Psychology of addiction
(Components and definition )
Are addicts born or made?
Who is most likely to become addicted?
When you hear the word ‘addiction’, what pops into your head?
What type of activities do you associate with addiction?
Addiction in the press.
Our Addiction to Tiger Woods' “Sex
Amy in rehab for heroin
Corey Haims death underlines dangers
of prescription drugs
All Identify models of prevention of
addictive behaviour. (Grade E)
Most describe & explain models of
addictive behaviour. (Grade C/D)
Some Critically compare the explanations
of addictive behaviour. (Grade B+)
All must include theories of reasoned action & planned behaviour.
Famous Addicts
 Courtney Love
 Charlie Sheen
 Britney Spears
 Lindsay Lohan
 Whitney Houston
 Samuel L Jackson
 Demi Moore
 Mike Tyson
 Amy Winehouse
Activity 1….over to you.
1. Devise your own definition of addiction.
2. Pair yourself with another student & share
your defintion,discussing the problems with
defining it.
1. Was it easy?
2. What boundaries were you working within?
3. Do your definitions cover all addictions? If
not why?
Your answers will depend upon…..
Do you believe addiction is inherent or
In reality you could argue the case for
both or sit on the fence (we like the
view here!)
Nature or Nurture.
A good time to consider this angle!
Definition of addiction.
 “Addiction is the compulsive uncontrolled use of habit
forming drugs”
(Webster’s New International Dictionary)
“Addiction is a state of periodic or chronic intoxication
produced by repeated consumption of drug, natural or
(World Health Organisation)
Still not convinced watch this clip!!
Definition of addiction cont….
There is a growing feeling that the
definitions need to encompass
addictions that do not necessarily
require the user to ingest a substance
Can you think of some…to start
you off I have one:
Your turn!!!!
Marlatt et al (1998) suggests:
 "Addictive behaviour is a repetitive habit pattern
that increases the risk of disease and/or associated
personal and social problems....often experienced
subjectively as 'loss of control'....these habit
patterns are typically characterized by immediate
gratification (short term reward), often coupled with
costs)....attempts to change an addictive behaviour
(via treatment or by self-initiation) are typically
marked by high relapse rates"
(Marlatt, Baer, Donovan & Kivlahan, 1988)
So what are the components of addiction?
There are elements that sum up in the
clinical sense a diagnostic criteria for
addiction. You have to ensure there is a
distinction between very enthusiastic
vs. addicted.
‘I really want
chocolate...I need
it oh my god I cant
cope without it’.
This takes away from life
‘I really want
I can live
This adds to life.
Components of addiction.
Mood modification
Salience -An extract from Tony.
 If I wasn't actually gambling I was
spending the rest of my time working
out clever little schemes to obtain
money to feed my habit. These two
activities literally took up all my time“
 This indicates total preoccupation.
Reverse salience is when the addictive
behaviour becomes the most important
thing in the persons life.
Mood modification.
 What a rush
 I was buzzing
 It makes me feel relaxed
 Addicts bring about mood changes.
Relaxation, escapism are some of the words
used to describe the feeling from engaging in
the addictive behaviour.
Tolerance-e.g.. heroin, The need to increase a
fix to get the high they used to get.
That feels great =
After a while
That’s not enough anymore =
Now I need
X2 to feel
That feels better =
Withdrawl Symptoms
 Can include shakes, irritability, moodiness &
 These are not uncommon when use of a
particular stimulant (not necessarily ingested-could be
refraining from a said behaviour)
 It is believed they are a result of chemical changes……….but what if you
have not ingested anything and get these side effects?
 Could it be the refraining from the behaviour itself causing the
Addicts often have a great deal of
conflict with others around them,
causing misery.
The conflict is sometimes within
themselves too.
Continuing to use the said behaviour
relieves the conflict, it is used as a sort
of coping strategy.
Relapse-repeating earlier patterns.
Classic examples = smokers, they give up
for a said amount of time then they
Griffiths (2002) suggested relapses are
common in all addictions, including
behavioural addictions such as gambling.
Task 2: Over to you again..
video gaming
using the internet
 Choose one of these
 How well does it apply to
the components of
addictive behaviour
(give examples)
 What difficulties can
you identify.
Models of addictive behaviour.
1. The disease model- Addiction comes from a disorder
of the body.
2. The genetic model-Genetic predisposition towards
addictive behaviour.
3. The experiential modeldependent on situation
Behaviours are temporary &
4. The moral model – Lack of character, result of a weak