000-1:2002 ITSMF Certification scheme - Nov 2003 ISO/IEC 20000 Parts 1 and 2 – Dec 2005 ISO20000 The present ©Service 20000 IT Service Management Framework Or other guidance With acknowledgement of BSI, OGC and ITSMF ISO 20000 Process Model ©Service 20000 Service Management System PLAN Plan Planning and Implementing New or Changed Services Service Delivery Processes Capacity Management Service Level Management Service Continuity and Availability Management Service Reporting Information Security Management Budgeting and Accounting for IT Services Control Processes DO Implement and Operate ACT Continual Improvement Configuration Management Change Management Resolution Processes Incident Management Release Process Release Management Problem Management CHECK Monitor, Measure and Review Relationship Processes Business Relationship Management Supplier Management ISO20000 The Future ©Service 20000 The ISO20000 series Part 1 revised – 2011 Part 2 revised – 2012 Intent Concept Explanation of requirements Documents and records Authorities and responsibilities Interfaces Part 3 – applicability and scope – 2009 Closer alignment to ISO9001 Closer alignment to ITIL version 3 Design of services introduced Other improvements from user feedback Replaces ITSMF guidelines on scoping To be built into certification scheme Part 5 - Exemplar implementation plan – 2010 Maturity model PRM - Part 4 and PAM - Part 8 – 2011 ©Service 20000 Revised process diagram Service Management System Customers (and other Interested parties ) Customers (and other Interested parties ) Plan SMS general requirements Management responsibility Governance of processes operated by other parties Plan, operate, monitor and improve service management Documentation management Resource management Design, development and transition of new or changed services Requirements Services Service delivery processes Do Capacity management Service level management Service continuity & availability management Service reporting Control processes Information security management Budgeting & accounting for services Configuration management Change management Release and deployment management Resolution processes Relationship processes Incident management & request fulfilment Business relationship management Problem management Supplier management Check Act ©Service 20000 Related initiatives at ISO level Study group into governance of IT service providers Study group, initiated by India, into standards/guidelines required by IT enabled BPO Guidelines to implementing ISO20000 and ISO27001 together ISO20000 to be mapped to ITIL, COBIT and other ISO related standards ©Service 20000 Applying ITSM to business services Delivery: Business processes IT processes Service Management Framework Functional Governance Framework ISO20000 The journey to Certification ©Service 20000 Preparing for ISO20000 8 Measure Benefits Maintain Compliance Extend Scope 3 Programme Plan Programme 4 Management Process 7 Certification Select External Auditor Agree Scope, ToR with auditor Pre-audit review Certification Audit Address Observations Establish Management System Define Policies, Plans and SLAs Develop Processes and Procedures Roll out, Monitor Continual improvement 2 Business Case Sponsor 1 Awareness Vision and Scoping Assessment High level Plan 5 People Define and Allocate Roles Measure Competencies Identify Culture Change Needs Produce and Implement Development plan Communication Strategy 6 Technology Review existing tool set Define technology requirements Evaluate options Implement tool set ©Service 20000 Applicability and Scope Supplier A Service Provider Supplier B (Lead Supplier) Scope can be determined by: Customer Scope of ISO 20000 Supplier Supplier Service Location Customer Technology Organisational unit Service provider must have management control of all processes – even if some activities are outsourced ©Service 20000 How long will it take? For a company who has not yet implemented ITIL For a company who has implemented ITIL well Approx. 2 years Approx. 9 months Remember that once the processes are designed and documented, they need to be rolled out and run for about 3 months before being audited to prove compliance ©Service 20000 The Benefits of ISO20000 Certification Improved quality of service Increased business and customer confidence Improved reputation, consistency and interoperability Continuous improvement assured Optimised and controlled costs Management and staff understand their business, roles and processes better Demonstrate superiority over competitors Ability to meet requirements for bids Easier to justify or combat outsourcing Enforces move from “should” to “shall” Impartial and external audit Certification recognised internationally ©Service 20000 Current ISO 20000 Market ITSMF scheme – launched 2003 484 certified organisations China 83, Japan 71, UK 45, India 44, China 41, South Korea 32, Germany 29, USA 24 and many others from every continent Slovakia 2 Czech Republic 16 Austria 10 Other schemes?? ISO20000 Relationship to other standards and frameworks ©Service 20000 Standards ISO20000 can be achieved with ISO9000 or stand alone. Doing the right processes right ISO 20000 ISO 27001 ISO 9001:2000 Doing the management and generic processes right ©Service 20000 IT Governance related benefits ISO20000 supports COBIT ISO27001 BS25999 Management system, processes, roles, auditable Control ISO20000 Qualifications ©Service 20000 Qualifications ISO20000 consultant (ITSMF) ISO20000 auditor (ITSMF) ISO20000 Foundation (ISEB) ISO2000 Foundation, Professional and Advanced level (EXIN) Many training providers offer nonaccredited courses including awareness, planning to implement ISO20000 etc ©Service 20000 References ISO/IEC 20000 ISO20000 books and pocket guides ITSMF Certification scheme BSI: Achieving ISO20000 series BSI: A managers guide to service management BSI: Self assessment workbook BSI: The new ISO20000 Part 1 edition, differences from 2005 edition – to be published in early 2011 ©Service 20000 Questions Lynda Cooper Service 20000 +44 (0)7841 800432